In an age of UNIVERSAL DECEPTION, telling the TRUTH becomes a REVOLUTIONARY ACT! But be ASSURED that the Sword of Truth and Justice which proceeds from the Mouth of God is MIGHTIER than the Sword of criminal VIOLENCE in the hands of his enemies!





and his

"Narrative" to rule the world

Before we get into the actual 'Abstract' of this website, the NARRATIVE which will be RULING MANKIND for the next 1000 years which incorporates the TOOL of the Sciences that begins a bit further down this page, one should click on the link above to read about and understand the AUTHORITY by which it is being delivered according to an ANCIENT PLAN to SAVE THE WORLD!

Then we will first begin with a VERY BRIEF overview of the 'Gospel Plan' for mankind found in the BIBLE, particularly pictured in the SABBATH FESTIVAL CALENDAR OF GOD which is ALL ABOUT the CORNERSTONE of Gods KINGDOM PLAN, which I have no doubt you have never heard before.

I would indeed go so far as to say what you are about to read is the ABSTRACT or "Cliff Notes" for understanding the BIBLE MESSAGE for Mankind which was given in a SEED of SABBATH CORNERSTONE PROMISE which was GERMINATED through FAITH and has been unpacked and DEVELOPED over the course of thousands of years. Afterwords then, we shall look at the actual Abstract of this work which comes from a more SCIENCE based perspective (a "directed evolutionary selection" or "judgement of God" perspective) for CORRECTLY perceiving and interacting within 'reality', as the Bible itself declared thousands of years before the Sciences would evolve to ESTABLISH the MIRACULOUS TRUTHS of the ANCIENT BIBLE CLAIMS we shall be examining!


This skeletal bare bones version of the 'Gospel Plan' for MANKIND which I discuss and develop all throughout the rest of this ebook website from a bit more Science based perspective, a "directed evolutionary selection" or "judgement of God" perspective, was given FIRST as a "SEED of PROMISE" from 'the beginning', where God told us the END from the BEGINNING (as He plainly tells us in places like Isaiah 45:21 & Isaiah 46:10). We will be TYING the PROMISE of SABBATH REST with God as "His Army" He's CREATING on earth (Gen. 2:1-4), together with the PROMISE of Gen. 3:15.

I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. You shall bruise his heel but he shall crush your head. Gen. 3:15

This 'SEED' of God's SABBATH PROMISE was EXPANDED to include a SABBATH SACRIFICE to REDEEM MANKIND from the SERPENT and His seed (Satans Kingdom Army), and was germinated through the FAITH of Abel, whose own sacrifice of, and as, an 'innocent lamb', and whose blood speaks of a FUTURE JUDGEMENT on the 'seed' of the disobedient serpent (Hebrews 11:4 & 12:24). How? Through the OBEDIENCE of Noah's FAITH in God who REDEEMED him from the JUDGEMENT that came on SATANS SEED in a FLOOD, to then BRING FORTH the SEED of SABBATH PROMISE through the line of Shem later (Ham's "seed" re-introduced the shapeshifing religious service to the Serpent-Satan as the 'God' and 'light of the world' which had been taken out in a sort of ATONEMENTS sacrifice and REMOVED from the Kingdom in flood, which will eventually be EXPOSED and "CRUSHED" in an ATONEMENT JUDGEMENT/de-selection as PROMISED, before we enter into the 'LAST DAY SABBATH KINGDOM of God' which He declared from the beginning!). These are the GOOD THINGS which Abel's blood STILL SPEAKS regarding the Passover/Atonements SABBATH PROMISE of Gods JUDGEMENT (Hebrews 11:4 & 12:24).

This 'GOSPEL' of a 'promised seed' of a SABBATH SACRIFICE, in which GOD PROMISED HE WOULD PROVIDE to ATONE FOR and REDEEM MANKIND from the FINAL JUDGEMENT that would come on SATAN and his rebellious seed (the 2nd goat or "Azazel" to be recognized and REMOVED from GODS SABBATH KINGDOM), was then preached to, and through, Abraham in another EXPANDED PICTURE of this FINAL "PROMISED SEED" who would come. This is the Gospel of God's "Passover Lamb" (and 1st Atonements Goat) pictured as "slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8) which Paul developed for US to understand more fully, and which he himself preached, as he alludes to in Gal. 3:8-19 (and elsewhere) when he says that:

"The Gospel by which the Gentiles would be "Justified by FAITH", was preached to Abraham... Moses receiving of the Law 430 years later doesn't change that COVENANT which was ratified with Abraham and HIS SEED....the Law of Moses was added only to curb criminality UNTIL THE SEED OF PROMISE come of age to INHERIT THE PROMISES through their FAITH" Gal. 3:8-19

The 'seed' of FAITH from the 'woman' (who gave birth to the Miracle child) that he's referencing in this FULLY DEVELOPED PROMISE given from the foundation of the world, is Gods ARMY of KINGS AND PRIESTS. We must SEE this GOSPEL preached to ABRAHAM for OUR INSTRUCTION in order to see that it is WE who ARE the SEED of Gods BRIDE "Israel", who gave birth to the MESSIAH as the "MIRACLE SEED" of Gods PROMISE born of the "WOMAN" (Rev. 12:1, 5, 17). We are the SEED of FAITH who will CRUSH the head of the SERPENT GOD "Pharaoh" of this world according to GODS SACRIFICIAL SABBATH PLAN, and "POSSESS the GATES of our ENEMIES" as the "INHERITORS" OF EARTH who shall RULE IT as GODS KINGS and PRIESTS for GODS GLORY as HE DESIGNED!

Speaking to the INFANT "BODY of the MESSIAH" (Israel) 2000 years ago, Paul tells us that it's OUR FEET as the PROMISED SEED and "FIRSTBORN SON OF GOD", which will crush the head of the Serpent god/Pharaoh of this world as promised in Gen. 3:15, which he is clearly referencing as THE PROMISE GIVEN TO ABRAHAMS 'SEED'!

"The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly" Rom. 16:20

This gospel was DEVELOPED and PREACHED to Abraham and given to US through HIS FAITH for OUR INSTRUCTION when he was given the promise that he would have so many "SEED" that he would not be able to count them all (Gen. 15:13-14). They would be taken into bondage to the seed of the Serpent God of this world Pharaoh in Egypt and through their obedience to God, would come out from Egypt as ONE MAN, Gods promised 'Firstborn Son' (Ex. 4:22) crushing the head of Pharaoh and the head of his firstborn seed in PASSOVER SABBATH "Exodus" from bondage to consumate a SHAVUOT (Pentecost) SABBATH "WEDDING PROMISE" with God as HIS NATION where they received a Kingdom Law which would be a blessing to all nations with them as KINGS and PRIESTS to Him...and of course a GREAT MIXED MULTITUDE of GENTILES came out of Egypt WITH THEM through their FAITH to be FULLY 'GRAFFED IN' with GODS PEOPLE in the PROMISES of GOD to HIS TIGHTLY UNITED PEOPLE as "His Son", and the NATION generally as His BRIDE! Now all of this was just a DIM SHADOW of the END TIME GOAL of this 'SABBATH' INHERITANCE PROMISE to Abrahams "SEED" as His MESSIAH and the "MARRIAGE CONTRACT" with a NATION of Kings and Priests as a SPECIAL PEOPLE to GOD who would bless THE WHOLE WORLD with the GIFT of UNITY and PEACE. How you may ask?

Abraham had NO CHILDREN when he was given the promise that he would have so many SEED he wouldn't be able to count them all, and they would be enslaved to EXODUS through JUDGEMENT on their enslavers. So let me shorten the story a bit by telling you the NEXT PROMISE he received was that THOSE SEED (of FAITH) which Abraham believed God for, would come from a MIRACULOUS BIRTHED 'SEED' from his BARREN WIFE Sarah! Now Abraham, and later Sarah, laughed about it when they heard this word, but they believed God and the MIRACULOUS BIRTH of Isaac happened as a SHADOW to teach us some things about a FUTURE MIRACLE CHILD GOD WOULD PROVIDE in order to FULFILL the PROMISE of the SEED of FAITH who would be BORN FROM ABOVE as the FINAL INHERITORS of the PROMISE of GOD! We Jews recognize that Isaac was not only BORN on the "SIGN" of the FULL MOON DAY which would later be CODIFIED IN LAW as "PASSOVER SABBATH", but as another picture of both Abrahams FAITH in Gods promises AND to show US the END TIME FULFILMENT to which THESE EVENTS POINT US TO HAVE FAITH, he was told to take him to Mt. Moriah (Jerusalem) and slay him there on THAT SAME FULL MOON DAY as a 'SIGN', many years later. Abraham did not understand HOW God was going to fulfill the FIRST PROMISE (that he would have MANY SEED) if he SLAYS the ALREADY FULFILLED SECOND PROMISE of the "MIRACLE SEED" (Isaac) from which THEY ARE PROMISED TO COME, but he had FAITH that GOD will FULFILL His FIRST PROMISE of MANY "SEED" who would COME FROM HIM (those who would EXODUS from bondage through JUDGEMENT on the Serpent god of this world Pharaoh, through THEIR FAITH in GODS PROMISE given to them through ABRAHAMS FAITH), so he obeyed by FAITH for THEIR INSTRUCTION and for OUR LATER INSTRUCTION toward FAITH in THIS SACRIFICIAL SABBATH PLAN to ESTABLISH the 'SIGN' of our PASSOVER "SABBATH REDEMPTION" from bondage to the Serpent god of this world Pharaoh's kingdom, and our SANCTIFICATION in God's SABBATH Kingdom as His Kings and Priests.

So continuing with the 'short version' of events, Isaac later gives birth to Jacob who is given the PROMISE of the RIGHT OF INHERITANCE and is renamed "Isra El" which means the "RULER of GOD"; namely he is promised that it's his "SEED" that would 'crush the head of the serpent' and "possess the gates of their enemies" (Gen. 22:17 & 24:60) and Joseph is born to him. Joseph (and later his son Ephraim, which is the "fruitful branch" of Isra El) receives this INHERITANCE RIGHT of the "PROMISED SEED" of Isra El, along with the INHERITANCE RIGHT of the NAME "Isra El" as the PRINCE of Isra El because of his MERIT based in HIS FAITH as THE RIGHTEOUS SON having the very "SPIRIT OF GOD IN HIM" (Gen. 41:38)...but he is hated by his brothers who, not wanting to bow before him as their RIGHTEOUS LEADER anointed of God (which has to do with WILLINGNESS to be ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD!), they reject him as leader and sold him into the bondage of death to the serpent god of this world Pharaoh from which they believed they would never see him again. Joseph was NAZIR (separated) from his brothers and for this reason THE CROWN WOULD COME ON HIS HEAD to FULFILL the PROMISES (Gen. 49:26, Deut. 33:16, Mat. 2:23) as the ROOT OF JESSE, the "Promised Son" which the "LION OF JUDAH" promised as a "SIGN" who would stand up in the end days (Is. 11:10-12, Rev. 22:16, 21:7, 2:26-28, Dan. 12:1)!

His wicked brothers did not have FAITH in GODS PROMISES, and that the INHERITOR of those promises would POSSESS THE GATES of his enemies as HIS BIRTH RIGHT to RULE for GOD; as GOD KNEW IN ADVANCE! So they sacrificed one of their father's goats (tying the Passover Sabbath together with the Atonements sacrifice, which leads us into the JUBILE PROMISE of SABBATH in GODS KINGDOM as he promised in SEED FORM from the foundation of the world) and dipped Joseph's special coat in its blood in order to deceive their father into believing he had been killed and completely consumed by a BEAST (similar to Jesus later, Rev. 12:4-5). And they roasted the sacrifice over the fire and ate it with unleavened bread while their brother, thrown alive in a dry well as his grave, cried out for his life. In the morning, after they had sold him into death to the serpent god pharaohs human trafficking network rather than leave him to die in the pit, they burned up everything that was left of the sacrifice they made (which they had eaten and into which blood they had dipped Joseph's coat). They burned the skin, organs and bones, in the fire so there would be no evidence left of their crime. They didn't want anyone stumbling on what they had done, or otherwise attracting buzzards to circle overhead to lead any "search party" to find the remains of one of their fathers goats and start questioning the "OFFICIAL (false) NARRATIVE" they presented and maintained IN CONSPIRACY TOGETHER against God and their own father for so many years.

Continuing with the shortened version, Joseph was taken to the RIGHT HAND OF POWER as God had INTENDED, as a picture of Jesus who would be rejected as THE Passover Lamb of God (and the first goat of the Atonements sacrifice) which God was promising to provide for a MUCH BETTER COVENANT than the first one, who would then be taken to His ETERNAL THRONE as GODS RIGHT HAND (Ps. 110, Rev. 12:5) which would BEGIN our diaspora into all nations; our FINAL BONDAGE to the God of this world, Satan which will CULMINATE in a GREATER EXODUS than from Egypt (Deut. 30:3, Is. 11:10-12, Jer. 16:14-15 & Ez. 20:34-37). All of these events were of course the very elements of GODS "Passover Lamb/Unleavened Bread" SABBATH they were required to MEMORIALIZE later in Egypt in order to COME OUT from bondage, even required to make sure to "burn up all the remains", the "EVIDENCE" that which would have EXPOSED the RULING NARRATIVE as a FRAUD!

Eventually the NARRATIVE that was foisted on the world when GODS 'CORNERSTONE' of HIS PLAN would be MANIFEST, would have to be REMEMBERED so they could UNITE to COME OUT from the PROMISED BONDAGE when God VISITS THEM with a prophet like Moses (Elijah) to LEAD THEM. It was not EXPRESSED but they nevertheless had to REMEMBER they would be ENSLAVED (for rejecting Joseph/Jesus as Gods ruler, AS HE PLANNED FOR) and that HE WOULD UNITE THEM to INHERIT THE PROMISE of EXODUS with GREAT SUBSTANCE through their OBEDIENCE to "REMEMBER" (Ex. 20:8) and "OBSERVE" (Deut. 5:12) the "SABBATH is a SIGN" (Ex. 31:13)... as a SHADOW to teach us the END TIME 'EXODUS' GOAL into the FINAL PROMISE, which is developed and expanded by later prophets (Deut. 30:3, Is. 11:10-12, Jer. 16:14-15 & Ez. 20:34-37).

In like manner to Joseph, when Jesus was rejected and taken to the RIGHT HAND of POWER on High, as David recognized would happen as pictured in Ps. 110:1, Rev. 12:5 and elsewhere, Israel went into bondage to all the nations even as Moses prophesied first in Deut. 30:1-6 because he recognized THE FUTURE EVENTS these promises to Abraham were pointing toward in ABSOLUTE FULFILLMENT. It is the rest of the "SEED of INHERITANCE" who is born to the "WOMAN" ISRAEL (who first gave birth to the MIRACLE SEED who was TAKEN TO HIS THRONE at the RIGHT HAND of POWER, Rev. 12:5) who is taken into BONDAGE in the WILDERNESS of the NATIONS who gives birth to the 'rest of her seed' born from above (Mic. 4:10, Rev. 12:17), who will UNITE like Israel in Egypt to form the BODY OF MESSIAH, the SON of God and rightful RULER (Isra El), coming out from our BONDAGE by CRUSHING the head of SATAN and HIS SEED, the antisemite 'Mystery Babylon' church TARES who worship ANTICHRIST in the name of our King and head Jesus, and who HATE and exalt themselves AGAINST OUR MOTHER ISRAEL, the WISDOM OF GOD and the true 'QUEEN of Heaven' and her bosom JERUSALEM (Mic. 4:10-13, Rev. 12:17, Gal. 4:26, Rev. 17:14-17).

So through FAITH in the MIRACULOUS SEED OF PASSOVER 'SABBATH' PROMISE provided by God, and the FULL MOON PASSOVER SABBATH being the "SIGN" of this "CORNERSTONE TRUTH" who would be REJECTED and REPLACED by the ANTICHRIST IMPOSTER, we recognize the OBEDIENCE OF FAITH of the 'fleshed out' TRUE INTERPRETATION of the TORAH/BIBLE as a "PASSOVER SABBATH SIGN" who is NOW seated as KING of Heaven and Earth at the right hand of POWER before whom all men will bow, even as David recognized as CORNERSTONE of GODS KINGDOM PLAN in Ps. 110. Through FAITH in the FULL MOON PASSOVER SABBATH SACRIFICE God was promising to PROVIDE from the foundation of the world, we are BORN FROM ABOVE to MANIFEST HIS OBEDIENCE OF FAITH as the "SEED" OF INHERITANCE PROMISE which will UNITE and come out from our BONDAGE TO THE NATIONS and their SERVICE to the OPEN SECRET RELIGION of BONDAGE to the ANCIENT SERPENT GOD PHARAOH (now in the FINAL FORM of a "deep state" alien deception agenda of the "4th Aryan Reich") honored according to their ANCIENT SOLAR CALENDAR, even as Israel came out of BONDAGE to the SUN GOD PHARAOH as a SHADOW to SHOW US! It is WE, coming out in OBEDIENCE of FAITH to the PASSOVER SABBATH and the SABBATH "CORNERSTONE" which is our "SIGN" by which we KNOW God has REDEEMED us to be SANCTIFIED by HIS SABBATH SACRIFICE of TRUTH in FLESH to ESTABLISH our "CORNERSTONE" as KING over GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH, who will CRUSH the head of the SERPENT GOD PHARAOH-SATAN and his ANTICHRIST "SEED" TARES of MYSTERY BABYLON, to come into the CONSUMATION of the NEW COVENANT to bless ALL THE NATIONS in the FULFILMENT of the PROMISE to establish GODS KINGDOM ON EARTH through OUR OBEDIENCE of FAITH for HIS GLORY as HE DESIGNED!

Even as Israel had forgotten their LUNAR CALENDAR by which the MIRACLE CHILD Isaac was BORN and later Father Abraham raised his knife over him in OBEDIENCE of FAITH TO GOD (and from thence forth observed a 7 day Festival, later codified as "Passover/Unleavened Bread"; Jubilees 18, circa 150 B.C.E.), when they were taken into bondage to the SUN GOD of this world in Egypt after rejecting Joseph as their ANOINTED RULER on this VERY SAME DAY as a SHADOW of Jesus (the true passover/atonements sacrifice), so with Jesus' rejection like that of Joseph (and his being taken to the RIGHT HAND of POWER as the ANNOINTED 'KING OF HEAVEN AND EARTH' by the FATHER), the ANTICHRIST of Satan came and destroyed the Temple and CHANGED the TIMES and LAWS of GOD to DECEIVE THE GENTILES to serve him in Jesus name, and Israel (including the house of Judah) was taken into bondage to the WILDERNESS of the NATIONS as PROPHESIED even by MOSES (Deut. 30:1-6). Both Moses and Jesus also told us ANOTHER PROPHET LIKE HIM (Elijah) would be RAISED BY GOD to RESTORE THIS PASSOVER PLAN which has been SEALED UP BEFORE US, even as Paul alludes to in Gal. 3:8-19.

When the SEED OF PROMISE unite in our CURRENT BONDAGE by remembering the PASSOVER LAMB, the MASTER of SABBATH which God PROVIDED as the "CORNERSTONE" in Zion to RULE HIS KINGDOM and to SAVE US from SATANS WORLD KINGDOM, coming out in OBEDIENCE to the "SABBATH SIGN" as Israel did from Egypt and CRUSHING the head of Satan the serpent God-Pharaoh of this world by the SPIRIT of this CORNERSTONE TRUTH which EXPOSES HIS ANTICHRIST DECEPTION according to GODS PLAN, then men will no longer be created in the Image of BEASTS and MYSTERY BABYLON HARLOTS who HATE ONE ANOTHER and are DESTROYING the world through SELFISH GREED and RELIGIOUS DECEPTIONS of DEMONS, but rather PROMOTED and ASSISTED to be created and formed in THE IMAGE OF GOD and His PERFECT WORD/TORAH who OBEDIENTLY REFLECTS THAT IMAGE and who was REJECTED as PLANNED so he may be EXALTED to the RIGHT HAND of POWER as our KING and MEDIATOR, as designed from the foundation of the world. He has been given ALL AUTHORITY and even POSSESSES THE GATES of DEATH and HELL...and He gives us AUTHORITY to RULE over ALL THE BEASTS of the field and to CRUSH the HEAD of the SERPENT GOD PHARAOH and HIS HARLOT "SEED" attempting to STEAL OUR INHERITANCE! Then the world will see PEACE and HEALING because ALL REBELLION to the KING of HEAVEN AND EARTH will be REMOVED according to HIS WORD!

So when people quote Paul in 1 Cor. 15:3-4 & 20 that the Gospel is that Jesus died for sin, was buried, and was raised as FIRSTFRUIT from death "ON THE 3RD DAY", they are acknowledging the LUNAR CALENDAR SACRIFICE of PASSOVER as the SABBATH-CORNERSTONE of the PLAN of God preached from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, which PAUL PREACHED even as I do. This PROMISE of Gods 'SACRIFICE' and our FAITH in HIS PLAN began first with ABEL who was SLAIN by his BROTHER as a picture of BOTH the Passover Lamb AND the first Goat of the "Atonements" sacrifice (Hebrews 11:4 & 12:24). His brother (and his seed) represented the 2nd goat of the ATONEMENTS sacrifice, the Azazel (Satan) who was let loose to wreak havok on the world until the SECOND HALF of the Atonements TOOK THEM OUT in the judgement of DELUGE, through which Noah was DELIVERED through the OBEDIENCE of his FAITH.

In contradistinction to the SOLAR CALENDAR used by the antediluvians in service to the Spirit of Deception (the 'God of this world'), and their annual celebration of his DEATH and RESURRECTION in RE-BIRTH at the winter solstice (called various names throughout history and today called 'Christmas') for which THEY WERE DESTROYED, and which was re-introduced after the flood by Ham's grandson Nimrod in Sumeria/Babyl, God selected a LUNAR CALENDAR as His FAITHFUL WITNESS which would speak the TRUTH ABOUT the TRUE 'Son of God' as the very CORNERSTONE of His Word rightly interpreted, as a SIGN for HIS KINGDOM 'Times and Laws' which the ANTICHRIST would CHANGE after the DESTRUCTION of HIS TEMPLE. So the reason Paul is deliberately choosing the 3 days where, according to the Passover Law in Lev. 23:5-11, the Lamb is slain in the first LUNAR month on the 14th day (Jesus was crucified and placed in the tomb on this 1st of 3 days), where he rested COMPLETELY THROUGH the 15th day FULL MOON "Sabbath" as the "SABBATH SIGN" of our REDEEMER, and he was raised as 'Firstfruit' the following day, the 1st day of the Lunar calendar week and 3rd day of these events, according to the LAW which 'Jesus fulfilled' because it all points to HIM, is for a PROPHET LIKE MOSES (Elijah) to later EXPOSE THE ANTICHRISTS DECEPTION, which he clearly understood was SOON COMING to FULFILLMENT with the destruction of the Temple AS PROPHESIED (2 Thes. 2:1-15)!

This day after the FULL MOON PASSOVER SABBATH, the 3rd day of these events on which Jesus ROSE as 'firstfruit' pictured in the LAW to be raised up and waived by the High Priest, is ALWAYS THE 1ST DAY of the LUNAR CALENDAR WEEK of GODS KINGDOM CALENDAR of TIMES and LAWS anchored to the LUNAR SIGN by GODS DECREE! This DECREE is what DEFINES the 'TRUTH' for which Jesus came to ESTABLISH as the CORNERSTONE of GODS KINGDOM to be BUILT and MANIFEST on earth! This is how one KNOWS the TRUE SPIRIT OF GOD from ALL IMPOSTERS according to the PLAN! This is how one 'RIGHTLY DISCERNS' the 'BODY OF JESUS' so they are not DAMNED (1 Cor. 11:29). The 2 SABBATH CALENDAR SYSTEM observed today is a TOTAL FABRICATION created in CONSPIRACY against God and His PLAN as he told us WOULD TAKE PLACE. For this reason He also DESIGNED HIS LAW in such a way that we could recognize the ERROR and rectify it to "REMEMBER" (zachor, Ex. 20:8) and OBSERVE (shamor, Deut. 5:12) the TRUE "CORNERSTONE SABBATH" (which was promised to be REJECTED) as HIS SIGN for OUR REDEMPTION and GREAT EXODUS into the NEW COVENANT KINGDOM for which the first covenant and kingdom was always A MERE SHADOW! He told us in ADVANCE that these 'times and laws' would be CHANGED by Satans ANTICHRIST, for the ancient SOLAR CALENDAR IMPOSTER 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT' and 'TIMES OF THE GENTILES' serving the 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT' of the 'PHARAONIC SERPENT GOD OF THIS WORLD' through IGNORANCE and DECEPTION!

The very PURPOSE of this LAW is for the SPIRIT OF TRUTH embodied by OUR MESSIAH to EXPOSE the 'god of this world' and his SEED who serve his 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT' of DECEPTION and REBELLION, for an ATONEMENTS SACRIFICE of JUDGEMENT on the Spirit of the Pharaonic God of this world and his ANCIENT MYSTERY BABYLON RELIGIOUS "CHURCH" SYSTEM, and all those who SERVE SATAN in JESUS NAME as his Kings and Priests DECEIVING THE WORLD! From ancient times the SPIRIT of DECEPTION has been worshipped as God on the 3rd day RESURRECTION after the annual death of the Sun; the Winter Solstice. Today this MYSTERY BABYLON RELIGIOUS SYSTEM claims this ancient 'birth day' used like a SHAPESHIFTING REPTILIAN for the worship of various MAN GODS through various 'RISING PHEONIX' kingdoms that would arise from the DESTRUCTION of the previous kingdom beginning with the 'Tower of Babyl' in SUMERIA with Enlil giving birth to Enki (helping the spiritual seed of the serpent to survive the flood), then Tammuz (through Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod), then all the rest of the pantheon of 'alien gods' of the Sun like Horus and Pharaoh, Mithras, Rome (Romulus the son of the alien planetary god 'Mars') and even Antiochus Epiphanes who celebrated his birthday on what later came to be known as Christmas but was then known as "Mithras" (and he defiled the Temple on that day). These antichrist antisemite DEMONS IN FLESH always HONORED the SERPENT GOD of DECEPTION as a little PHARAOH on the SAME DAY that's known today as Christmas by which the MASSES are DUPED to SERVE SATAN, since the world began...and they now do it in Jesus' name! Jesus was born as a PASSOVER LAMB to DIE as a PASSOVER LAMB and be RAISED as 'FIRSTFRUIT' on the 1st day of the LUNAR WEEK to be SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER ON HIGH as KING OF HEAVEN AND EARTH according to a PLAN which was DESIGNED BEFORE CREATION and PREACHED through OBEDIENCE OF FAITH from the foundation of the world that would eventually EXPOSE SATANS KINGDOM OF KINGS AND PRIESTS so we could COME OUT OF BONDAGE through the CRUSHING OF HIS HEAD AND ALL THOSE WHO SERVE HIM, to then POSSESS THE GATES OF OUR ENEMIES and the WORLD WILL SEE PEACE under the TRUE GOD'S KINGDOM RULED BY HIS KINGS AND PRIESTS INSTEAD OF SATANS HYPOCRITICAL LIARS and DEMONS IN FLESH!

Jesus came to establish the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of GOD pictured in the LUNAR TIMES and LAWS of Gods Kingdom, as the TRUTH that will FREE MANKIND from SATANS CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of DECEPTION which has always used the TIME of the SUN as the SIGN for his 'light of the world'. So having been slain not only as the Passover Lamb but also as the first goat of the Atonements, whose SPIRIT of LIFE (which is in the BLOOD) is taken into the Holy of Holies to Atone for the people's sin and he SITS on that ARK in the HEAVENLY 'HOLY OF HOLIES' as the ETERNAL KING and HIGH PRIEST to the 'FATHER' as our MEDIATOR right now...even as Joseph in Egypt was a dim SHADOW for us to UNDERSTAND INVISIBLE SPIRITUAL REALITY, all men will BOW in SUBMISSION before that LIVING TORAH KING according to GODS TORAH PLAN!

ALL ARE GUILTY and God will have mercy on WHOM HE CHOOSES (and that will be all those who SUBMIT TO THE TRUTH!). So when Gods JUSTICE is SUDDENLY meted out in the 2nd half of the ATONEMENTS, as it was in the DELUGE given as a shadow, it will be to remove the Goat (Satan and his TARE SEED and 'firstborn' rulers upon whose head SIN rightly belongs, especially on those who SIT in KEY POSITIONS of POWER and either DENY GOD or preach a FALSE JESUS GOSPEL which effectively gives satan authority and power!) from the KINGDOM of GOD which will be finally established on earth according to the HEAVENLY PLAN which is pictured in His TIMES AND LAWS which the Azazel/Antichrist changed 2000 years ago at the BEGINNING of the LAST WORLD KINGDOM of the GENTILES, as I prove within. But since we're starting to get into the very "DEEP END of the pool", let's begin to wrap up this VERY BRIEF overview of the PLAN of God which is seen PICTURED in the TIMES and LAWS of God's Kingdom [which were changed by the Azazel Antichrist let loose 2000 years ago to WRITE THE 'HISTORY' to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE by which he decieves ISRAEL (Christianity) using his MYSTERY BABYLON SORCERERS who serve him in Jesus name through deceiving them with a MYRIAD of 'FALSE GOSPEL' NARRATIVES which are ALL ANTI SEMITE ANTICHRIST LIES] which all point to the very CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of His WORD of TRUTH and the TRUE RULING NARRATIVE for the WORLD.

For this reason we see that AFTER JUDGEMENT which will REMOVE the AZAZEL/ANTICHRIST deception of SATAN and his SORCERERS using Jesus name to DIVIDE, CONQUER, STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY, the whole world will be recognizing the RESTORED TIMES and Laws of the KING of HEAVEN AND EARTH given to the RESTORED KINGDOM of ISRAEL which will be ruling the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE. For example in Is. 66:23, Zech. 14:16, and Ez. 46:1 & 3 we're told that the whole world will be observing God's LUNAR calendar: His New Moons and FULL MOON 'SABBATH' Festivals like Passover and Tabernacles because this calendar is a FAITHFUL WITNESS regarding OUR REDEEMER as the very CORNERSTONE of His KINGDOM LAW which will DESTROY SATANS REBELLION! So there is only ONE correct interpretation of Gods Word, HIS "SABBATH-CORNERSTONE" perspective which establishes HIS SPIRIT in CONTRAST to the SPIRIT OF DECEPTION which took man captive and has been served from the foundation of the world instead of the TRUTH! And His Spirit bears witness with ALL WHO HEAR HIS VOICE OF TRUTH to call them into obedience to THE TRUTH. So we will cover this only true gospel plan as we manifest more details of it later, but that's essentially the Gospel Plan in skeletal or SEED FORM. Let's now get into the 'Abstract' for this e-book website.


"The MASSES have never thirsted after the truth! They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify seducing errors. Whoever can supply them with such seducing delusions will easily be their ruler; and whoever will attempt to destroy their delusions will be their victim." Quote adapted from "Psychologie des Foules" (Mass Psychology) by Gustave le Bron (1895) poorly translated into English as 'The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind'

I YHWH have called you in righteousness...I will make you a Covenant for the people as a Light to the Nations; to give sight to the blind and lead the captives out from their dungeon, those who sit in darkness out from captivity....The former things have come to pass, and the new thing I'm declaring will soon spring forth into 'reality'. Isaiah 42:6-9 you the peoples of the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say: "We have inherited WORTHLESS TRADITIONS and LIES from our fathers!" Jer. 16:19


This is the shortened and simplified version of the CORNERSTONE 'NARRATIVE' of 'reality' that's expanded throughout the rest of this e-book website. This is the PERSPECTIVE of our 'reality' from which the TRUE 'Light of the World' (God) wants us to veiw the world, as His Kings and Priests, and which shall soon begin to rule the world for the next 1000 years according to Gods PLAN for world SALVATION and PEACE! Incorporating this 'CORNERSTONE NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE' from which to view 'reality' in age appropriate childrens stories will become very important soon.

Children will learn from birth, and be taught in the various schools of their higher education later, that our 'material reality' is a sort of METAPHYSICAL 'ILLUSION' being held together by a FAR GREATER REALITY which is not immediately perceived as real, but is proven and ESTABLISHED as TRUE by ALL the SCIENCES which will ACKNOWLEDGE this ANCIENT NARRATIVE as the 'CORNERSTONE TRUTH SPIRIT' of our perception of REALITY, by DESIGN. So there are 2 simple allegories or PARABLES below by which we can best 'describe' that SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE of our perception of 'material reality' in a sort of 'story' to understand the NARRATIVE of our 'reality' which the Bible describes. We will then support the BIBLE NARRATIVE presented in the allegories with the FACTS we've discovered using the tools of Science and Reason, to back up the NARRATIVE as a TRUE REFLECTION of otherwise INVISIBLE REALITY which we are CREATED TO MANIFEST as "IMAGES" for His Glory!

1. The Bible Plan eloquently allegorized in Socrates' famous 'Cave Parable'

The 1st and OLDEST allegory which describes the Bible 'CORNERSTONE NARRATIVE' of our perception of reality is described MOST SUCCINCTLY for us by Socrates 2400 years ago. He understood and believed the nature of our dilemma which the Bible presents, and he allegorized it beautifully in his famous 'Cave Parable', which is the CENTERPIECE of his student Plato's work entitled "The Constitution" in Greek, or in Latin/English as "The Republic".

Basically it's Socrates' vision of the world's SYNCRETIC GOVERNING SYSTEM of PERFECT INJUSTICE and EVIL that has SELFISHLY controlled the NARRATIVES of this world's governing systems (by springing forth like a 'PHEONIX' from the ASHES of their FORMER FORM they DESTROY through corruption and deception through their worship or SERVICE to the SATANIC SPIRIT of 'strange fire'), as they have done throughout mans history, being finally REPLACED so mankind can be SET AT LIBERTY under JUSTICE serving TRUTH! The worshippers of the SYNCRETIC STRANGE FIRE (rising pheonix systems) would eventually be overcome by the "HEAVENLY CORNERSTONE NARRATIVE" of a PERFECTLY JUST and GOOD system which would run as a "PARALLEL STRUCTURE" within their SYNCRETIC structure until that time, according to the INVISIBLE LAWS which he was able to ENVISION and poinently articulate as the 'CORNERSTONE' of his life's work (for which he died as a martyr refusing to 'recant' of this HEAVENLY VISION, which Paul likewise emulated 300 years later as we see reflected in Acts 26:19). For this reason, if one were to ask me which quote from Socrates best encapsulates his life's work, it would undoubtedly be this one in regard to establishing the HEAVENLY VISION ON EARTH according to the BIBLE BLUEPRINT, by KINGS AND PRIESTS who have been BORN FROM ABOVE to SEE and DO IT as DESIGNED, even as Paul described likewise:

"No State can be happy which is not designed by artists imitating the heavenly pattern." Socrates, Plato's Constitution/Republic book 6

At midday, O King, I saw a Heavenly Light brighter than the Sun and a voice said to me..."I have appeared to you to make you my teach men what I have shown you, and more things that I will show open their eyes, turning them from darkness to light; from the authority of Satan to the authority of God", for which account I stand before you King Agrippa, because I HAVE NOT BEEN DISOBEDIENT TO THE HEAVENLY VISION..Acts 26:13-19

In this Philosophical Masterpiece Socrates succinctly allegorized our perception of reality as that of men who live in a sort of HUGE underground CAVE DUNGEON into which they have been born and where they are KEPT from KNOWING their MINDS have been TAKEN CAPTIVE by their leaders to be GROOMED in the darkness of a 'CAVE' of DECEPTION, the 'Kingdom of Satan', and kept completely IGNORANT of the PROFOUND TRUTHS regarding their PERCEPTIONS of their 'confined underground environment' where they're being deceived by their leaders. All the while they believe themselves to be conscious of reality, free and even intelligent...but in reality they are COMPLETELY DECEIVED mind slaves of those who are MANIPULATING THEIR REALITY to serve EVIL through RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM serving the 'strange fire' of a SPIRIT of DECEPTION. The Spirit of TRUTH defined by the Bible and explained by both Socrates and Paul later, came into our cave ENFLESHED in order to establish God's Kingdom Cornerstone SPIRIT of TRUTH according to a PLAN or "BLUEPRINT", in order to begin to build His Kingdom of TRUTH in the midst of Satan's Kingdom of groomed DARKNESS of deception and ignorance. Eventually the Light of TRUTH will be SUDDENLY MANIFEST to the WORLD by HIS KINGDOM BUILDERS according to a PLAN, which both Socrates and Paul recognized as MASTER BUILDERS of the HEAVENLY VISION.

I think today we might look at it sort of like the concept behind the 'TRUMAN Show', only on a global/universal scale, and even those PRODUCING the 'program' for others to watch, who think they have the true 'inside information', are themselves being COMPLETELY DECEIVED regarding reality! In fact you might say from a REAL WORLD perspective where the 'INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY' are the puppets serving the REALITY HACKERS to create the FALSE NARRATIVE 'reality' for the TRUE MAN to perceive as TRUE, they realize that it's he that has become TRULY CONSCIOUS of REALITY from an even HIGHER INTELLIGENCE SOURCE who then wakes them up to HOW THEY are themselves being DECEIVED to serve evil by SATANIC HANDLERS, and they then CHOOSE to become OBEDIENT to the HEAVENLY VISION as BUILDERS of GODS KINGDOM by manifesting the TRUE NARRATIVE of 'reality' to RULE THE WORLD as anciently DESIGNED to SAVE MANKIND, for GODS GLORY!

The 'reality hackers' are never allowed to let the MASSES, WHO NEVER THIRST FOR TRUTH, to even CONTEMPLATE the true nature of their enslaved reality, or the EXISTENCE of those who rule over their minds and control their cave/dungeon "reality" SELFISHLY using the IGNORANT MASSES as their POWER BASE, or the existence of the even GREATER REALITY available to them RIGHT NOW through an ASSENT or 'evolution' of sorts into a whole new "reality above" which they themselves have been ignorant of, to be TRULY "BORN FROM ABOVE" through their UNDERSTANDING of, and OBEDIENCE to, a TRUTH PLAN given to us by God to then begin manifesting HIS WILL for this world Kingdom and CREATING a PARALLEL STRUCTURE that would eventually become the PARADIGM for perceiving 'reality' here and now. Jesus said it this way in reference to the current world kingdom 'BUILDERS' who REJECTED HIS SPIIRT as their 'cornerstone perspective' for reality and who CONTROL THE NARRATIVE regarding the 'structure of reality' to this very day:

Woe to you lawmakers who have hidden the Key of Knowledge! You refuse to enter in and you prevent anyone else who would enter, from doing so! Lk. 11:52

He's the ONE described in the quote from Isaiah at the top of this page who was "given in CONTRACT" or covenant as a "CORNERSTONE SPIRIT" to be 'REJECTED' according to a PLAN which would ESTABLISH the "SIGN" of the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT OF TRUTH ruling from ZION FOREVER, as the STRUCTURE of reality from GODS PERSPECTIVE as our SAVIOUR! He gave us a KINGDOM 'LAW' which would go out to the WHOLE WORLD in order to "SET THE CAPTIVES FREE" from their 'WORLD ENSLAVERS' and their SATANIC SYNCRETIC STRUCTURES, according to a LEGAL CONTRACT or 'Covenant', and which Socrates ENVISIONED and describes in his allegory....and yet we see that the servants of the STRANGE FIRE (cornerstone SPIRIT of the SUN worshippers) are STILL ENSLAVING MEN and BLINDING THEIR MINDS EYES so they CANT SEE the TRUE 'CORNERSTONE' of the CONTRACT or HIS SIGN according to GODS KINGDOM LAW in our CAVE which they yet control the NARRATIVE over as they SUPPRESS the knowledge of the TRUTH (2 Cor. 4:3-4), and even doing it now in HIS NAME (as he said many would come in his name and deceive many). The world has YET to be SET FREE by recognizing and CHOOSING the 'CORNERSTONE' who is STILL BEING REJECTED by the ANTISEMITE ANTICHRIST NARRATIVE CONTROLLERS in CONSPIRACY AGAINST HIM!

Jesus himself told us that MANY who claim to work for God as our leaders but are really BLIND GUIDES serving the STRANGE FIRE, will be EXPOSED as TRAITORS to God and working for the EVIL ONE for THEIR OWN SELFISH INTERESTS, in CONSPIRACY TOGETHER as the 'RULING PARTY' of SATAN who are controlling the NARRATIVE of the underground dungeon in which we are held CAPTIVE and deceived by them from cradle to grave! But the TRUE 'LIGHT OF THE WORLD' gave us a CORNERSTONE TRUTH NARRATIVE (which we shall develop for you to understand momentarily) that will both EXPOSE their TREACHEROUS REBELLION in service to the SPIRIT of DECEPTION (a syncretic RELIGIOUS SYSTEM using the SUN as a CORNERSTONE 'SIGN' for the spirit they serve, symbolized by a STRANGE "FIRE" in Socrates 'CAVE PARABLE') and to give us the AUTHORITY of the SPIRIT of TRUTH by which to JUDGE those who have SATANICALLY EXALTED THEMSELVES in SELFISH CORRUPTION against God and His People who serve Him, for our liberty and SALVATION as His GLORY!

2. An HOLOGRAPHIC illusion of 'reality', or 'Virtual Simulation' similar to a computerized 'Universal Game Reality'.

The 2nd and quite modern way we can allegorize our PERCEPTION of reality is as that of AVATARS living in the CONFINES of a virtual or SIMULATED 'REALITY' like an holograph in which exists an INTELLIGENT HACKER PROGRAM or SPIRIT who 'hacks our perception of reality' and who wants the avatars to serve him instead of the TRUE PROGRAMMER who has designed reality with a MEANINGFUL GOAL and PURPOSE for the avatars to attain, for His Glory. The hacker Spirit deceives the avatars to OPPOSE the MEANINGFUL PURPOSE for their creation in exchange for temporal material gain as SLAVES of their own IGNORANCE regarding 'REALITY' and the MEANINGFUL PURPOSE for which they were created, and also regarding the REALITY of the EXISTENCE of the SPIRIT OF DECEPTION which defective AVATARS (practically insane reality hackers) deceive and coerce others to serve as God, but is nothing less than an "emperor with no clothes" which they abuse their children to serve unquestioningly and manifest his NARCISSISTIC IMAGE; a NAKEDLY EXPOSED SPIRIT OF PERVERSION, SELF LOATHING AND HATRED OF TRUTH, and of ANYONE who would DARE REFLECT the IMAGE OF TRUTH and so shine LIGHT on their TWISTED FORM for others to recognize their spiritual BODY of CORRUPTION!

Our creator has given us the ABILITY to evolve from mere AVATARS or bio-bot 'bodies' whose 'mind' and 'spirit' is disconnected from the source of CONSCIOUS LIFE as ignorant pawns of the CORRUPT BODY of Satan, to UNITE with HIS ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS to do HIS WILL within our SIMULATED REALITY as HIS BODY doing HIS WILL for HIS GLORY as He designed us, to then LIVE ETERNALLY once the simulation is over as a result of our OBEDIENCE to HIS WILL through our flesh body or 'avatar'. I suppose you could look at it sort of like the story of Pinocchio who is created to be more than just a 'rebelliously lifeless puppet'. Likewise God does not want us remaining lifeless Biological Robots living in REBELLION to Him, but through our CONNECTION to His CONSCIOUS MIND to do His WILL, we become ETERNAL SPIRITS inhabiting material 'bodies' whose biology will change supernaturally to CONFORM to a new 'reality' as He DESIGNED us to do CORPORATELY as HIS BODY being directed by HIS CONSCIOUS MIND!

So you might say this ASSENT or 'evolution' into the KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH and our UNITING in it is akin to returning to the 'Garden of God' from which we came, according to the ANCIENT 'NARRATIVE' given to us by our programmer God. When we adopt HIS 'CORNERSTONE' NARRATIVE and view reality from His KINGDOM PARADIGM, in juxtaposition from the 'STRANGE FIRE' or CORNERSTONE SPIRIT the REALITY HACKERS serve, who have always used the SUN as the SIGN of the SPIRIT of the 'God' of REBELLION and DECEPTION they serve here in the 'cave', as DESIGNED by the SPIRIT OF TRUTH who selected the MOON as HIS "SIGN", then we'll be SET FREE from our ENSLAVERS and begin our ASSENT or 'evolution' into an accelerated learning and growth process within our current 'reality' which will become like the 'Garden of God' and will FRUIT or culminate in another evolution, or sort of "rebirth" into a completely new DIMENSION of reality, with mankind having BECOME the SYMBIOTICALLY SYNERGISTIC UNIFIED CORPORATE BODY of GOD, by His ancient DESIGN according to His KINGDOM PLAN.

The ancient 'Narrative' regarding HOW our illusory PERCEPTION of 'Reality' began

The Spirit of Deception took our progenitors, Adam and Eve, captive into this CAVE like DUNGEON of IGNORANCE we are born into, through their rebellion to the TRUTH and their obedience to the rebellious deceiver, when they were in the 'Garden of God' having fellowship with the TRUTH, previously. It is this Spirit of DECEPTION which has kept us captive through his Kings and Priests serving his power as 'God' in this Kingdom of illusion whose SIGN of 'authority' has always been the SUN, ever since. But the Spirit of TRUTH WISELY created us to REFLECT HIS PERFECT IMAGE and re enter the Garden of God by RE-ESTABLISHING His KINGDOM RULE through our OBEDIENCE to HIS SPIRIT of TRUTH and the SIGN He selected to REPRESENT HIS SEAT OF AUTHORITY on earth, in order to EXPOSE and DEPOSE the deceiving spirit and the SIGN of his kingdom authority into which our progenitors (Adam & Eve) were taken captive as THEIR IGNORANT CHOICE (because God did not want to program robots but children who could have the free will to CHOOSE to have a DEEP and MEANINGFUL relationship with Him for all ETERNITY, or not). He had a PLAN whereby He was going to send HIS WORD of TRUTH into our virtual 'material' reality to ESTABLISH HIS 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT OF TRUTH' perspective and the FAITHFUL WITNESS SIGN of His ETERNAL THRONE as His 'CORNERSTONE RULING KINGDOM NARRATIVE' for HIS SPIRIT to RULE EARTH in order to FREE US from our bondage to ignorance and deception... to LEAD US back to the 'Garden' if you will, to BRING GOD GLORY through our obedience to HIS 'CORNERSTONE' PLAN, which He would deliver and manifest in our 'CAVE' over the course of TIME in order to EXPOSE and DETHRONE the LIAR and HIS KINGS AND PRIESTS on the STAGE of planet earth!

Here on this virtual 'Prison Planet Asylum' we're now in the 'End Game' similarly to the antediluvian world that was destroyed by the same SPIRIT of INSANE SELFISHNESS ruling their WORLD KINGDOM as that now destroying ours, AS WE WERE PROMISED! God gave us a PLAN to recognize what our end would be APART from obedience to His Plan, so we may choose to be SAVED through OUR OBEDIENCE to HIS PLAN from this 'VIRTUAL REALITY' (cave) being RULED and DESTROYED by the deceiver and his 'reality hacker' Kings and Priests who serve his selfish 'image' in conspiracy against the TRUTH, and CONTROL THE KINGDOM NARRATIVES of DECEPTION for their own selfish interests, like the rays of the Sun overpowers and obscures visibility of the Moon and stars as a CORNERSTONE FOCUS. In fact, for this reason this REBELLIOUS DECEIVING SPIRIT, through his reality hacking Kings and Priests, has always used the Sun as a 'cornerstone SIGN' for him as 'God' and the 'light of the world' in order to DECEIVE MANKIND to serve his SYNCRETIC religious NARRATIVES of REBELLION against the SPIRIT of TRUTH as 'God', while simultaneously deceiving the MASSES to believe that they were serving the true 'God'. It's a POWERFUL DELUSION God has allowed some men or rather, AVATARS, to serve as their programming CHOICE.

But the Spirit of TRUTH who programmed our material reality and holds it together to be perceived as most real, selected the Moon as the SIGN of His CORNERSTONE LIGHT OF TRUTH which is the true 'life giving light of the world' according to his PROGRAMMING CODE which He would ESTABLISH as TRUE in order to FREE US from our bondage to the DECEIVING SPIRIT which enslaved mankind, through OUR AGREEMENT with, and OBEDIENCE to, HIS SPIRIT of TRUTH, for the salvation of mankind AS HIS GLORY!

The tool of Science is shining the 'light' of truth on the 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT' of our 'Metaphysical Reality' and CONFIRMING the ANCIENT BIBLICAL NARRATIVE!

According to the ancient Bible Narrative, we see everything in material reality was created THROUGH the 'WORD of LIGHT' which proceeded forth from God in day 1 of creation (Gen. 1:1-4). Through this LIGHT of His SPIRIT He formed ENDLESS CHAOTIC 'SEAS' of 'formless and void' sub-Atomic energy 'particulates', from which He formed Protons, Neutrons and Electrons together into SEAS of ATOMS. From the seas of Atoms He divided and formed together Molecules. From the molecules He formed the divisions of Compounds and Gases and divided those from 'above' from those here 'below' then brought all this DIRECTED ENERGY together to DIVIDE and FORM our APPARENTLY (but in truth, ILLUSORY) 'material universe' or 'reality' from NOTHING but His ENERGY, using super intelligent MATHEMATICAL GENIUS as His 'WORD of TRUTH' like a programming code, through which everything is created and held together by Him, as He told us FROM THE VERY BEGINNING and the Sciences of Physics and Mathematics NOW ESTABLISH AS ABSOLUTE FACT!

In Him we live, move, and have our very being held together. Acts 17:38

He was so DETAILED in His INSTRUCTIONS to us from the beginning that He told us that the LIGHT of His WORD of TRUTH emanating from HIS SPIRIT as the very CORNERSTONE of His creation from day 1, created LIVING TREES and GRASS in day 3 before He created the Sun on day 4, to teach us about the SOURCE of His TRUE LIFE GIVING "Light of the World", and the SIGN He would select according to a PROGRAMMING CODE He would give to us LATER to associate with this light, for us to RECOGNIZE and ALIGN WITH for His KINGDOM Glory by His ANCIENT DESIGN! In His GREAT WISDOM He KNEW Adam and Eve would CHOOSE to REBEL against His LIFE GIVING LIGHT OF TRUTH to OBEY the SPIRIT OF MATERIAL DECEPTION and He had a PLAN whereby we could CHOOSE the SPIRIT of TRUTH over the SPIRIT of MATERIAL DECEPTION, for His GLORY! In fact I argue that it was THIS LIGHT of TRUTH which Paul saw as a RESULT of His KNOWLEDGE of the SCRIPT even as Socrates had previously, and as you can also "see" in the EYE of your MIND, where true "sight" resides!

At midday, O King, I saw a "Heavenly Light" BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN ...I HAVE NOT BEEN DISOBEDIENT TO THE HEAVENLY VISION..Acts 26:13-19

After we (Adam and Eve) CHOSE to be deceived and taken CAPTIVE by the DECEIVER here in the virtual sub reality of our 'cave', knowledge of the TRUE LIFE GIVING "SPIRITUAL LIGHT" of the world would be SUPPRESSED and REPLACED by a "SPIRIT of MATERIALISTIC DECEPTION" being served by our ENSLAVERS serving themselves as the 'God of this world' whose SYNCRETIC spirit of RELIGIO-POLITICAL DECEPTION has always been sysmbolized by the use of the SUN as his 'SIGN', in their MATERIALISTIC 'wisdom', in order to blind minds from seeing the TRUE "SPIRITUAL LIGHT" of the "PROGRAMMER" of our PERCEPTION of "reality", ever since (2 Cor. 4:3-4)! Through their own CORRUPTED 'wisdom' of the SPIRIT they MANIFEST as 'children', they deceive THEMSELVES most of all!

We see His Life imparting 'Light of the World' as the 'CORNERSTONE SPIRIT' of our creation in Genesis DAY 1 giving order, structure, and LIFE to our now SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN 'illusion' of MATERIAL REALITY (Gen. 1:1-4). This 'Cornerstone Word of Light' through which everything is being created and held together since day 1, is obscured by the SUN created on day 4. The light of the Sun was created KNOWING that the Spirit of DECEPTION would use it to DECEIVE CORRUPTED MANKIND to SERVE HIM in MATERIALISTIC 'reality'! God had a PLAN to send His SPIRITUAL "WORD OF LIGHT" (which is the "TRUTH" holding our PERCEPTION of REALITY TOGETHER, as now PROVEN BY SCIENCE) into our DECEIVED WORLD to SAVE US from the Spirit of DECEPTION holding us CAPTIVE to material DELUSIONS of 'reality' divorced from the SPIRITUAL TRUTH, according to a CODIFIED TRUTH PLAN we could REASON ABOUT in the future! He intended to ANCHOR His LIFE GIVING SPIRIT to the CORNERSTONE 'SIGN' of the MOON as HIS "FAITHFUL WITNESS" for His "CORNERSTONE SPIRIT" and true 'LIGHT OF THE WORLD' to ESTABLISH the THRONE of Messiah in ZION as the very CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of His Kingdom of TRUTH, according to His LOGICAL PLAN to create SPIRITUAL MEN in HIS IMAGE. He would then begin to build His KINGDOM on EARTH THROUGH these FAITHFUL WORKMEN in the spiritual DARKNESS until the MANIFEST DAY of His Kingdom COME, according to the HEAVENLY PATTERN or BLUEPRINT of HIS WORD!

"No State can be happy which is not designed by artists imitating the heavenly pattern." Socrates, Plato's Constitution/Republic book 6

He made the Moon for His (Covenant) Calendar, the Sun knows he's going down! Ps. 104:19

(the Messianic throne of David's 'seed') has been established FOREVER as the MOON, the FAITHFUL WITNESS in the CLOUDS! Ps. 89:37 (38)

(Full Moon) Sabbath is the 'SIGN' (of the COVENANT) between ME and YOU forever, so that you will KNOW that I AM HE WHO HAS SANCTIFIED YOU! Ex. 31:13

The Stone REJECTED by The Builders (and SACRIFICED as THE Passover LAMB Sacrifice at the APPOINTED TIME in order to establish the "SABBATH SIGN" of our REDEMPTION from BONDAGE to deception in material reality, according to the PLAN), has NOW BECOME the CHOSEN CORNERSTONE from YHWH, and it's SUPERNATURAL in our eyes! Ps. 118:22-23, Mat. 21:42, Mk. 12:10, Lk. 20:17, Acts 4:11 & 1 Pet. 2:7

In other words, He gave us the COUNTER INTUITIVE claim on Day 3 of creation that He gave LIFE to GRASS and TREES, things NATURALLY UNDERSTOOD to be COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on the Sun for their genesis and growth, BEFORE the Sun was even created in our 'reality' on day 4 according to His ancient CODE (Gen. 1:11-12)!! He clearly did this so that He could later associate His TRUE LIFE giving SPIRIT and CORNERSTONE 'Light of the World' with the MOON as the FAITHFUL WITNESS "SIGN", according to a CODIFIED 'SACRIFICIAL PLAN' He would give us LATER, to EXPOSE the 'OBVIOUS' DECEPTION of SATANS REBELLION which would select the SUN as the SIGN of the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT they serve LIKE PHARAOH in REBELLION to Gods Spirit of TRUTH, in order to REDEEM MANKIND from their 'MATERIALISTIC' BONDAGE!

After being REJECTED and sacrificed and, AS PROMISED, the world taken into its FINAL 'BONDAGE to the GOD OF THIS WORLD' serving his SIGN or MARK of REBELLION like that of the antediluvian world (and foreshadowed by Egypt), and we recognize we're CLEARLY headed to SELF DESTRUCTION for REBELLION as THEY WERE, He would then send a PROPHET like EliJah (even as He sent Moses to Egypt) with the "CORNERSTONE TRUTH PLAN" unsealed from His WORD of LIGHT to give SIGHT to the BLIND and UNITE HIS BODY OF PEOPLE ON EARTH who EXODUS from their BONDAGE and ASCEND from the 'CAVE' through OUR OBEDIENCE to HIS WORD of TRUTH by having our SPIRITUAL "EYE FIXED" on the TRUE CORNERSTONE SPIRIT and His "SIGN" as the TRUE "LIGHT OF THE WORLD" according to the ancient "CORNERSTONE PLAN", as designed before creating ANYTHING!

He did this to ESTABLISH the TRUE 'CORNERSTONE SIGN' for His SPIRIT of TRUTH which He would establish IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS KINGDOM "TIMES AND LAWS" (which the ANTICHRIST SPIRIT CHANGED (through the 7th head of the Dragon) with the destruction of Gods Temple, as promised) which would speak ALL ABOUT the TRUE "Messiah" He would send in order to ESTABLISH His CORNERSTONE-SABBATH SIGN as a FAITHFUL WITNESS for His SPIRIT OF TRUTH as the TRUE 'LIGHT OF THE WORLD', in contrast to SATANS DECEPTION, in order to DEPOSE SATANS KINGDOM OF DECEPTION. Once EXPOSING and DESTROYING Satans Kingdoms of deception with His LIFE GIVING LIGHT OF TRUTH as He PROMISED, using His chosen CORNERSTONE "SIGN" of His programming WORD of TRUTH who would come into our 'virtual reality' to first be REJECTED (sacrificed as a Lamb), He would then begin to rule HIS KINGDOM on earth OPENLY through His Kings and Priests being BORN from 'above', from the 'woman' WISDOM a.k.a. Israel standing on the 'SIGN' of the cornerstone (Gen. 3:15, Rev. 12:1) who would be taken into the WILDERNESS to begin to BUILD HER HOUSE (Mic. 4:10, Rev. 12:5, 17, Ez. 20:14-17 & Prov. 9) and, submitting in OBEDIENCE TO HIM and His Spirit of Truth leading them to be FORMED in His INTELLIGENT and VIRTUOUS IMAGE as HIS GLORY, would be VICTORIOUS over the Spirit of the Deceiver and his REBELLIOUS HARLOT to then ESTABLISH GODS KINGDOM RULE on EARTH as a 'LIGHT TO ALL NATIONS' as He DESIGNED before creating ANYTHING AT ALL!

So we see that the 'metaphysics' or SPIRITUAL NATURE of our 'material reality' is more like the programming code of a SIMULATED GAME reality on a computer within which the 'avatars' in the game move around and have their existence. Yet the artificial intelligence of the 'avatars' we replicate can not CONSCIOUSLY perceive the nature of their sub reality in relation to their creators, us. They can not perceive our existence which is outside the perameters of the virtual reality we created in which they live, move, and have their being. Their 'virtual reality' is literally ALL that can be 'perceived' by them as 'real', as mere avatars LACKING TRUE CONSCIOUS LIFE perception, sort of like 'zombies' in a game which appear to have 'life', but are truly UNCONSCIOUSLY disconnected from the SOURCE of CONSCIOUSNESS which, in the reality that holds our virtual reality together, IS LIFE ETERNAL.

Conversely to the 'virtual realities' we create, our programmer 'God' of OUR vastly superior intelligently designed 'virtual reality' has allowed for mankind to have their CHOICE to BE DISCONNECTED from true CONSCIOUSNESS, to be DECEIVED by the REBELLIOUS SPIRIT and TAKEN CAPTIVE by one of his RELIGIOUS 'material illusions' of SELISHNESS. Here in the CAVE controlled by SATANIC PRIEST NARRATIVES they are given a POWERFUL religious delusion whereby they believe this material reality is essentially 'all there is' to this 'life', while simultaneously having a FALSE HOPE in an 'after life' in some PHYSICAL PLACE in TIME and SPACE which they will be suddenly WISKED AWAY to. These POWERFUL RELIGIOUS DELUSIONS are given to them like children's FAIRY TALES and like pie in the sky pipe dreams to hope in as a carrot on a stick while SERVING the Spirit of Deception as 'God' in OPPOSITION TO THE TRUTH in the ETERNAL HERE AND NOW in any of thousands of their SYNCRETIC religious deceptions going back to the antediluvian/Atlantian/Sumerian/Aryan/Greek RELIGIOUS MYTHS of 'ALIENS' from other planets being our GODS; a schmorgasborg of powerful MATERIALISTIC DELUSIONS they're allowed to choose from given to them by the SPIRIT OF MATERIALIST DECEPTION to serve RELIGIOUSLY; for which even SOCRATES was accused and MARTYRED as an "ATHEIST" for exposing their RELIGIOUS FRAUDS with the LIGHT OF TRUTH!).

"The MASSES have never thirsted after the truth! They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify seducing errors. Whoever can supply them with such seducing delusions will easily be their ruler; and whoever will attempt to destroy their delusions will be their victim." Quote adapted from "Psychologie des Foules" (Mass Psychology) by Gustave le Bron (1895) poorly translated into English as 'The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind'

But our CONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING 'LIFE' who is the TRUE 'light of the world' gave us a SPIRITUAL PLAN of TRUTH to be ESTABLISHED by LOGIC and REASON using the TOOL of SCIENCE within our 'virtual reality' whereby we connect through our OBEDIENCE to the TRUTH by which He can SAVE US from the SPIRIT of RELIGIOUS DECEPTION where we were born as 'captives' in this virtual PRISON to one of his POWERFUL RELIGIOUS CULT DELUSIONS that CONTROL THE NARRATIVE of our MATERIALISTIC reality, in order to REDEEM MANKIND through our OBEDIENCE to HIS "CORNERSTONE TRUTH NARRATIVE" to set them free from the Spirit of Deception currently controlling all the worlds 'narratives' through his Kings and Priests selfish material deceptions. Spiritual men who LOVE TRUTH and INTEGRITY of VIRTUE and, manifesting the Image of TRUTH, VIRTUE, and SUPER INTELLIGENCE through their OBEDIENCE to the CONSCIOUS MIND of God directing them, would then OVERCOME the worlds DECEIVING SPIRIT to then be controlling the worlds NARRATIVE within our temporal Material Illusion of our Simulated Virtual Reality for GODS GLORY; DEPOSING the practically INSANE GOD PLAYING LEADERS of selfish delusions, the REALITY HACKERS manifesting Satans deformed, perverted and twisted image who are selfishly benefitting from enslaving the rest of us in a MATERIAL ILLUSION of reality kept IGNORANT of the SPIRITUAL REALITY and essentially working toward the SELF DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND, as is currently still the case. The PLAN is to lead all the worlds children out from their materialistic CAPTIVITY to be ALLOWED to reflect the SPIRITUAL Image of Truth as He designed for His Glory, or THEIR FREE WILL CHOICE based in the FULL DISCLOSURE of all the FACTS regarding our 'reality' (truths which are still currently suppressed and kept from mankind yet ENSLAVED by these SELFISH SPIRITS exalting THEMSELVES as 'gods' and controlling the NARRATIVE of world 'consciousness' in ignorance and REBELLION to HIS CONSCIOUS, LOGICAL MIND, which is ONE with the WORD of TRUTH by which He guides us!).

Unlike the comparatively unsophisticated artificial intelligence of the robots or 'avatars' we are able to replicate within the VIRTUAL REALITY SIMULATION we inhabit, our creator/programmer gave us a CODE, His WORD of TRUTH, whereby we can not only perceive the nature of our reality where we have been kept relatively unconscious of Him, but we can CHOOSE to INTERFACE WITH HIS ETERNALLY CONSCIOUS MIND holding our reality together to be perceived (which is not even REASONED ABOUT by those who are instructed to call themselves "woke", but having NO REAL INSIGHT into the history or MEANING of the term, are EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of 'woke'. They are really 'sleepwalking' like dead zombies through 'reality', as groomed by their spiritual handlers who have ENSLAVED THEM as their 'AVATARS' or puppets, in return for materialistic trinkets), which is where TRUE LIFE EXISTS ETERNALLY (Job 36:7, Col. 3:1-4, Ps. 113:4-8)! Through our 'rebirth' (or conscious "awakening" as Socrates termed it) into this NEW PARADIGM or 'CORNERSTONE PERSEPCTIVE' from which to view 'reality', and our now CONSCIOUS OBEDIENCE TO, and UNITY WITH, HIS CONSCIOUSNESS and HIS DIRECTIONS for our life from His perspective as the TRUE 'Light of the World', we can 'EVOLVE' to be UNITED WITH HIM as He leads us in His LIGHT as His DESIRE, and mankind will be SET FREE from their imprisonment to the Spirit of Deception ruling over their UNCONSCIOUS MINDS (and their physical bodies) as zombies or mere avatars, as He Designed for them to CHOOSE.

Obedience of flesh men as the BODY of Messiah, to the Conscious Mind of God, is the 'Sound Mind' of The Messiah! 2 Tim. 1:7, 1 Cor. 1:10 & 2:16, Phil. 1:27 & 2:5

He told us that the 'SUN' was created in this virtually simulated (cave) 'reality' to be perceived as the 'OBVIOUS' life giving light of the world to be selected by the SPIRIT OF REBELLION and DECEPTION to deceive selfishly motivated BEASTLY MEN who would choose to exalt themselves against HIS SPIRIT OF TRUTH to DECEIVE MANKIND, like prisoners in a Cave, to serve THEMSELVES as 'God'. But from the beginning He has told us that the true life giving light of the world is Himself, THROUGH HIS WORD, which holds our reality together and He chose the MOON as the representative SIGN and WITNESS for HIS SPIRIT of TRUTH as the true CORNERSTONE LIGHT of the WORLD in context of a PLAN. The PLAN is in regard to the ancient BIBLE CODE NARRATIVE for HIS KINGDOM which He would BUILD ON EARTH through those of us who are 'BORN FROM ABOVE' in this LIFE GIVING TRUTH through OBEDIENCE of FAITH, who would OBEY HIS PLAN and evolve, as HE DESIGNED as our 'Father' whose 'Image' we manifest through our OBEDIENCE...this is a far superior SIMULATED REALITY and life giving SPIRITUAL TRUTH CODE than any which we could have even previously IMAGINED to replicate. Basically He devised a PLAN by which to 'pull the rug out' from under those currently CONTROLLING the NARRATIVE of our 'CAVE' in service to the spirit of SELFISH REBELLION they serve as our ENSLAVERS, to be SET FREE in a 'GREAT EXODUS' for His GLORY through our OBEDIENCE to His PLAN over the course of TIME...very much like He did with Israel in Egypt as a SHADOW to teach us, but the end time 'Exodus' will be on a GLOBAL SCALE!

Therefore says YHWH, the day will come when no one will be talking about YHWH bringing Israel out of Egypt any more, but rather about how YHWH brought the children of Israel out from...all the nations of earth where he drove them...Jer. 16:14-15

Where's the Philosopher? Where's the Scholar? Where's the world's Debater? Hasn't God caused the wisdom of the worlds ruling class to look foolish? 1 Corinthians 1:20

For the wisdom of this world is foolish to God; as it has been written: He catches the shrewd in their own craft! 1 Corinthians 3:19

Bring them here to take counsel together and ask: "who has declared this from ancient times"? Wasn't it me, YHWH?...There is NO GOD except me!...Look to me from the ends of the earth and be SAVED!...Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I alone am God and there is NO OTHER!...In YHWH is my righteousness and strength and everyone who was incensed against Him shall be ashamed and they will praise Israel, because YHWH has made them righteous! Isaiah 45:21-25

Even as you watched 'The Stone' struck the Image (of the Beast Kingdoms of earth) which turned to chaff and the wind carried them away, and the God of Heaven set up His Kingdom which shall never be destroyed; so God has shown you what shall surely come to pass! The VISION is CERTAIN and the interpretation is FAITHFUL and TRUE! Dan. 2

Jesus and His Chosen and Faithful followers OVERCAME the Beast because He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords (and TRUTH defeats religio-political PROPAGANDA with LIGHT to SEE)...and the Beast obeyed God to do His Will...! Rev. 17:14-17

He created this 'cave' of our material sub reality as a sort of QUALITY CONTROL TEST ZONE for SPIRITUAL BEINGS who would be PERFECTED though their assent or 'EVOLUTION' from their MATERIAL 'PRISON' through their OBEDIENCE to the WORD or CODE for our 'Kingdom' here below, to REFLECT our knowledge and DESIRE of HIS HIGHER KINGDOM we are to JOIN WITH through our TRUST in HIM as our TRUE 'Father' and lover of our souls.

The Moon was selected as the CORNERSTONE "SIGN" of the true SPIRITUAL 'Light of the World' of our SUB REALITY who would COME IN FLESH in order to REDEEM MANKIND from SATANS REBELLION and lead us to 'REST' our FAITH in the PROGRAMMERS 'NARRATIVE' for 'reality' through our OBEDIENCE to HIS KINGDOM CODE as HIS CHILDREN who He Himself REDEEMS through His SACRIFICIAL DEATH and RESURRECTION in SERVICE to the BODY of MANKIND being created to be inhabited CORPORATELY by HIS LIFE GIVING SPIRIT as HIS 'BODY' of Mankind to rule 'HIS KINGDOM' on earth as a 'Temple' made of 'Living Stones' or an unleavened 'House of Bread', for HIS GLORY. When we OBEY HIM and HIS 'CORNERSTONE NARRATIVE' for HIS KINGDOM PLAN as He designed, then He will begin His greatest work IN and THROUGH His BODY of Mankind being UNITED before our final 'REBIRTH' into a completely NEW and ETERNAL reality, with HIS SPIRIT of TRUTH indwelling us corporately as HIS WONDERFULLY CREATED ETERNAL BODY!

I YHWH have called you in righteousness...I will make you a Covenant for the people as a Light to the Nations; to give sight to the blind and lead the captives out from their dungeon, those who sit in darkness out from captivity....The former things have come to pass, and the new thing I'm declaring will soon spring forth into 'reality'. Isaiah 42:6-9

(Full Moon) Sabbath is the 'SIGN' (of the COVENANT) between ME and YOU forever, so that you will KNOW that I AM HE WHO HAS SANCTIFIED YOU! Ex. 31:13

He made the Moon for His (Covenant) Calendar, the Sun knows he's going down! Ps. 104:19

(the Messianic throne of David's 'seed') has been established FOREVER as the MOON, the FAITHFUL WITNESS in the CLOUDS! Ps. 89:37 (38)

YHWH said to my Lord, 'sit here at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet'. Ps. 110:1

Blow the shofar on New Moon, and on the (15th) day of our Full Moon (Sabbath) Festival! Ps. 81:3 (81:4)

It shall come to pass that every one that is left from all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, YHWH of armies, and to celebrate the (full moon sabbath) Feast of Tabernacles. Zechariah 14:16

the people of Earth shall worship at the opening of that gate on SABBATHS and NEW MOONS before YHWH. Ezekiel 46:1 & 3

It shall come to pass from one NEW MOON to another, and from one (full moon) SABBATH to another, ALL FLESH will WORSHIP BEFORE ME, says YHWH! Is. 66:23

Sabbath, anchored to the CORNERSTONE 'SIGN' selected to represent the LIGHT OF TRUTH who would OBEY the PLAN, was "MADE FOR MAN" to recognize the SPIRIT OF TRUTH which is God who promised to REDEEM and SAVE MANKIND from Satans DECEPTIONS anchored to the Sun as the 'light of the world'. Jesus came as the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of GOD to establish the SABBATH SIGN created to REDEEM and SANCTIFY MANKIND from Satan's final 'CORNERSTONE DECEPTION'; his Saturnday/Sunday Hegelian Dialectic FRAUD 'SABBATHS' anchored to the cornerstone SIGN of the SUN representing his SPIRIT of DECEPTION in SATANS LAST 'KINGDOM' of control over our philosophical 'CAVE' of material reality!

I YHWH have called you in righteousness...I will make you a Covenant for the people as a Light to the Nations; to give sight to the blind and lead the captives out from their dungeon, those who sit in darkness out from captivity....The former things have come to pass, and the new thing I'm declaring will soon spring forth into 'reality'. Isaiah 42:6-9

Mankind was created to become 'like God' having His Spirit of TRUTH indwelling them and leading them in ASSENT from this prison of IGNORANCE and DECEPTION, as a result of their CHOICES over the course of TIME as DIRECTED by Gods programming CODE, for His Glory, to judge and condemn rebellion to Him and to SET MANKIND FREE from the 'Cave' whose CORNERSTONE of DECEPTION is symbolized by the SUN, to then 'evolve' or 'ascend' in UNITY to a new dimension of reality as He Leads us in the LIGHT of His LIFE GIVING TRUTH symbolized by the MOON according to His PLAN. Socrates spoke of this 'assent' from our current 'Cave' enslavement to deception to establish Gods 'CONSTITUTION' and 'Republic' on the CORNERSTONE of HIS SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which would be built by the invisible Spirit of God through his OBEDIENT BODY of people who have their 'eye fixed on Him', in his famous 'CAVE PARABLE' or Allegory; at the end of which he summarized as follows:

"This entire allegory, I said, you may now append, dear Glaucon, to the previous argument (regarding perfect injustice and evil vs. perfect justice and good); the prison-house (of our 'CAVE' reality) is the world of sight (material reality), the light of the fire (used by sorcerers in our 'Cave' of 'material reality' ruled by 'sight' to deceive the enslaved inhabitants in perfect injustice and evil through the APPEARANCE of 'obvious truth') is the Sun, and you will not misapprehend me if you interpret the journey upwards to be the ascent of the soul into the intellectual world (the not so 'obvious' spiritual/heavenly LIGHT reality, whose WAY to LIFE is illumined by the TRUTH sent from God according to His LOGOS/LOGIC/WORD as our KING who LEADS US)... the Idea of Good (the INVISIBLE GOD, symbolized by the MOON in the 'obvious' world of material 'sight' according to the LOGOS/LOGICAL PLAN to lead us in assent to perfect good of the invisible SPIRITUAL reality) appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort...and is inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right...the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual (spiritual/heavenly world of justice and good); and that this is the Power (of the otherwise invisible SPIRIT of TRUTH) upon which he who would act rationally, either in public or private life, must have his eye fixed (within our 'cave' in order to 'ascend' from perfect injustice and evil, to perfect justice and good, as DESIGNED!)."

To 'Sum-Up' the CORNERSTONE NARRATIVE short and sweet:

We are eternal spiritual beings temporarily possessing physical bodies into which we are born in an apparent universe of material reality, where planet earth is the CENTER STAGE of a SPIRITUAL REALITY we are not immediately able to recognize. Only through UNDERSTANDING the TRUTHS of our perception of material reality, can we begin to 'see' the nature of our SPIRITUAL REALITY through the eye of the MIND, alone. As spiritual beings immediately deceived by material illusions from birth as 'avatars', we are living in a sort of MASCARADE where our SPIRITUAL IDENTITIES, like the spiritual reality in which we also exist simultaneously, are not immediately recognized...and only through our DEEDS according to a PLAN regarding the MATERIAL STAGE and the ROLES of the players, given by the SCRIPT WRITER himself, can we be identified and 'judged' as DESIGNED.

We are currently born on this stage of earth not realizing the nature of this duel 'reality' that exists here and the TESTS of the CHARACTER of our ETERNAL SPIRIT which we will undergo while in this sort of 'mascarade' party. In fact, men are deceived to betray their own spiritual INTEGRITY for a temporal illusion of material reality, only to find they will have condemned themselves in SPIRITUAL ETERNITY through their BETRAYAL of the virtuous KING of spiritual reality we are to become like (who we allegorize as a brilliant flying angelic being who is TRUE and JUST and LOVING), to serve the king of the TEMPORAL ILLUSION of material reality (who is allegorized as a treacherously dangerous sneaky slithering snake; a psychopathic narcissist who hates himself and everyone else who he deceives or forces to submit to him as 'God') while believing they will not suffer for ALL ETERNITY in the FACE of the ETERNAL KING who they betrayed to manifest the image of the snake, instead...through RELIGIOUS DELUSION regarding the nature of REALITY. The God of TRUTH, symbolized by the MERCIFUL ANGELIC FIGURE manifesting the SPIRITUAL VIRTUE of all GOODNESS was manifest in FLESH according to a PLAN to FREE THEM from the deception of the king of ILLUSIONS of material reality so we could SAVE THE WORLD from the serpents Kings and Priests who are DESTROYING THE WORLD with their RELIGIOUS DECEPTIONS.

He gave us a TRUTH PERSPECTIVE whose cornerstone SIGN is the MOON, a KINGDOM NARRATIVE which will RULE the STAGE of PLANET EARTH for the next 1000 years until the final day of judgement, when the spiritual BODY of mankind has been FULLY FORMED in HIS PERECT IMAGE according to His DESIGN PLANS to then ENTER a new dimension of reality altogether, as this material reality is burned up in fervent heat. Then ALL SPIRITS will be living before the KING of REALITY for all eternity. Those who choose well shall be glorified and HAPPY in Him as ONE INDIVISIBLE BODY. Those who choose evil will writhe as worms in the agony of shameful unending misery; a torment of a death that never ends before the face of the ETERNAL LIVING FIRE of LIFE, whose eternal kingdom reality and their position in it, they traded for temporal material illusions of reality. They will suffer in a miserable fire of seclusion set ablaze before His face, eternally separated from Him as a result of the choices they made while in the temporal spiritual testing mascarade of carnality.

Don't you know that we shall even judge the messengers (angels) of God...? 1 Cor. 6:3

I have declared that you are Elohim, all of you are children of the most High...arise Elohim and judge the earth because you will inherit all the nations! Ps. 82:6-8

This SCIENTIFICALLY ESTABLISHED, LOGICALLY SOUND, PHILOSOPHICALLY and PSYCHOLOGICALLY INSIGHTFUL "CORNERSTONE TRUTH NARRATIVE" (a.k.a. Gospel Plan) regarding the SPIRITUAL 'LIGHT' REALITY which BOTH created and holds our material reality together by our INTELLIGENT DESIGNER, as He has told us FROM THE VERY BEGINNING of mankinds RECORDED HISTORY, can (and will) be told by Gods Kings and Priests ruling His Kingdom Narrative of PEACE and UNITY on earth in a plethora of ways, for every level of education; from children's preschool stories to Post Doctorate levels of education. But the above account encompasses the essential nuts and bolts of its PROFOUND TRUTHS. You can learn more details about the nature of our obviously intelligently designed 'reality' and the purpose and MEANING for why we're here, throughout the rest of this e-book website.

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