In an age of UNIVERSAL DECEPTION, telling the TRUTH becomes a REVOLUTIONARY ACT! But be ASSURED that the Sword of Truth and Justice which proceeds from the Mouth of God is MIGHTIER than the Sword of criminal VIOLENCE in the hands of his enemies!




The Qumran Connection to the "Cornerstone Deception" of "Mystery Babylon"!

Herein we will "UNSEAL" the SUPPRESSED HISTORY of the "great falling away", the TRAITOROUS REBELLION of Jews referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9) who ANTICIPATED HAILING "the coming prince" (a.k.a. the "anti-christ") who would DESTROY the Temple and change the "times and laws" of God's Kingdom for Satan's SABBATH FRAUD, to take Israel and the whole world CAPTIVE to the "Cornerstone Deception" of the "Times of the Gentiles" in Satan's spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45!

He will carefully calculate to change the times and laws (of God's Kingdom) which shall be given into his hands (for the period of time called "The times of the Gentiles" a.k.a. the spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45). Dan. 7:25

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

As a PRE-REQUISITE to this page and its detailed analysis focusing primarlily on the Qumran Jews, please see this page which contains a far more condensed pespective of this history which has details not covered in this this page. Then return to this page. In that way you can have a general outline by which to arrange the plethora of details contained herein without becoming overwhelmed or confused.

With that said, we shall uncover the details of exactly what it means for Jesus to be called the "Rejected Cornerstone", and how men are DECEIVED to allow Satan's kings and priests to USURP GOD'S KINGDOM AUTHORITY by which they are KEPT DIVIDED and ENSLAVED through DECEPTION to OPPOSE GOD'S MESSIANIC KINGDOM GOSPEL PLAN which will SAVE THE WORLD. This CORNERSTONE TRUTH will give us LIGHT to see EXACTLY HOW the whole world has been taken CAPTIVE in Satan's final spiritual kingdom of DARKNESS and DECEPTION defined for us as "Mystery Babylon", which is depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, and HOW the "Morning Star" TRUTH will "Light Up" Satan's spiritual WORLD kingdom of DARKNESS (Rev. 18:1 & 2:26-28) as the "CORNERSTONE TRUTH" which shall smash Satan's Kingdom and set up Gods KINGDOM AUTHORITY which shall BIND SATAN and his servants (Dan. 12:1-2, Rev. 20:1-4) so he can no longer manipulate men through DECEPTION, as God's Kingdom of Truth begins openly ruling the world in ever increasing Truth, Righteousness, and Peace, from that point on. Any other interpretation of the Bible is nothing less than Spiritual WARFARE Propaganda of those serving Satan as their "cornerstone" in "Mystery Babylon", against the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God's Kingdom!

We will learn that Jesus' sacrifice as a Passover Lamb was to ESTABLISH the "Image of God's Righteousness" which is reflected through the "Times and Laws" of God's SABBATH Kingdom [LUNAR SABBATHS which SPEAK ALL ABOUT HIM as the "Image of God's Righteousness", especially the 3 GREATEST LUNAR SABBATHS of Passover, Shavuot/Pentecost, and Tabernacles; as the "Passover Lamb" and "Pentecost Groom" of the Covenant with whom we will be "TABERNACLING" in His Spiritual Kingdom when it's ESTABLISHED ON EARTH as prophesied...this is HOW Moses wrote all about Jesus as the "Image of God's Righteousness" (Jn. 5:46-47, Rom. 10:3-4)...the Sabbaths and their "elements" which consist of the "rightly discerned" "BODY of Messiah" who UNITES US (Col. 2:17, 1 Cor. 5:7-8, 11:29, 15:3-4 & vs. 20)! It's these TRADITIONS which EMBODY the "Messiah" of God in the ONLY ONE TRUE Kingdom Gospel Plan as the CORNERSTONE TRUTH which Jesus manifested through his own OBEDIENCE to these RIGHTLY INTERPRETED "traditions" which Moses Codified to be RECOGNIZED as the "Testimony of Jesus", as the "Cornerstone" of God's Spiritual Kingdom (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6 & Gal. 1:8-9, Rev. 1:2, 1:9, 12:17, 19:10). It is THIS "Cornerstone Image of God's Righteousness" which Satan BLINDS MINDS from seeing, as they SERVE HIM as their "cornerstone image" (2 Cor. 4:4) because THEY CHOOSE to LOVE THE LIE and HATE the TRUTH, as God designed (2 Thes. 2:11-12)], which would be REPLACED by a SATANIC COUNTERFEIT SABBATH CALENDAR and "traditions" as the "Cornerstone Deception" shared by ALL WRONG INTERPRETATIONS of the BIBLE which would DIVIDE and take the whole world captive to SERVE men manifesting the "IMAGE" of the SPIRITUAL LIE in the Spiritual Kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" during the "times of the gentiles" depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45, with the rejection of Jesus and subsequent destruction of the Temple which essentially BEGAN the "tribulation of the saints" and Israel's BONDAGE into the whole world which was promised first by Moses in Deut. 30:1-7, and reiterated later by all the prophets with more details, and from which we shall soon come out from our bondage in the "GREAT EXODUS", as prophesied for over 3000 years!

Before we get into the DETAILS of EXACTLY HOW the Qumran Jews were INSTRUMENTAL in assisting the "Coming Prince" of Mystery Babylon to power by which he DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD to this very day as the "Cornerstone LIE" of Satan's spiritual world kingdom, we will begin with an overview of THAT SUPPRESSED HISTORY in which to couch this study. I will try to limit the DETAILS of this history (which I cover in great detail in many other places which will be linked throughout) so we can zoom our focus in on the DETAILS regarding the Qumran Community of Jews who were ANTICIPATING the coming of the next "prince" of the 4th Kingdom depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45, and the CRUCIAL ROLE which they played in assisting that "coming prince" (anti-christ) and his "Powerful Deception" to power, as evidenced in their own writings discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) which give us insight into the Jewish Community prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., particularly in regard to the KINGDOM CALENDAR SCHISM which exists to this day and IS what "EMBODIES" that "Powerful (Cornerstone) LIE". In other words we will be manifesting the CORNERSTONE TRUTH as the "Bright Morning Star" which will EXPOSE and DESTROY Satan's spiritual kingdom of darkness and the "princes and priests" who are serving him to enslave mankind in a "Reset" of his world kingdom control: the "Religious Harlot" of the "Synagogue of Satan" serving the Dragon (Satan) and riding his BEAST POWER and ruling "Mystery Babylon" to this very day!

The Historical Backdrop of Daniel

After the destruction of Solomon's Temple and Nebuchadnezzar taking Israel captive to Babylon in 586 B.C.E., which history is covered primarily in 2 Kings 24-25, 2 Chron. 36, & Jer. 27-28, we are given prophecies of the future by Daniel, one of the captives who was carried away into captivity. Daniel essentially tells us that Israel's captivity to Nebuchadnezzar, and our subsequent return ordered by Cyrus the Persian (536 B.C.E.), was NOT the fulfilment of the prophecies of the major prophets which expand upon the prophecy Moses first gave us in Deut. 30:1-7. Daniel gives us an OUTLINE by which to understand this GREATER "WORLD CAPTIVITY" which Moses prophesied we would be taken into, and from which we would COME OUT in a far GREATER EXODUS than from our bondage in Egypt, in the form of Nebuchadnezzar's Statue in Dan. 2:31-45; an EXODUS from our world bondage which is NOW AT THE DOOR as prophesied and being manifest by current events.

In Dan. 2:31-45 Daniel, writing during the time of Nebuchadnezzar's reign as the "Head of Gold" (and seeing his prophecies of the 2nd Kingdom of the Medo-Persian alliance fulfilled long before he died), told us that God's Kingdom would be established on earth AFTER the 4th Kingdom of "Legs, feet, and 10 toes" would be struck on its FOUNDATION (the feet) on which the GENTILE KINGDOM (identified in Revelation as "Mystery Babylon" represented by the Statue) stands. In other words, the kingdoms of this world which have been built through RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM, would be STRUCK by a "Stone from Heaven" and they, along with their TRADITIONS, would come to an END and a NEW WORLD KINGDOM would be established when we EXODUS from our world bondage (Jer. 16:14-15 & 19). God's Spiritual Kingdom would RULE EARTH from that point on. The end of Satan's kingdom and beginning of God's will be relatively swift and catastophic, as indicated by Dan. 2:45, Dan. 12:1-2, Rev. 18, Rev. 20:1-4 and the plethora of other places this event is discussed.

These prophecies of Daniel were not lost on later generations of Jews. For instance we are told by ancient historians (primarily Josephus) that the Jews recognized Alexander the Great as the "Coming Prince" of the 3rd Kingdom depicted by Daniel and they HAILED HIM TO POWER and showed him the prophecies assuring his victory over Persia (332 B.C.E.). After hearing the prophecies and the willingness of the Jews to submit to him (despite being vassals of Persia), he left from them quite elated. Subsequently, after he did indeed conquer Persia as Daniel had prophesied, he was quite favorable toward the Jews as a result.

So up to this time the Jewish people recognized that Daniel had correctly prophesied the fall of Babylon (1st Beast Kingdom) at the hands of the Medo-Persians (the 2nd Beast Kingdom 538 B.C.E.) and the restoration of Jerusalem and rebuilding of the Temple ordered by Cyrus in 536 B.C.E. as prophesied (Is. 44:28), and the coming of the 3rd Kingdom Prince recognized as Alexander the Great (332 B.C.E.). So they KNEW his prophecies were TRUE. So it goes without saying that they also KNEW, according to these same prophecies of Daniel (Dan. 9:25), that a FOURTH KINGDOM "PRINCE" was going to come. But this is where the prophecies become a bit more "ambiguously interpreted" as we shall soon see some historians assert, as is done by RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS to this very day (and for this reason Daniel is told that AFTER THESE EVENTS which would culminate in the destruction of the Temple and Israel being taken into the WORLD BONDAGE which Moses first prophesied in Deut. 30:1-7, these prophesies would be "SEALED UP" until the end days of these kingdoms and the time of JUDGEMENT to come on them (Dan. 9:24b, 12:4 & 9, Is. 8:16).

Now we shall begin to unseal these prophecies to "reveal" this 4th Kingdom Beast which John describes for us as a "Dragon", as the Spiritual Kingdom upon which the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar stands as its FOUNDATION built on a FRAUD "Cornerstone"...and that the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar represents what John calls "Mystery Babylon". So it is the 4th Kingdom Beast of Daniel which John describes as a Dragon on which the Statue, which represents "Mystery Babylon", is established as its FOUNDATION. The "Cornerstone" of this FOUNDATION is a LIE of the "Dragon" which we shall EXPOSE with the Cornerstone TRUTH as a "Morning Star" which will begin the DESTRUCTION of that spiritual kingdom in which the whole world is CURRENTLY ENSLAVED, and begin the establishment of God's Spiritual Kingdom on earth, AS PROPHESIED!

So going back to the former prophecies of God regarding how Israel would be taken into world bondage, and be brought OUT from bondage in a greater "Exodus" than our exodus from Egypt, together with a "great mixed multitude" of gentiles who would be "graffed in" with us to OUR PROMISE from God (for the salvation of the world), which begin with Moses in Deut. 30:1-7, we are given more details in Malachi 5:14-6:2. God (YHWH) says there that He Himself would come "as a LION" and drag Israel off into bondage for 2 Millennial Days. Then in the morning of the 3rd day we would seek his face, revealed to us like Joseph revealed himself, and we would live in his presence. We are told by Amos (and the Disciples) that the reason WHY we would be taken into bondage is for NOT RECOGNIZING the IMAGE of His Spirit and REJECTING His "IMAGE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" seen in His Sabbaths by which we know it is HE who "sanctifies us by His WORD of TRUTH" (Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), to be taken captive to the spirit of DECEPTION to serve him as lord of his FRAUD SABBATH KINGDOM which ONE MAN would make a "pact with death" to sell us into (Mal. 2:10-12, Isaiah 28:15-21). We will now get into those details of exactly how this SPIRITUAL BONDAGE to the Sabbath LIE kingdom took place, through the clues Jesus and his disciples left behind for us which would not be UNSEALED to understand until the time of JUDGEMENT on our enslavers and our GREAT EXODUS from that BONDAGE. Again this is a brief summary to get us to see the SIGNIFICANCE of the Qumran Jews in this BETRAYAL of God, which details we shall get into shortly.

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

"I will be as a Lion to Ephraim and to the House of Judah: I myself will tear them and drag Israel off (into bondage) and no one will rescue him. Then I WILL RETURN to MY PLACE (the INVISIBLE Holy of Holies) until they acknowledge their offense and SEEK MY FACE". Hos. 5:14-15

My hands and feet are as a Lion, a pack of evil doers has surrounded me like dogs to slay me. Ps. 22:16

YHWH said to my Lord: "Sit at my Right Hand until I make your enemies submit under your feet". Ps. 110:1

"Come, let us return to YHWH because it was He who tore us (when we rejected His Spirit as our Sabbath Cornerstone and we were taken into bondage as He promised) but He will bind up our wounds (and bring us back in a NEW COVENANT). After two (millennial) days He will revive us and we will live before HIS FACE on the third (millennial) day." Hosea 6:1-2

The 1st coming "Prince" of the 4th Beast Kingdom which would take us into bondage for rejecting the IMAGE of God's righteousness pictured in His Sabbaths, would come exactly 490 years from the Decree of Cyrus (Is. 44:28, Dan. 8:9-12 & 9:25), the FIRST "little horn" of 10 "HORNS" who would "carefully calculate to CHANGE the Times and Laws" of Gods Kingdom which WOULD be "given into his hands" (through the 10th "little horn" before whom 3 horns were uprooted and who was "different from the 1st little horn" of this BEAST which would destroy the Temple and take Israel into the world bondage promised first by Moses in Deut. 30:1-7; Dan. 7:8 & 23-25) as the very FOUNDATION upon which his kingdom of DECEPTION and REBELLION would be established to rule during the "Times of the Gentiles". And which is now being STRUCK by the Stone like a Morningstar to light up the Kingdom of Darkness represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar and defined as "Mystery Babylon".

Brief History of the "4th Beast" of Daniel, the "Dragon" of Revelation

After Jesus' rejection and Resurrection as the "Cornerstone Sacrifice" of Gods REJECTED SPIRITUAL KINGDOM, seen in the TRADITIONS of the LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR which God had Moses Codify that would SPEAK ALL ABOUT HIM (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6, 1 Cor. 5:7-8, 11:23-29, 15:3-4 & vs. 20, Col. 2:17, and elsewhere), the Disciples recognized that 1st "coming prince" of the 4th Kingdom Daniel prophesied about had already been SELECTED by the Builders as the "Cornerstone" of the spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, who had ENVISIONED an EMPIRE that would RULE THE WORLD and he inaugurated it the very year he came to power in 46 B.C.E., exactly 490 years from Cyrus' Decree in 536 B.C.E. as Daniel had prophesied (Dan. 9:25)! He was also Killed ("cut off") exactly 62 literal weeks later, also as prophesied there. The following year Rome recognized his "Genius" and DEIFIED him as "God". The "Highest God" in the pantheon of the Dragon's Empire was the "Genius of Caesar" who established its FOUNDATION, and his living "Sons of God", the Emperors as "God Incarnate". Thus Julius Caesar serving the Spirit of Satan became his "Pontifex Maximus" (High Priest-King) and "CORNERSTONE" of the Dragon's Kingdom called "Mystery Babylon" which is depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar; the "Lord" of the Sabbath LIE which would take Israel and the WHOLE WORLD into Bondage to the Dragon's Empire of "Mystery Babylon" by the 10th "little horn" of the NOW ESTABLISHED DRAGON!

The disciples recognized that it was THIS MAN who was already being worshiped as the Deified "God of Time" (Saturn/Chronos/Chivan/Remphan) over the Empire of Rome which he envisioned and created as its ARCHITECT to lay its foundation, who was the 1st King of the DRAGON he had created to fulfill those prophesies, as UNDERSTOOD by the Apostles and guardedly reflected all throughout their writings...none more BLATANTLY OBVIOUS than John in Rev. 12:4-5 and Rev. 17:10 who REPACKAGES the prophecies of Daniel for us to UNDERSTAND later when he tells us the Dragon's Kingdom (through his "first king") was ANTICIPATING THE BIRTH of Jesus (Dan. 12:4-5) and its 10th Horn would soon become the 7th head/king which would DESTROY the Temple and take Israel into the BONDAGE which Moses prophesied 1st in Deut. 30:1-7! These things have been "sealed up" before the faces of all (and interpreted DOGMATICALLY by the NARCISSISTIC PRIESTS MANIFESTING SATAN'S IMAGE who want to APPEAR as "learned scholars" to DECEIVE others to serve Satan and themselves through their FALSE interpretations) as God promised (Is. 8:16, Dan. 9:24b, Is. 29:11, Dan. 12:4 & 9, Is. 28:11)!

It was no secret that even Hellenist Jews in diaspora were LITERALLY WORSHIPING JULIUS CAESAR as the "Black Sun", the God "Saturn" (a.k.a. Chivan, Remphan, & Kronos, the "God of Time") in the Temples built for him in Pergamos (Rev. 2:9, 13 & 3:9). So they recognized that it was none other than Julius Caesar who had created the Dragon Kingdom in 46 B.C.E. as its 1st "little horn" King, and whose 10th "little horn different from the first", would destroy the Temple and begin their open persecution of those who KEEP THE TRADITIONS codified by Moses in Gods Kingdom Calendar which speak ALL ABOUT JESUS as the "Image of God's Righteousness" that would be the REJECTED Cornerstone of God's Kingdom, in order to take Israel and the WHOLE WORLD into bondage to serve the "Image of the DRAGON (Satan)" and his FRAUD SABBATH times and laws for his spiritual world kingdom of deception built through division and violence using religious sorcery and treacherous betrayal...through "treacherous wolves" who would come into the flocks to lead them in service to Satan.

For reasons that should be obvious, the disciples write quite guardedly about this Satanic Agenda being held back by the standing Temple and its SABBATHS by which it ran which speak ALL ABOUT JESUS (despite people's ignorance of that fact...and if their writings were TOO BLATANT and their meaning could not be TWISTED by Satan's Priests to serve his SYNCRETIC purposes, they could not have endured the centuries of book burnings and CENSORSHIP which HAD to take place for the Religious Harlot to take control of the world's NARRATIVES by which she still rules using the SAME METHODS of DICTATORIAL CONTROL through her servants to this day). The Temple would have to be destroyed so its SABBATH TIMES could be CHANGED to take Israel and the whole world into the BONDAGE of the FRAUD SABBATH as the CORNERSTONE of Mystery Babylon depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, as prophesied by Daniel 7:25, Lam. 2:6, Amos 5:26-27, Acts 7:43, and elsewhere.

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

Only after the CORNERSTONE-SABBATH DECEPTION of Satan's spiritual kingdom by which the world IS ENSLAVED, is EXPOSED by the LIGHT of the TRUE BRIGHT MORNINGSTAR recognized through God's Times and Laws which speak all about him as the "IMAGE OF GODS RIGHTEOUSNESS" according to the ONLY ONE TRUE INTERPETATION OF HIS PLAN (Rev. 2:26-28, Rev. 18:1, Dan. 12:1-2, Rev. 20:1-4), can mankind be SET FREE from Satan's CORRUPT TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTS ENSLAVING THE WORLD to himself as the FRAUD cornerstone and fraud morningstar (Lucifer) who deceives the whole world, as God designed.

The god of this world blinds their MINDS (of those who HATE TRUTH) so they CAN NOT SEE the "IMAGE of God's RIGHTEOUSNESS", and therefore the Light of God's Gospel CAN NOT SHINE ON THEM. 2 Corinthians 4:4

Because they prefer the pleasure of unrighteousness more than the truth, God sends them a powerful deception (the spirit of deception) to believe the lies (of the "father of lies" they choose to serve) so that all those who refuse to believe the truth shall be damned (as their own choice when all attempts to reason with them are finished and the sentence of judgment is pronounced). 2 Thes. 2:11-12

As God designed to allow them to deceive themselves in a crudely beast-like fashion, the Roman Elite recognizing the "Genius of Caesar" arrogantly understood the prophecies of world domination (by the 4th Kingdom depicted in the Statue) were referring to the Empire created by Julius Caesar as its "Genius" Architect (the 1st Crowned Head of the Dragon's Beast Empire), and was specifically fulfilled by Vespasian (as the "10th little horn" before whom the "3 horns" of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius were killed the SAME YEAR General Vespasian came to power as the 7th Crowned Head of the Dragon-Beast of Rome) who would destroy the Temple and take Israel into world bondage to serve the Dragon, as reflected by their own historians writing shortly after the event of the destruction of the Temple took place.

"...there was a firm persuasion that in the ancient records of their priests was contained a prediction of how AT THAT VERY TIME (of the Destruction of the Temple) the East was to grow powerful and rulers coming from Judea were to acquire a universal empire. These mysterious prophecies had pointed to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, with the usual blindness of ambition, had interpreted these mighty destinies of themselves and could not be brought even by disasters to believe the truth" (that the prophecies were about Vespasian). (Tacitus, "Histories" 5.13; 109 C.E.).

"All over the East there had spread an OLD AND ESTABLISHED BELIEF that it was fated AT THAT TIME (of the destruction of the Temple) for men coming from Judea would rule the world. This prediction was referring to the Emperor of Rome (Caesar-Vespasian) as evidenced by the event, but the people of Judaea took it to themselves (falsely believing they would be delivered); accordingly they revolted." [ Suetonius, "Lives of the Twelve Caesars" Vespasian 4 para. 2 (see the linked notes on the "established belief" referencing the "prediction")].

***Important historical note***

***Begin Note*** It must be pointed out that Suetonius, writing in 121 C.E. shortly after Tacitus (109 C.E.), begins his list of the first 12 Emperors with Julius Caesar as #1 and ends his list with the 2nd son of Vespasian (Domitian) as number 12 (Vespasian #10, Titus #11, and Domitian #12). This is important because historical revisionists perpetuating "Official" NARRATIVE LIES which were NEVER BELIEVED by ANY historian prior to the 3rd Century C.E., recognized the NEED to HIDE this History through subtle they found a way to HIDE the TRUTH in PLAIN VIEW through the use of an "OFFICIAL NARRATIVE".

Today historians are taught the "official narrative" that Augustus (Octavian) Caesar was the 1st "Emperor", not Julius Caesar. They do it through a bit of trickery focusing on the word "Emperor" which was used first with Augustus (who was the nephew and adopted "Son of God", Caesar). Clearly Suetonius KNEW that Julius Caesar was FATHER of all the rest of the "Caesars" who were also called "Emperors" beginning with Augustus. In fact we can see that clearly in the FACT that the name "Caesar" was SYNONYMOUS with "Emperor" because Vespasian, the "10th horn" who was "Different from the 1st horn", was NOT from the family line of Caesar. His family name was Flavius. Yet he and his sons are ALL called "Caesars" AND "Emperors". To this day we have cognates of the name Caesar like "CZAR", "KAISER", "TSAR" and "TZAR" which are basically synonyms for "Emperor". Julius Caesar is the FATHER of ALL EMPERORS and "Czars" who SERVE HIM in his Kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" which he created. So don't let deceived historians spouting the official narrative of the DRAGON deceive you with their "official LIES"! ***End Note***

"What more than all else incited them (the Jewish masses) to war was an ambiguous oracle found in their sacred scriptures to the effect that AT THAT TIME one from their country would become ruler of the world". (Josephus, "Jewish Wars" 6.312).

In the last quote above, Josephus is hinting at the FACT that the Jewish Leaders who "REJECTED" Gods Cornerstone, were those same ones who BETRAYED THE PEOPLE...they DECEIVED THEM to think the JEWISH MESSIAH was coming, only to hail the "coming prince" (anti-christ) to WORLD POWER in his stead as the "Powerful Deception" of Gods plan which would eventually be EXPOSED and DESTROYED by the CORNERSTONE TRUTH when His Saints UNITE IN THE PLAN according to the now unsealed prophecies of Daniel. In fact Vespasian was the INTERPRETER between Vespasian and Yochanan ben Zakkai and took CREDIT for giving Vespasian the prophecy that 3 Emperors would die THAT SAME YEAR and Vespasian would become Emperor before the year ended, despite the fact he was just the translator. The Talmud (an "history" independent of Josephus account) tells us that Zakkai gave the prophecy to Vespasian (though they did not speak a common language). Looking at Dan. 7:8 in hindsight, the Bible identifies Vespasian as the "little horn". He did not know prophecy but Zakkai was his "eyes" who did. Nor did he speak Aramaic or Hebrew to communicate with the "eyes" (or anyone else who did not speak Latin or Greek), so Josephus was his interpreter, the "boastful mouth" (Dan. 7:8) to whom Vespasian gave his freedom, Roman Citizenship, and ADOPTED INTO the "Flavian Family Dynasty" as his SPOKESMAN and "Official Historian".

As the "builders" of the spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon", laying its foundation upon which it stands to this day, they established the Dragon's Spirit of Deception as the "cornerstone" of the foundation on which their kingdom stands, after they DESTROYED God's Temple to CHANGE the TIMES AND LAWS of Gods Kingdom which speak all about Jesus as the IMAGE of Gods righteousness for which God made the SACRIFICE to establish as CORNERSTONE-SABBATH TRUTH in ZION so we could RECOGNIZE the IMAGE of His Spirit in order to FREE US from our CAPTIVITY to the anti-christ "COUNTERFEIT SABBATH" KINGDOM of the DRAGON'S DECEPTION, as He PROMISED us in advance of any of it taking place!

Then AFTER 2 MILLENNIAL DAYS, in the "Morning" of the 3rd Day in which this kingdom of deception has ruled in OPPOSITION to the CORNERSTONE TRUTH while Israel is divided in bondage during the times of the Gentiles (Hos. 5:14-6:2), a time of chaotic violence and corruption like in the days of Noah, the TRUTH would be UNSEALED to reveal the "Morning Star" of Gods Kingdom Saints to UNITE THEM UNDER GOD and His Genius Son EXALTED to His Right hand (like Joseph was as a PATTERN), who OBEYED the FATHER'S PLAN which would DESTROY SATAN'S EMPIRE on earth for His Glory so His will is done ON EARTH as in Heaven (Rev. 17:14-17). When this JUDGEMENT takes place it will be like a heavenly "stone cut without hands" which would strike the foundation of this last kingdom and it, along with all the former Beast Kingdoms it had syncretized into itself, would come to its end as Israel comes out from their subjugation to the DRAGON to establish God's Kingdom on earth which will NEVER BE DESTROYED! Everyone who has seen these prophecies take place BELIEVE DANIEL'S WORDS at the end of Dan. 2:45.

...the dream is absolute and the interpretation is certain. Dan. 2:45b

The disciples suggested in many places that they knew that these things would be SEALED UP during the "tribulation of the saints" by the "savage wolves" and "Wandering Stars" of "Mystery Babylon" reserved for judgement (Is. 8:16, Dan. 9:24b, Dan. 12:4 & 9, Acts 20:29, Jude 1:13) and would NOT be "unsealed" (through ENLIGHTENMENT of the "Protestant Reformation" coming OUT from the darkness of Mystery Babylon deception) to be understood until the end days when it's time for the EXPOSURE of this final kingdom of Satan's rule called "Mystery Babylon" represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnzzar. Then the "Stone" which was SELECTED by the builders as the "Morningstar" (Lucifer) of their kingdom, would be EXPOSED by the TRUE, BRIGHT MORNINGSTAR and his saints which would SMASH the foundation of their spiritual kingdom represented by the Statue, which would bring the spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" to its END, to be REPLACED by Gods Spiritual Kingdom as prophesied (Rev. 17:14-17). So many not understanding these scriptures then, had been deceived by their religious leaders to believe that the "coming prince" a.k.a. the "anti-christ" with whom traitor Jews would CONSPIRE to "change times and laws", was Antiochus Epiphanes who INDEED DID attempt to do so, and so PARTIALLY fulfilled some of the prophesies of the "4th Beast", and to be AWAITING the coming of Messiah...only to be BETRAYED into the hands of the ANTI-CHRIST!

Today the Jews still RIGHTLY AWAIT the Messiah, the "IMAGE of God's Righteousness" who will UNITE and DELIVER THEM and give them the World Kingdom as promised (while not understanding how Jesus has accomplished that for us to UNITE together in obedience to the Spirit of Truth as our God by recognizing "His Face" like Joseph revealed himself), while Christians in bondage to "Mystery Babylon" are DECEIVED to REJECT God's Lunar Calendar and His Image of Righteousness it DEFINES, the "face" of the true "Jesus", to serve the "anti-christ" who has indeed already came and through the name of Jesus has TAKEN THEM CAPTIVE to serve the CORNERSTONE LIE of Satan's spiritual kingdom. Opposing themselves as the "House of Israel" into whom the Gentiles would be GRAFFED before being UNITED with the "House of Judah", the salvation of the world, and resurrection of the dead (Rom. 11:15-29), they themselves are deceivd by Satan through FALSE GOSPELS in service to the cornerstone LIE of Mystery Babylon, to OPPOSE the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of the ONLY 1 TRUE Kingdom Gospel Plan; and TO THIS DAY they PERSECUTE (and murder) all the TRUEST of "Israelite Saints" who serve God's SPIRIT of TRUTH and His Times and Laws which DEFINE God's CORNERSTONE IMAGE of RIGHTEOUSNESS which Jesus ESTABLISHED as CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God's Kingdom, as they condemn us as "Judaizers" and "heretics" for refusing to serve in THEIR REBELLION SERVING CAESAR as the Cornerstone Lord serving the DRAGON they themselves serve in Jesus' name; a spiritual BONDAGE which they do not want ANYONE to recognize HAS TAKEN THEM CAPTIVE IN REBELLION TO GODS KINGDOM GOSPEL PLAN! They have JUDGED and MURDERED US because of the SABBATH CALENDAR we serve for 2000 years because it DEFINES the Image of God's righteousness as the Cornerstone of His Spiritual Kingdom THEY OPPOSE in Jesus' name! They have a DIFFERENT SPIRIT, a DIFFERENT GOSPEL and a DIFFERENT JESUS than the TRUE ONE!

They are DECEIVED by their ANTI-SEMITE LEADERS to oppose themselves in SERVICE to the DRAGON (Satan) as the CORNERSTONE of "Mystery Babylon" in REBELLION to Gods Spiritual Kingdom Plan and the Cornerstone Truth of God, and the Sabbath WEEK by which they serve the DRAGON already MARKS THEM; they were BORN into this Spiritual Kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" and DO NOT EVEN KNOW THEY ARE SPIRITUAL SLAVES of a CORNERSTONE LIE which they are DECEIVED to serve in Jesus' name! And only those who LOVE THE TRUTH will COME OUT from their bondage (Rev. 18:4, 2 Thes. 2:6-15). According to Paul there (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6 & Gal. 1:8-9) any other Kingdom Gospel Plan than THIS ONE which includes the "TRADITIONS" of the GREAT SABBATHS over which Jesus is LORD (as Passover Lamb and Pentecost Groom who Tabernacles in and with us in His Kingdom as its CORNERSTONE established by the God of TRUTH so we could KNOW that it is He who Sanctifies us by His TRUTH; Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), by which we DISTINGUISH those STARS who walk ORDERLY, from the WANDERING STARS who walk disorderly serving the ACCURSED LIE which MARKS them for judgment as Jude tells us! All who LOVE and PREFER to serve the LIE of the DRAGON and REFUSE to leave their BONDAGE to wickedness and lies will NEVER be SAVED to come into the LIGHT of the Kingdom of God. By HIS DECREE they will REMAIN OUTSIDE (or be thrust out when discovered) with the DOGS weeping and gnashing their teeth (Mat. 8:12, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30, Mk. 13:28, Rev. 22:15, 2 Thes. 2:6-15).

As detailed in the accounts of the Maccabees, Antiochus Epiphanes did desecrate the Temple and made it a CRIME on PENALTY of DEATH to observe the Sabbath Calendar of God (2nd Mac. 5:26, 6:6, & 6:11). So many were deceived to believe the Messiah would soon be coming to deliver them and rule the world. But Antiochus Epiphanes clearly did NOT fulfill these prophecies which Jesus underlined when he told his disciples that THEY WOULD SEE those prophesies of Daniel fulfilled which would be the turning point which would mark the beginning of an all out "great persecution" against us who UNDERSTAND (Mat. 24:15, Mk. 13:14). And this persecution of Saints (by Satan's Princes, Priests and Tares practicing religious sorcery and the deception of spiritual warfare/propaganda) would NOT END until ONE of us OVERCOMES through OUR OBEDIENCE to the PLAN to UNITE ALL OF US under HIM as the TRUE MORNINGSTAR to inherit the KINGDOM as His Kings and Priests according to the PLAN (Rev. 2:26-28, 21:7, 20:1-4). Paul likewise tells us that "coming prince" who would be HAILED by the REBELLIOUS LEADERS of Israel who would destroy the Temple and change times and laws to be served as God in flesh in HIS TEMPLE (2 Thes. 2), would soon be coming to take Israel into BONDAGE "beyond Babylon", as did John in Rev. 17:10 and which Stephen referenced when confronted by those from the Synagogue of the Freed Mason Builders (Acts. 6:9 & 7:43). The Body of Jesus saints would be the required sacrifice because ONLY THEY would REFUSE to serve Caesar as their "Sabbath Lord" and "High Priest-King" of the Dragon (Satan) during the "times of the gentiles" as the "Cornerstone Spirit" of his kingdom of sorcery, corruption and war ("Mystery Babylon") into which all mankind was going into bondage, and which is represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar.

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

ALL of these prophesies for this promised BONDAGE were fulfilled (and the prophecies of the End of the world kingdom of rebellion and Gods Kingdom beginning to rule earth, are currently taking place), but this HISTORY of events has been SUPPRESSED and re-written to HIDE THE LIES upon which the Spiritual Kingdom of Mystery Babylon stands. Antiochus Epiphanes was clearly NOT the "little horn" of the 4th Beast (which John identifies for us as a "Dragon" in Revelation) which took Israel into bondage to a FRAUD SABBATH KINGDOM. But these events would be SEALED UP with the deaths of Jesus Disciples (Is. 8:16, Dan. 9:24b, Dan. 12:4 & 9) so that Satan's Kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" DECEPTION would prosper according to prophecy, THEN these things would be UNSEALED to bring Judgement on the Kingdom of Rebellion, also as prophesied. The CORNERSTONE TRUTH which was REJECTED will DESTROY the world's kingdoms ESTABLISHED ON AND SERVING LIES in place of, and REBELLION TO, the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God's Kingdom which Jesus ESTABLISHED as a STONE in Zion though his OBEDIENCE! But let's get back to our review of the role the Essenes/Qumran Jews played in these events.

During the latter part of Antiochus Epiphanes reign, and after his death, the Maccabean Revolt was able to RESTORE and RE-DEDICATE the Temple and its SABBATH OBSERVANCES beginning on the VERY DAY on which Antiochus had defiled the Temple according to THEIR LUNAR CALENDAR [called the "Festival of Lights" (for the "Sons of Light") or "Dedication" a.k.a. "Hanukkah"; 1st Mac. 1:59, 4:36, 4:52-59, 2nd Mac. 1:9, 1:18, 6:7, 10:5, the LUNAR CALENDAR Festival which Jesus also observed (Jn. 10:21-22) while Greeks, Romans and even Jews throughout the Empire were worshiping the "Christ" Julius Caesar as God in Heaven (specifically "Saturn" a.k.a. the "Black Sun" and "God of Time") and the living Emperor as the incarnate "Son of God", especially in his Temples in Pergamos (where Satan had his throne; Rev. 2:13), on what has come to be known as "the Mass of Christ" or "Christmas" today on "Mystery Babylon's" Calendar. The Celebration of "Christmas" is LITERALLY the celebration of the "Birth of the DRAGON" brought forth by Caesar as the "Genius Cornerstone" and midwife of the Kingdom of SPIRITUAL DECEPTION who gave it life]. Concurrent with these events around the middle of the 2nd Century B.C.E. seems to be the genesis of the Essene Movement of Jews, Jews who OPPOSED the Maccabean reforms; ESPECIALLY THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT of the LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR which Jesus later ESTABLISHES. It is from this political Jewish movement from which the later Qumran Jews were an offshoot.

They taught that the Lunar Sabbath Calendar [(which Moses Codified to speak all about Jesus as the "IMAGE" of God's Righteousness as the "Cornerstone" of God's Kingdom to be ESTABLISHED in Zion FOREVER through his OBEDIENCE) which had been OUTLAWED but was RE-ESTABLISHED with the RE-DEDICATION (Hanukkah) of the Temple such that later Jesus and the Disciples observed it, because the Lunar Calendar "Tradition" acompanies the ONLY 1 TRUE SABBATH KINGDOM GOSPEL PLAN (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6, 1 Cor. 5:7-8, 11:23-29, 15:3-4 & vs. 20, Col. 2:17, & Gal. 1:8-9)], was a Babylonian Fraud created by the Pharisees and Maccabean Priests. Of course they created their calendar through the wisdom of the "prince of this world" as the REPLACEMENT of the one Jesus would be born and sacrificed to ESTABLISH as the "Wisdom of God" which Moses Codified to speak all about him as the "Cornerstone Image" of God's Righteousness for His Spiritual Kingdom (codified by Moses; Jn. 5:46-47, Rom. 10:3-4). Those serving the prince of this world HATED the TRUTH and worked to REJECT HIS "IMAGE of righteousness" and REPLACE it with their OWN spiritual image, a NARCISSISTIC FORGERY!

After the "coming prince" they would hail to power came, they planned on EXPUNGING all references to the Lunar Sabbaths which speak of God's CORNERSTONE IMAGE of Righteousness. The Jews who participated in this HELLENIST betrayal were PART of the "Synagogue of Satan" long before Jesus was born, or even Julius Caesar who was the coming prince they anticipated but who who SPURNED THEM. They readily ABANDONED their FRAUD SABBATH CALENDAR to adopt Caesar's fraud sabbath after Vespasian destroyed the Temple and NOTHING has been known of it throughout history UNTIL the DSS were discovered, beginning contemporaneously with the re-establishment of a Jewish State to begin the NEXT PHASE of Kingdom Gospel prophecy.

As I demonstrate here, the "Synagogue of Satan" was NOT PRIMARILY JEWISH! It consisted PRIMARILY of the SYNCRETIC "Religious Harlot" of Revelation; ALL who SERVED and even WORSHIPED the "Genius of Caesar" and his anointed firstborn sons as "God Incarnate". They were LITERALLY WORSHIPING the DRAGON and his heads and horns! These RELIGIOUS DECEIVERS who WORSHIP and/or SERVE the DRAGON to this very day, do so by USURPING the authority of the TRUTH, who IS "God", and his "Firstborn Son", the Messiah who is God's "IMAGE of Righteousness" which Moses CODIFIED, through DECEPTION in service to the Dragon, Satan, to this very day!

After posthumously recognizing the "Genius of Caesar" after his murder in 44 B.C.E., Rome declared that Julius Caesar was DIVINE, and later the living Emperors were also WORSHIPED as the INCARNATE DIVINE SON OF GOD. The deified Julius Caesar and his "sons", the Emperors, were recognized as the SUPREME GOD in the pantheon of gods which EMBODIED the DRAGON BEAST of Rome which MEN WORSHIP and/or SERVE through the "Genius of Caesar" who founded its cornerstone of TIME to which it was ANCHORED and INAUGURATED, as the "Mass of Christ" or "Christmas" as it's known today. He is worshiped and/or served as the Divine Pontifex Maximus (High Priest-King) to the Genius of the Dragon who possessed him, who "was killed yet lives" to this very day! Pergamos was the first city in the Roman Empire to construct TEMPLES where the DIVINE JULIUS CAESAR and his SONS, the Emperors, were LITERALLY being WORSHIPED as GOD INCARNATE in the Imperial Cult Temples of Pergamos [where SATAN had his THRONE (Rev. 2:13)] decades before Jesus was even born, and over a CENTURY BEFORE the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

It is THAT "great falling away" of Jews WORSHIPING CAESAR as God on HIS SABBATHS which he created as the FOUNDATION for his world kingdom even BEFORE the destruction of Gods Temple and the change of the Sabbath who, TOGETHER WITH ROMANS and TARE CHRISTIANS like MARCION after the destruction of the Temple, PERSECUTED THE SAINTS and REJECTED the "Jewish Sabbaths" which DEFINE WHO JESUS IS as the CORNERSTONE of Gods Kingdom Plan to DESTROY SATAN'S KINGDOM, who INDUCTED the entire world into the Spiritual Kingdom of DARKNESS in which ISRAEL is STILL IN BONDAGE through Satan's PRIESTS DECEIVING THEM TO REMAIN IN BONDAGE TO THEIR ANTI-SEMITE GOD CAESAR (in Jesus' name), and which the true God defines for us as the "Harlot" of "Mystery Babylon". Those who WORSHIP and/or SERVE CAESAR as the "God of Time" in his spiritual kingdom CONTRIVED to take ISRAEL and the WHOLE WORLD into BONDAGE to serve as SPIRITUAL SLAVES in his kingdom of "Mystery Babylon", ARE ALL of those who compose the "GATHERINGS" (Synagogue/Ekklesia/Church) of Satan, as I demonstrate here in this page in great detail!

As I demonstrate here, what we call "Saturday" today was ORIGINALLY the 1st and HOLIEST DAY of the 7 day week which Julius Caesar created as the FOUNDATION of the Spiritual Empire he created as the "God of Time". From the founding of Rome and throughout its history, the 1st day of the Roman week was its holiest. That did not change when Julius Caesar ended the Republic of Rome and its 8 day week anchored to the lunar months, and created the Solar Month/Year system of the Dragon anchored to "Saturn" (on the day called "Christmas" today) as the first holy 7 day week for the Empire of Rome (Mystery Babylon). "Saturn Day" was the 1st and holiest day of the week beginning from that 1st Holy week which celebrated the END of the Republic and the Birth of the Dragon-Empire, until the 4th Century when Constantine demoted Saturday to the last day of the Roman week when he promoted Sunday (which was the 2nd day of the week) to the 1st and holiest day. Contrary to popular belief Sunday WAS NOT the 1st and Holiest Day of the Roman week until Constantine PROMOTED IT from the 2nd day to the 1st. As evidenced by a plethora of calendars and calendar references from the historical record of the 1st three centuries C.E., (which I provide here in this page), Saturday was the Holy 1st Day of Julius Caesar's weekly system until Constantine promoted Sunday such that ALL of the days of the week created by Julius Caesar shifted by one day. So CONTRARY to what you have been deceived to ASSUME, the Bible is NOT REFERENCING JULIUS CAESAR'S CALENDAR as its CORNERSTONE, either in the form you use today and have been DECEIVED to believe was being used 2000 years ago, OR the form which ACTUALLY EXISTED for the 1st three centuries after Caesar created it, where as evidenced in this page, Venus' Day (Friday) was the 7th day of the week, Saturn's Day was the holy 1st day, and Sun Day was the 2nd day of the Roman week. The Bible NEVER REFERENCES ANY OTHER CALENDAR than GOD'S LUNAR CALENDAR which speaks all about the TRUE JESUS as CORNERSTONE of God's Kingdom Times and Laws which JESUS ESTABLISHED as CORNERSTONE TRUTH! It is THAT "IMAGE" of God's Righteousness which God's Times and Laws DEFINES which was REPLACED by a FRAUD CALENDAR that BLINDS MINDS from SEEING or KNOWING the CORNERSTONE TRUTH which would otherwise SAVE THEM from the LIE of Satan, if they ONLY WOULD!

The god of this world blinds their MINDS (of those who HATE TRUTH) so they CAN NOT SEE the "IMAGE of God's RIGHTEOUSNESS", and therefore the Light of God's Gospel CAN NOT SHINE ON THEM. 2 Corinthians 4:4

Because they prefer the pleasure of unrighteousness more than the truth, God sends them a powerful deception (the spirit of deception) to believe the lies (of the "father of lies" they choose to serve) so that all those who refuse to believe the truth shall be damned (as their own choice when all attempts to reason with them are finished and the sentence of judgment is pronounced). 2 Thes. 2:11-12

***Note on Islam***

***Begin Note*** It is taught in many Arabic speaking traditions that "Al Jumu'ah", the "Holy Day of Congregation" originally associated with the planet Venus as the "7th day of the week" which Julius Caesar had created (and which we call "Friday" and recognize as the 6th day of the week today because Constantine changed the order of days by one day), was the ORIGINAL "SABBATH DAY" commanded by God which Jews and Christians changed. They are obviously holding on to the ORIGINAL ORDER of weekdays created by Julius Caesar, which Arabic speaking people used along with their local lunar calendar traditions for the first 3 Centuries of their subjugation under Roman rule, until Constantine CHANGED the ORDER of WEEKDAYS in the 4th Century.

Without going too far into the confusing mess of the history of the Kingdom of RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM and SORCERY called "Mystery Babylon" which Julius Caesar plunged the world into as its "GOD of WAR" which the WHOLE WORLD serves as the "Cornerstone Lord of Sabbath" of Satan's spiritual kingdom of Deception represented by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, it's interesting to note that for hundreds of years before Muhammad was even born, Arabs were observing Al Jumu'ah ("Friday") as the 7th day of the Roman Week on the rather remote Arabian Peninsula of Sinai even AFTER Constantine re-ordered the days of the week in the 4th century. Later, Muhammad and the Quran through their tradition, HIGHLIGHT the TIME CHANGE made by Constantine [when he changed the Form of the shape shifting Dragon as its 8th (Octive) King belonging to the 1st Seven Time changers of the 1st Dragon, according to prophecy. See: ***Note on the 2 distinct FORMS of the Dragon*** further down this page for more information on this prophecy].

Which "Sabbath Day" associated with DIFFERENT GODS through deception, had become the DIVIDING CHARACTERISTIC to UNITE through DIVISION. ALL were enslaved to the same SABBATH WEEK FRAUD in the kingdom of WARFARE. Making a clear DIVISION to distinquish a FALSE PARADIGM between the "Christian Sabbath" God ("Sun Day" as the NEW 1st and holiest day of Rome's Weekly System created by Constantine), and the "God of the Jews" who had already adopted the OLD 1st Holy Day of Rome's week ("Saturn's Day") as their new "7th day sabbath" after the destruction of the Temple and they were taken into Bondage to the 1st Form of the Dragon as indicated by Amos 5:26-27 and Acts 7:43, long before Constantine DEMOTED IT to the 7th day of the Roman Week for the new FORM of the Dragon of Rome he created when he PROMOTED Sunday from the 2nd day, to the 1st Holy Day of the week. Through the spiritual kingdom calendar he created for that purpose (as God told us in advance would happen) the WHOLE WORLD serves CAESAR as the "High Priest-King" (Pontifex Maximus) and "Cornerstone Lord of Sabbath" who ENSLAVED THE WORLD through DECEPTION to worship and/or serve the DRAGON (Satan) as God (through the rejection of Jesus as the Cornerstone of God's Spiritual Kingdom, and the usurpation of His Righteous Authority) regardless what FRAUD SABBATH they claim is the TRUE one.

Similar to Constantine who united the Latin/Greek speaking world through DIVISION of Christians and Jews, each claiming to serve the TRUE God (while both camps were IN BONDAGE to Satan's Kingdom of Deception), it seems that Muhammad similarly united the Arabic speaking world using the 7th Day of the Old Empire week (which was "Friday" in the 1st form of the Dragon Empire, as evidenced by the Archeological record through ancient calendars), as its holy "Day of Congregation" (Al Jumu'ah), distinguished from either that of the Jews or that of the Christians as the "cornerstone mark" of the "True God" and His worshipers. Nevertheless the Arabic speaking people had ALSO been taken CAPTIVE through DECEPTION to the SAME SPIRITUAL KINGDOM of Satan, ALONG WITH Jews and Christians, to serve the SAME CORNERSTONE "LORD" of the Dragon's Spiritual Empire, divided PRIMARILY by their own "choice" of "Holy Day" on which to serve the SAME LORD of the SAME LIE of the same Spiritual Kingdom of Satan who LOVES DIVISION, DECEPTION, AND WAR.

One Man (Yochanan ben Zakkai) sold the ENTIRE WORLD into BONDAGE as PROPHESIED (Mal. 2:10-12)! This is HOW and WHY the 3 Monotheistic ABRAHAMIC FAITHS came into existence to be DIVIDED against one another through this CORNERSTONE SABBATH DECEPTION to serve THE SAME SPIRIT of DECEPTION and WAR (the Dragon, Satan) as "God" in "Mystery Babylon" depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar! The Dragon (Satan) took the whole world CAPTIVE through DECEPTION, DIVISION and WARFARE to the "Cornerstone Lie" of Caesar, AGAINST the Cornerstone TRUTH which the TRUE "Jesus" established through his SUBMISSION to the Plan of the Father of Spirits to DESTROY Satan's Kingdom.

So the TRUE GOD and FATHER of ALL led Jesus to ESTABLISH DAVID'S THRONE FOREVER even as the MOON is His FAITHFUL WITNESS in the CLOUDS. When he RETURNS in POWER it will be as a result of HIS BODY OF SAINTS uniting UNDER HIM who is SEATED AS KING over heaven and earth NOW! They will SEE THE "VISION" of the "son of man" who makes the FACE of the PERFECT FATHER in Heaven Known so that ALL MANKIND will SERVE HIM (Dan. 7:13 & 8:17)! ***End Note on Islam***


***Note on the "Son of Man coming in the clouds"***

***Begin Note*** This "VISION of PROPHECY" which was SEALED UP regarding the "Sign" of the "Son of Man" and his "coming in clouds" in the "end days" when the VISION is once again UNSEALED (Is. 8:16, Dan. 9:24b, 7:13, 8:17, 12:4 & 9), is an important Messianic concept to understand.

In Ps. 89:37 (89:38 in the Hebrew Bible) the word "Shahak" (Strongs Concordance # H-7834) is mistranslated as "heaven" but means "dust" like a dust CLOUD... as it's correctly used in Ps. 89:6 (89:7 in the Hebrew Bible). A "CLOUD" of WITNESSES (composed of "dust from the earth"), the same "Cloud of Witness" who lived by FAITH in the Spirit of Truth and which RECEIVED HIM in POWER according to the Plan when he ascended after God Glorified Him as King (Heb. 12:1, Acts 1:9).

It is with this SAME CLOUD of WITNESS, in which the MOON is recognized [by all the "stars" on earth who "walk orderly in the Traditions", as opposed to disorderly "wandering stars" appointed for Judgement (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6, Jude 1:13")] as the "SIGN" for "HIS ETERNAL THRONE" upon which he is SEATED AS KING NOW, which must be RECOGNIZED before he RETURNS IN POWER in this SAME CLOUD of WITNESSES to REIGN over the Stars on earth as the TRUE CORNERSTONE Lord of God's Kingdom according to His Appointed Times ("Moedim" H-4150 mistranslated as "seasons" in Ps. 104:19, but means "Appointed Times" as in the "GREAT Sabbaths" and their Festivals) which speak ALL ABOUT HIM as the IMAGE of GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS SEATED ON THE THRONE, as indicated by Ps. 104:19, Dan. 7:13, Mat. 24:30, 26:64, Mk 13:26, 14:62, Lk. 21:27, Acts 7:55-56, Heb. 1:3, Ex. 15:6-7, Rev. 14:14.] ***End Note***

In order to bring some amount of clarity to an overly complicated and deliberately cloudy and SUPPRESSED history which has been DECEPTIVELY WRITTEN to HIDE THE TRUTH in PLAIN VIEW, let me simply assert here that it was the HIERARCHY of this offshoot of Essene Jews [as well as the Leader of the Pharisees, Yochanan ben Zachai who later rejected Jesus and HAILED that "coming prince" (a.k.a. the "Little Horn", "anti-christ")] who were ANTICIPATING the coming of the next "prince" who they intended to hail to power and ASSIST HIM to CHANGE the SABBATH and its Cornerstone SIGN codified by Moses (Dan. 7:25). The Qumran Jews OPENLY TAUGHT he would be their "Messiah" who would destroy their adversary Jews in Jerusalem AND THEIR LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR to adopt the SOLAR SABBATH CALENDAR system they had created for him to fulfill this prophecy (Dan. 7:25). They clearly understood from this prophecy that the strategy of Antiochus Epiphanes which did not work, would NEVER work. They knew the BEST WAY to accomplish the "change" of Sabbath TIMES and the associated laws was by REPLACING THEM with a FORGERY that could be adopted through DECEPTION, not by merely OUTLAWING THEM outright. So the CONCEPT on which Caesar established his Empire as upon a cornerstone, for which the "Genius of Caesar" is WORSHIPED as God to this day, was PLAGIARIZED from the SATANIC HERESY of the Essene Jews, the ORIGINAL "Synagogue of Satan" which intended to HAIL the "anti-christ" to POWER through DECEPTION!

***Note on "Christmas" worship of the Dragon!***

***Begin Note*** Julius Caesar received input from several different sources not just from the Essene Jews who gave him the general concept. He employed an astronomer-mathematician named Sosigenes of Alexandria who assisted him primarily in recognizing that the solar year was NOT divided into 52 exact weeks of 364 days as the Qumran Jews developed in their counterfeit Solar Sabbath Week Calendar PROTOTYPE, but it consisted of 365.25 days [he was off slightly in his calculations by .01 days (the Solar year is actually 365.24 days) which was corrected by Pope Gregorian in the 16th Century].

But probably most importantly Julius Caesar was influenced more by ancient Persian and Babylonian celebration of the Winter Solstice "Death and Re-Birth of the Sun God" (to include the "Black Sun" Saturn)...especially through Antiochus Epiphanes (whose birth name was Mithradates which means "Epiphany of Mithras"), the self proclaimed incarnate "Sun God" of Persia who had defiled the Temple in Jerusalem on that very "Birthday" of the Sun God Mithras on the SOLAR Calendar. On the Lunar Calendar it was the 25 day of the Month now the 1st Day of Hanukkah (because we RE-DEDICATED our Temple on that exact same day of our Lunar Calendar afterwards), but on the Dragon's Solar Calendar created BEFORE JESUS WAS BORN, it was the CORNERSTONE DAY to which Julius Caesar anchored the new DRAGON EMPIRE and its SOLAR WEEK "Sabbaths" when through the Genius of the spirit of Deception, he ENDED the Republic of Rome and its Lunar Calendar 8 Day Week system, and he gave BIRTH to the Solar Calendar 7 Day Week of the DRAGON's (Satan's) Empire as its "Cornerstone" and "God of Time", the "Hidden" or "BLACK SUN" a.k.a. Chronos, Chivan, Remphan, and "Saturn", to take Israel captive AS PROPHESIED.

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

Julius Caesar ended the "Holy Week" of "Janus" [which began the month of "Janus" (January)], which was the celebration of "ending the old year and inaugurating the new year" which took place in SPRING on the Republics Lunar calendar, and he anchored it to Winter Solstice and "Saturnalia" by shifting the NAMES of the Months forward so that the New week long "Janus" celebration would begin on the 25th day of what was FORMERLY the 10th month of the Roman Year (December), and ended on the 1st of Janus (January) of a New Solar Week Calendar Empire. The CORNERSTONE DAY of "SATURN DAY" (called "Christmas" today) was the 1st Day of the WEEK LONG celebration of ENDING the OLD "Republic" and Beginning the New "Empire", which ended on "SaturnDay" the 1st of Janus (January); the OFFICIAL BEGINNING of the NEW (DRAGON) EMPIRE. So what is deceptively taught as the "birth" of the "anointed one" (Christ) to the deceived Masses in Mystery Babylon is LITERALLY the "Birthday" of Satan's world DRAGON empire they worship and serve, a Dragon (Satan) who carefully calculated to EXCHANGE the LUNAR CALENDAR Times and Laws of Gods Spiritual Kingdom (beginning with changing Rome's) and took Israel and the whole world into bondage to serve a CORNERSTONE LIE by which he BLINDS MINDS from seeing the Image of Gods Righteousness (2 Cor. 4:4) as the Cornerstone of His LUNAR CALENDAR Times and Laws which DEFINE HIM and which the ANTI-SEMITE DRAGON and his spiritual children HATE! They are LITERALLY CELEBRATING their OWN ENSLAVEMENT to SATAN and doing it in Jesus' Name! There can be NO MORE POWERFUL of a DECEPTION than THAT...and both Paul and John tell us THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN after the Temple was destroyed and the Dragon Murdered all the WITNESSES for the TRUTH (those who have the TWO WITNESSES of Keeping Gods Commandments according to the TRADITION they handed down, which IS the "Testimony of Jesus", the TESTIMONY of the SPIRIT of PROPHECY)! Satan and his truth CENSORS serving his LIES do not want you to see that the TRUE "Light of the World" given to mankind to FREE THEM FROM SATAN, was born in SPRING, at PASSOVER according to the Lunar Calendar as God's Passover Lamb according to the LAW which even describes His Birthday, like Isaac's birth (pointing to the PERFECT FATHER who would be SLAIN as a sacrifice by God as His Gift to Mankind), was in Spring (at the "time of life") when the Ewes were birthing their Lambs. As THE "Passover Lamb" more perfect than Isaac, he was also born AT THE "TIME OF LIFE" among the Passover Flocks which were being watched over by Shepherds as WITNESSES of the TRUE "CORNERSTONE" of God's Spiritual Kingdom! ***End Note***

Though the Qumran Jews provided Julius Caesar with the KEY to understand HOW to achieve his goal [through creating a FRAUD perpetual solar SABBATH claiming it was the "true sabbath" passed down from creation, which the rest of the Jews would NATURALLY adopt within a few generations AFTER the destruction of the Temple which ran by the LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR (which was Codified to DEFINE the "Image" of TRUTH by the ENFLESHED WORD of TRUTH as "Cornerstone Lord" of His Kingdom) and the GREAT TRIBULATION which would come on ANY REMAINING FACTION of Jews who didn't submit to the new "7 Day Sabbath Calendar" he created FOR THAT PURPOSE], he rejected their specific 7 day solar week calendar system. But plagiarizing their "satanically genius" idea, he created his own Solar sabbath calendar of Weeks, Months, and Years which indeed was adopted after the destruction of the Temple and the END of its Lunar Calendar of Weeks and their Sabbaths (Lunar Sabbaths which DEFINE the "IMAGE of God's Righteousness" as the "CORNERSTONE IMAGE" of God who is to be WORSHIPED IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH), which was likewise ALSO REJECTED by ANTI-SEMITE TARE "CHRISTIANS" who made observing them a CRIME for so called "Christians"... who IN REALITY were "ravening wolves" and "wandering stars" who were "deceiving others and being deceived themselves" in the "great falling away" whose progeny to this day serve Caesar and His Spiritual Image as the "God of Time" and Lord of his fraud sabbath according to his times and laws which DEFINE the kingdom of "Mystery Babylon".

So even though Julius Caesar himself never saw his vision fulfilled because as prophesied he was "cut off" exactly 62 weeks after he ended the Republic of Rome and founded the Dragon Empire of Rome as its first Horn/Head of the Dragon on the new Calendar system he created in 46 B.C.E. (exactly 7 x 70 = 490 years from the Decree of Cyrus in 536 B.C.E., as prophesied) as the "Cornerstone" of his kingdom, it did indeed take place AS PROPHESIED in SUCH AMAZING DETAIL that it simply can't be denied ONCE THIS SUPPRESSED HISTORY is "unsealed" and made known to LIGHT UP THE DECEIVED world BLINDED by Satan's POWERFUL DECEPTION as the "cornerstone" of his kingdom of CORRUPTION, and begin the DESTRUCTION of his Kingdom of Darkness -- "Mystery Babylon", as prophesied (Dan. 2:45, Rev. 18:1, 20:1-4, Dan. 12:1-2 & 4, Rev. 2:26-28 and elsewhere).

The traitor Jews in Jerusalem cultivating their political ALLIANCE with Rome, sold Israel into bondage to "Mystery Babylon" represented by the completed Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, after the rejection of Jesus and the destruction of the Temple, which would BEGIN our "World Bondage" as prophesied first by Moses in Deut. 30:1-7 (which was addended on later by other prophets with more info like in Is. 11:10-12, Jer. 16:14-15, Ez. 20:34-37, Hos. 5:14-17, Amos 5:26-27, Acts 7:43, Rom. 11:15, Ez. 37:17-22, and elsewhere). The leader of the Pharisees who had rejected Jesus 40 years earlier, and which the Talmud itself tells us was "the friend of Caesar" (Nero at that time), finished his betrayal of Israel when, after the death of Nero, he snuck himself out of the beseiged Temple and into General Vespasian's tent IN A COFFIN [to make his "covenant with death" to finish his BETRAYAL of God's Sabbath Covenant and the true Sabbath "Cornerstone" which Jesus established in Zion to EXPOSE that MAN and ANNUL that covenant he made with death (Mal. 2:10-12, Isaiah 28:15-21)] to give Vespasian the prophecy that he would become the next Emperor after 3 Emperors would come to power and be killed that same year. He hailed the "little horn" before whom 3 horns (Galba, Otho, and Vitellius) were "plucked up" AS DANIEL PROPHESIED, and thus he became the 7th Crowned Head of the Dragon [a Dragon-Beast which was birthed into existance before Jesus' birth (Rev. 12:4-5), which both Paul and John tell us that 7th Crowned Head of the Dragon would soon be coming to destroy Israel's Temple to take Israel and the WHOLE WORLD into bondage to serve the DRAGON as God (the "God of Time" a.k.a. Saturn/Chivan/Remphan/Chronos) in His Temple (2 Thes. 2:1-15 , & Rev. 17:10) according to the ONLY 1 TRUE KINGDOM GOSPEL PLAN (2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6 & Gal. 1:8-9), until JUDGEMENT DAY when these HISTORICAL EVENTS would be "unsealed" to be seen in the CONTEXTUAL LIGHT of PROPHECY which would DESTROY their kingdom like a SWORD of TRUTH coming out of God's own mouth!].

***Begin Note on the TWO DISTINCT FORMS of the "Dragon"***

The 4th Beast depicted by the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar for which Daniel gives us more information in Dan. 7:7-25, according to the proper translation which John gives us more details to understand as a "Dragon-Beast" in Revelation, takes on 2 very distinct forms. The first form of the Syncretic Dragon-Beast with 10 horns became 7 crowned heads when 3 horns were plucked up just before the last horn became the 7th Head; 7 KINGS which began with Julius Caesar and ended with Vespasian as the 10th horn before whom 3 horns (Galba, Otho, and Vitellius) were plucked up so that he became the 7th King (Rev. 12, 17:10). It is this Form of the Dragon Beast exalting itself as God which took Israel captive in "Mystery Babylon", and which the whole world serves in bondage today, through its 2nd Form.

The 2nd form of this Dragon has 10 CROWNED HORNS ON ITS 7 HEADS and began with Constantine the "eighth king belonging to the 7 TIME CHANGING "HEADS" (Rev. 13:1)...a form which has morphed and continues to exist to this very day, but which will soon be conquered by Jesus' Saints which he unites under him as the TRUE "Morningstar" to serve his Kingdom Gospel Plan to destroy Mystery Babylon which serves the Fraud Morningstar (Rev. 17:14-17, Rev. 18:1-4, 19:1-4, Dan. 7:25). I cover the details of the Forms the Dragon takes, elsewhere. It's necessary to mention this briefly here but I want to remain within the narrow scope of the role which the Essene/Qumran Jews had in assisting the 1st Form of the Dragon-Beast to Power as Daniel prophesied and John gives us more insight.***End Note***

So Jesus' death and resurrection as the "Lord of the Sabbath", of the TRUE SABBATH KINGDOM of God according to the CODIFIED LAW of the Passover Lamb (and waiving of the "Firstfruit") which he FULFILLED through his obedience, ESTABLISHED the CORNERSTONE-SABBATH TRUTH of God's Kingdom Times and Laws which He PROMISED would be REJECTED and given into the hands of the 4th Beast Kingdom (the Dragon of Rome), and for which Israel WOULD BE TAKEN CAPTIVE according to His Prophetic Plan to eventually SAVE ISRAEL and the whole world which SIDES WITH THEM, FROM SATAN'S REBELLION openly destroying the world, when these events would be UNSEALED to LIGHT UP THE WORLD with the MORNINGSTAR LIGHT of God (Rev. 2:26-28, 18:1, 20:1-4, Dan. 12:1-2), to then RULE THE WORLD in PEACE according to God's ancient plan to destroy Satan's rebellion on earth and ESTABLISH HIS OWN KINGDOM on earth, which He told us about LONG IN ADVANCE OF ANY OF IT EVER TAKING PLACE, as He has ALWAYS done.

I have already covered the plethora of DETAILS of this HISTORICAL EVENT (of this "Coming Prince" which the TRAITOR JEWS were anticipating coming to power) being fulfilled by Julius Caesar (the 1st horn) whom the WHOLE WORLD SERVES as the "Cornerstone Lord" and High Priest-King of the Dragon (Satan) through his Calendar System which he created to FULFILL THESE PROPHECIES, and which the 10th litttle horn (Vespasian) TOOK ISRAEL CAPTIVE TO SERVE after he destroyed the Temple as prophesied, in MANY PLACES (like here, here, here, and here).

So from this point on we shall focus on the SPECIFIC DETAILS of the "IMAGE" of the TRAITOR JEWS who BETRAYED the rest of us into WORLD BONDAGE of the 4th Kingdom Beast of Daniel's Statue which represents the spiritual kingdom of "Mystery Babylon" and its "times and laws" of the Gentiles. That was the beginning of the "Great Falling Away" and "Synagogue of Satan" whose PROGENY to this very day SERVE CAESAR as the "Lord of the Sabbath" FRAUD who took the WHOLE WORLD CAPTIVE to serve this CORNERSTONE LIE in "Mystery Babylon"; those TRAITORS who were anticipating this next "Coming Prince" prophesied by Daniel because they were anticipating RIDING the POWER of this prophetic BEAST which WOULD COME TO POWER by Gods Prophetic Decree. We will begin our review of this history with the Qumran Jews.

The HERESY of the Essene/Qumran Jews and their Fraud Sabbath Calendar as the "sign" of the self righteous "Image" of SATAN's Spirit and his spiritual children, the Sons of the LIE!

Though there are many things we still don't know about the "Essenes" and their related "Qumran Community" from history and from their own writings known as the "Dead Sea Scrolls" [which some argue provide a link between the Essene Jews and the Sadducees (Tzadukkim, a.k.a. "Sons of Zadok" who did NOT believe in resurrection from the dead), a rival faction to the Pharisees and their Priests (particularly Annas and his 5 sons who presided the last 64 years the Temple stood), perhaps known later as "bayit usim" or Boethusians], there are things which we do know with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. The fundamentals of the "SOLAR MONTH" calendar and its YEARLY "Perpetual Sabbath Week" cycle which they DEVELOPED and USED, is a prime example of those things we are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN about, and is what we shall focus on here...because their "monthly sabbaths" and its perpetual "sabbath week" is both OLDER, AND COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with the annual "WEEKLY SABBATH" CALENDAR system which Julius Caesar created in 46 B.C.E. and which the world observes to this very day (albeit "adjusted" first by Constantine in the 4th Century and again by Gregorian in the 16th Century). The Qumran Calendar provides us the OLDEST archeological evidence for the perpetual FRAUD "sabbath weeks" which we have today, and their ORIGIN. So let's begin with some concrete examples.

The Qumran community observed the "CORNERSTONE SABBATH" of Shavuot (Pentecost) as the "RENEWAL OF THE COVENANT" on the 15th day of the 3rd month. On its face one might ask what the problem is because as proven here, the "count" to Pentecost (Shavuot) ALWAYS falls on the 15th day FULL MOON SABBATH in the 3rd Lunar Month, as the "CORNERSTONE SABBATH" of our Kingdom Covenant with God. So it APPEARS to be the EXACTLY CORRECT DAY of the correct month, BUT they're anchoring their Sabbaths to the BLINDING SUN for their SOLAR CALENDAR Year/Month/Week system COMPLETELY DIVORCED from God's Lunar Calendar which He MANDATED in TORAH and Moses CODIFIED for His Kingdom of Kings and Priests to observe when we came out of bondage to the SUN GOD of Egypt! So the leaders of the Essenes/Qumran Jews, claiming to be EXPECTING the APOCALYPTIC JUDGEMENT of God on the "APOSTASY" of the Pharisees and Priest System in Jerusalem (and the destruction of the Temple) and the "CHANGE of Times and Laws" by the "coming prince" of prophecy who they intended to ASSIST TO POWER, devised the VERY FIRST PERPETUAL 7 DAY SABBATH SYSTEM of EXACTLY 52 Sabbath weeks anchored to a 364 day SOLAR YEAR as a RESPONSE to the Maccabean reforms, whose Calendar system Jesus ESTABLISHED FOREVER in Zion as planned.

The Qumran weekly sabbath system was NOT the same sabbath system being used by the Maccabees and their Priesthood (which Jesus observed and his death as the Passover and resurrection as the Firstfruit CODIFIED BY MOSES establishes as CORNERSTONE TRUTH, which no doubt the Qumran Jews were intending to ERASE from scripture because they FALSELY ASSERTED that those in power in Jerusalem had CREATED and INSERTED a LUNAR SABBATH SYSTEM into the text). Neither was the perpetual 7 day sabbath created and implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.E. which he anchored to a 365.25 day SOLAR YEAR when he came to power and rejected their "marriage proposal". His Sabbath System was likewise not compatible with theirs OR with the Lunar Calendar Jesus established in Zion as the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of Gods Kingdom; ALL THREE CALENDARS used in Israel were completely INCOMPATIBLE WEEKLY SABBATH CALENDARS though both the Roman and Qumran calendars were anchored to a SOLAR CALENDAR. The Qumran calendar begins on the Vernal Equinox with the SAME WEEKDAY EVERY YEAR [the 4th day of the week which was represented through the middle light or "Shemash" of the Menorah as "Sunday" in their system] and has EXACTLY 52 WEEKS. So because of the "leap" of 1.25 days DIFFERENCE between their calendar, and that which Caesar created which year begins on a DIFFERENT WEEKDAY EVERY YEAR, their calendars would only share the same perpetual 7 day sabbath weeks only once every TWELVE years.

***Begin Note on the 1st Form of the Dragon created by Julius Caesar as its 1st Head***

Julius Caeasar anchored the VERY FIRST "Holy Week" of his new Empire in service to the Dragon on the day of the "Black Sun", Saturn...the day Antiochus Ephiphanes desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem, called "Christmas" today. The LAST DAY of this "Holy Week" was the VERY FIRST DAY of the very first NEW MONTH SYSTEM he created; Saturday the 1st of Janus (January today). It's VERY IMPORTANT to understand that from the inception of Rome in the 8th Century B.C.E., the 1st Day of the week has ALWAYS been the holiest day of Rome's various weekly systems. Julius Caesar never changed that. Saturday was the FIRST and HOLIEST DAY of the Roman Empire until the 4th Century when Constantine changed the FORM of the Dragon Beast of Rome by promoting Sunday from the 2nd day of the week to the 1st and Holiest Day of the week, and legalized the new ANTI-SEMITE religion of "Christianity" PURGED of all "Jewishness". So DO NOT BE DECEIVED when you read your Bible and see things like "on the first day of the week" to ASSUME it's talking about EITHER the form of calendar you use today in service to the Dragon of MYSTERY BABYLON, OR the form that existed for the first few centuries after Caesar created it! It's talking about God's Kingdom Calendar which is LUNAR and SPEAKS ALL ABOUT JESUS, and the FATHER he served obediently, to ESTABLISH THE "IMAGE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH" as the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God's Kingdom, and which ANTISMITE TARE TRAINED CHRISTIANS disparagingly refer to as a "JEWISH calendar" in service to the CORNERSTONE LIE of the DRAGON'S KINGDOM of Mystery Babylon! ***End Note***

So this solar calendar of Qumran is PRIMA FACIA EVIDENCE exposing the FACT that weekly sabbaths the Rabbi's observe today is a DECEPTION! They are CLEARLY NOT anchored to the Lunar Calendar Sabbaths which NEITHER THEY, NOR ANTI-SEMITE CHRISTIANS TODAY, RECOGNIZE SPEAK ALL ABOUT JESUS because during the reign of the 1st Dragon of Rome/Mystery Babylon it was ILLEGAL to observance New Moon-Sabbaths until all the traditions of the Disciples were PURGED from the ANTI-SEMITE form of Christianity Rome adopted as the 2nd Form of the Dragon [and NEW "GOSPELS" replaced the Gospel Truth of the Kingdom which the Disciples preached, as they themselves indicated would take place in our bondage to the kingdom of Sorcery and Darkness (Is. 8:16, Acts 20:29, Jude 1:4, 2 Thes. 2:15, 3:6 & Gal. 1:8-9). I would point out that when Paul used the term "ferocious wolves" and Jude "ungodly men marked for judgement from ancient times", they were trying to describe what today, many like myself refer to as "Reptilian Brained Narcissists", "Dragon-Beasts" like Pharaoh who exalted himself as God, and all his "firstborn sons" seated in key positions of authority and power over his kingdom enslaving Gods children just before our first Exodus from our first bondage to them.]

Neither Christians OR Jews (or Muslims for that matter), who are kept DIVIDED in REBELLION and SUPPRESSION of the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God's Kingdom while SERVING THE DRAGON of Mystery Babylon, RECOGNIZE that the LUNAR SABBATHS SPEAK ALL ABOUT JESUS as the CORNERSTONE LORD and PERFECT IMAGE of the INVISIBLE SPIRIT of God's RIGHTEOUSNESS symbolized by the SANCTIFIED, INVISIBLE NEW MOON! Jesus established the SPIRIT of TRUTH symbolized by the New Moon and its Full Moon Sabbaths as an UNSHAKABLE ROCK of TRUTH in Zion through his OBEDIENCE to the FATHER...and ALL MEN will bend the knee and confess Him as LORD on His New Moons and Sabbaths in His Kingdom (Is. 66:23, Zech. 14:16) because they are a SHADOW of the SUBSTANCE of the BODY OF MESSIAH which is YET TO COME (Col. 2:16).

So the "weekly sabbath" and the 3 Great (Full Moon) Sabbaths which speak ALL ABOUT JESUS, were DETACHED from the MOON as the FAITHFUL WITNESS and anchored to the BLINDING SUN by the Qumran Jews in their sabbath calendar, which Jesus DID NOT ESTABLISH as TRUE! In fact as we shall see momentarily, JESUS CONDEMNED THE PRACTICES of the Qumran Jews as being WORSE HYPOCRITES and CHILDREN OF SATAN than were the Pharisees to whom he had CLEARLY COMPARED THEM as LESS SATANIC (but still not having the right Spirit)!

They had created a COMPLETELY "SOLAR SABBATH CALENDAR" IN ANTICIPATION of the COMING BEAST who would destroy the Temple and take the world captive to the BLINDING Spirit of Deception anchored to the sign of the Sun through a FRAUD SABBATH WEEK system! Though this SPECIFIC sabbath calendar was rejected by the "coming prince" who created his own version which was adopted after the destruction of the Temple and the MURDER of all Gods Saints who SERVED JESUS as the CORNERSTONE LORD of Gods Kingdom as Codified by Moses, this EVIDENCE from Qumran exposes the SATANIC AGENDA to CHANGE GODS SABBATH CORNERSTONE TIMES which speak all about Jesus, and is the smoking gun EVIDENCE that the whole world has BEEN DECEIVED by a SOLAR WEEK CALENDAR SYSTEM in a SATANIC MARRIAGE between SATAN (the DRAGON) and his RELIGIOUS CHURCH/SYNAGOGUE HARLOT WITCHES of "Mystery Babylon" riding the POWER of this BLINDING DECEPTION of WITCHCRAFT and keeping ISRAEL both IGNORANT of their own IDENTITY and INHERITANCE RIGHTS of the TRUE GOSPEL PLAN, and in BONDAGE to this CORNERSTONE LIE of the DRAGON of Rome to this very day!

For the Qumran community, Pentecost was VERY IMPORTANT on their calendar, as it was for all Jews, because ONLY on Pentecost could new members be ADDED to their LEGALISTIC community feigning holiness through their LEGALISTIC SABBATH OBSERVANCES! They were far more legalistic than the Pharisees who they claimed to have fraud sabbaths. Your clothes were to be SPOTLESS without even a hint of dust on Sabbath and contrary to Jesus teaching (Mat. 12:11, Lk. 14:5) they EXPRESSLY FORBID the rescue of an animal that might fall in a pit (like a cistern full of water in which it was drowning or if dry, potentially succumbing to injuries from the fall, or from deadly gasses filling the pit, or life threatening vipers) AND they forbade the RETRIEVAL, CARRYING, or USE of a rope, ladder, or any other implement to RESCUE even a man who might fall into such a pit (or into a fire and was being burned to death) on the Sabbath (4Q266; "Community Rules" in the Damascus Document)! They didn't even allow their members to go out to the latrine (bathroom) area to relieve themselves on their FRAUD that's "holy" eh! Men thought this sort of RIGOROUS STANDARDS is what defined real holiness.

So you can see in Jesus' teaching (Mat. 12:11, Lk. 14:5) that he was not only reprimanding the Jews for suggesting he was breaking sabbath (created as a SIGN for the IMAGE of God Righteousness and CORNERSTONE TRUTH of His Kingdom by which MANKIND shall be SAVED) by healing on the Sabbaths Codified by Moses (keep in mind we are talking about LUNAR CALENDAR SABBATHS which the Qumran Jews claimed were fraud sabbaths) but he's giving the Pharisees some KUDOS in that THEY WOULD AT LEAST SAVE A DROWNING ANIMAL on Sabbath (and therefore also save a man from dying in a fiery pit), but the Qumran Jews FORBADE SUCH MERCIES on their SELF RIGHTEOUSLY KEPT FRAUD SABBATHS!

That sort of zealous observance of laws seemed REALLY HOLY to many people deceived by this sort of witchcraft POLEMIC on defining "sin" seen against the backdrop of the OBVIOUS CORRUPTION of the priesthood in Jerusalem (which really was a sort of Jewish "Mafia Family") ran by Anas, the High Priest and "holy father" of ALL 5 of his sons who each later successively held the office of the Priesthood in the 1st Century C.E. (which ended with the murder of Anas ben Anas who took James the Just up to the pinnacle of the Temple and threw him down to his death, which was the abomination which desecrated the Temple and began its seige which culminated in the destruction of the Temple as Jesus prophesied would be the beginning of our "Great Tribulation" in Jerusalem at the hands of the traitors of the "great falling away" [though the Pharisees were the real POLITICAL POWER cultivating the nations relationship with Rome, and the leader of the Pharisees Yochanan Ben Zakkai, remained the CONSTANT POWER over the Pharisees throughout that entire period of time while the revolving door Priesthood held increasingly less power. Zakkai probably manipulated Anas ben Anas to murder James, then had him murdered to silence any Roman investigation into the matter which could implicate him. Eventually Zakkai and his Sect of Pharisees came out on top to control a NEW "Jewish era" as the undisputed leaders over the Jewish people taken into spiritual bondage to Mystery Babylon after the destruction of the Temple when he violently broke the Sabbath Covenant with God and married himself to the Harlot of Rome, the Daughter of Satan and their FRAUD SABBATH as prophesied (Mal. 2:10-12, Lam. 2:6) as the FALSE "Morning Star" of the Jews (Lucifer, Is. 14:12)].

You were carrying the Tabernacle of your King Saturn, and the (Star) Images of the Planet of your God which you made for yourselves, therefore I will carry you into captivity beyond Babylon! Amos 5:26-27 & Acts 7:43

The Qumran Jews believed and taught that the LUNAR CALENDAR PENTECOST (and their LUNAR WEEKS proven by the COUNT of WEEKS to the PENTECOST SABBATH of our MARRIAGE COVENANT with the CORNERSTONE TRUTH of God as the Sabbath Lord and Groom of our Kingdom with whom we "Tabernacle", as demonstrated here) was an heretical contrivance of the "wicked" Priests and Pharisees in Jerusalem who they claimed had corrupted the scriptures and inserted a LUNAR CORNERSTONE SABBATH by which to DECEIVE the people to submit to their authority. Of course their argument, which is exactly OPPOSITE of the TRUTH, could NOT possibly admit to all of the ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE of HUNDREDS of years of history in regard to the origin of Israel's Calendar in its historical context which I have covered in detail here, nor the INFLUENCE it had on the ENTIRE WORLD after our Exodus from Egypt (the very Egypt, Babylon and ALL the rest of the nations had switched from the Solar Calendar they were using PRIOR to Solomon's Reign, to a Lunar Calendar similar to Israel's afterwards...that is until the "Little Horn" Vespasian took Israel and the whole world into a spiritual bondage serving the DRAGON (Satan) and Julius Caesar as the High Priest King as the "CORNERSTONE" of our bondage which has been FAR LONGER than our bondage to the Sorceries of the Egyptian Sun God, Pharaoh who served Satan as his Image), which I also discuss in detail here.

Nor could they ever admit they were serving the Cornerstone Spirit of Deception which has ALWAYS used the SUN as its Cornerstone "SIGN" (and the very REASON God always intended to REVEAL His FIRST SABBATH anchored to the SIGN of the Sanctified New Moon as HIS PROMISED PASSOVER SABBATH SACRIFICE to IDENTIFY His Cornerstone Spirit of TRUTH). They merely understood and BELIEVED that the "coming prince" was going to change times and laws and had confidence that their "solar sabbath" calendar would be adopted by him and THEY would become the disseminators of Jewish Law instead of the Rabbi's...and since the Victors write the history, they had every intention of SCRUBBING HISTORY of ANY REFERENCE to a LUNAR SABBATH of any kind, which would include ALL PASSAGES which establish the CORNERSTONE TRUTH Jesus ESTABLISHED in Zion though his obedience to the INVISIBLE FATHER (symbolized by the Sanctified New Moon) as His PERFECT IMAGE (symbolized by the Full Moon Passover), but ESPECIALLY the passage from Neh. 9:14 which expressly tells us God REVEALED HIS SABBATH (and the very first one was PASSOVER) in order to set us FREE from the LIES of the "Sun God Incarnate" (Pharoah and his administrators who exalted their Reptilian Brained Narcissistic "IMAGE" against the IMAGE of God's Righteousness) under whom we were crying out in BONDAGE to their evil kingdom of SORCERY and CORRUPTION!

They made the FRAUDULENT CLAIM that their Weekly Sabbath FRAUD was observed since the foundation of the world and it was observed by Noah. When we get into the details of scripture we shall see this is a BOLD FACED LIE. So I thank God He put the Rabbis in Moses' seat to betray Israel into bondage KNOWING in advance that they wouldn't go that far in their REBELLION to Him in their conspiracy to court the power of Rome and the "coming prince" of Mystery Babylon who would take us into bondage!

You saw the distress of our ancestors in you REVEALED your HOLY SABBATH to them...through Your Servant Moses. Neh. 9:9 & 14

So the Qumran Jews coupled their perpetual 7 day sabbath of their 364 day year as being observed since the foundation of the world with NOAH and the Book of Enoch [which their "Teacher of Righteousness" probably wrote as the claim to his "Sabbath Calendar Authority", and is the REASON Jude alludes to THEIR WRITINGS RECOGNIZING that the "Body of Moses' WORK", which defines JESUS as the "IMAGE of God's Righteousness" (Jn. 5:46-47, Rom. 10:3-4) that would be "rejected" to take Israel into world bondage, was the very CORNERSTONE of TRUTH which the QUMRAN JEWS (Satan) was DISPUTING and were INTENDING TO CHANGE. Moses codifies the CORNERSTONE TRUTH over which the SONS OF LIGHT and the SONS OF DARKNESS are WARRING!], and manifested it through their METICULOUS LEGALISM in regard to its observance, in order to draw new members to their UNHOLY SABBATH CULT as the VERY FIRST "Synagogue of Satan"; those who were fed up with the political HYPOCRISY of the leadership in Jerusalem who were OBVIOUSLY COURTING the POWER of ROME, to join their own Satanic Cult, very similarly to how people CULT HOP today and use POLEMICS to "justify" their cult practices in a sort of Hegelian Dialectic of TWO FALSE PARADIGMS to choose from. So let's be clear, they were right about the corruption of the system controlling Jerusalem as Jesus himself, and later the Disciples clearly tell us about, but for this cult to create their own calendar system and laws as a polemic response to the corruption of others...while at the same time attempting to create an even more legalistic CARNAL BASED approach to serving God than those others who they claimed were serving Belial (Satan) in hypocrisy already, was little more than the pot calling the kettle black! But that's the PLOY taken by ALL SATAN'S CULTS bickering with one another for the best spot at Jezebel's Table, to this very day!

Below is a rendering of the 1st-3rd and the 7th Months and their Festivals. Please note there may be discrepancies in the order of the Priestly Course of service listed on the left, but they are not the focus here. More importantly to note is the documents are CLEAR that their year ALWAYS begins at the Vernal Equinox in Spring, and the 1st day of this 1st month ALWAYS falls on the 4th weekday which, as we saw in the Babylonian order of Planets associated with the Menorah by Philo, was the day of the SUN! Like Israel's ancient lunar Calendar, this pattern of days of the month falling on the exact same weekdays every "solar month" of every year, NEVER CHANGES. So the FIRST DAY of their 364 day SOLAR YEAR was ALWAYS the 4th day of the WEEK, "Sunday" according to Philo's ordering of the planets associated with the 7 lights of the Menorah cited earlier (in this page)! But this day of the "week" would be equated to Wednesday on the world's calendar today, which was created by Caesar AFTER the Qumran calendar (and not to be confused with the original order of the planetary week days divised by Julius Caesar where "SUNday" was the 2nd day of the week until Constantine mandated it to be the 1st day in the 4th Century). No doubt if Josephus, who like Philo associated the 7 lights of the Menorah with the order of Planets (and therefore the days of the week) as cited earlier, and writing post temple destruction at least 50 years after the death of Philo, he would have associated the order of the Planets as MANDATED by Julius Caesar in his FRAUD SABBATH WEEK SYSTEM, and NOT as either Philo or the Qumran Jews (who themselves were describing 2 different "CORNERSTONES" for their 7 DAY WEEKS)!

The Solar "weekly sabbath" was CLEARLY a FRAUD designed to replace Gods TRUE SABBATH "CORNERSTONE" with the REJECTION of the LORD OF HIS SABBATH KINGDOM, as He told us in ADVANCE was going to happen, and THIS EVIDENCE gives us GREAT HISTORICAL INSIGHT into EXACTLY HOW IT HAPPENED! Please note in the calendar below that they have COMPLETELY disregarded the SPECIAL SABBATH COMMAND given by God to END this 7 day Sabbath Feast of Passover/Unleavened bread on the 21st (Ex. 12:18, Lev. 23:6-8) and they simply begin their count on the 26th day after their FRAUD "WEEKLY SABBATH" of the 25th instead (bolded to assist you) for the sole purpose of arriving on the 15th day of their 3rd month as the TARGET for their count to fall on (the same day of the 3rd month on which they left Egypt in the 1st month according to Ex. 19:1 & 7-8, "The Day" we are commanded to "never forget" in Deut. 4:9-10). Everyone KNEW that DAY was the 15th of the month, the "same day" we left Egypt in the 1st month, but the Qumran Jews were simply trying to push a FRAUD SOLAR calendar in service to the SPIRIT of DECEPTION as their "Cornerstone"! Also note that at the end of every quarter (that is every 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month) their months are fixed with 31 days not 30 days as the rest of the months are. This means that IF Noah observed their calendar as they CLAIMED, there would have been EXACTLY 152 DAYS (and not exactly 150 days) that transpired between the 17th day of the 2nd month (Gen. 7:11 & 24) and the 17th day of the 7th month (Gen 8:2-3) that year! It was a BOLD FACED LIE! No doubt they intended to CHANGE THAT TEXT.

And thank God the Rabbi's DID NOT CHANGE IT. It's just another SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE against these FRAUDULENT CLAIMS they were making to push their SOLAR SABBATH CALENDAR FRAUD! There is no doubt they would have CHANGED that text after they were in full control as the leaders of the Jews because the "victors write the history" again, I THANK GOD He selected the Stiff Necked Pharisees (who let me point out were NOT as stiff necked as Jesus in their OBEDIENCE to God, yet) to take the people into the PROPHESIED captivity, or we would NEVER be able to ESTABLISH THE CORNERSTONE TRUTH which could set us FREE from our bondage later!

The Gentiles should (and shall) also thank God for the Pharisees who, without realizing it, preserved the CODIFIED SABBATH TRUTH of who Jesus is as the CORNERSTONE of God's Kingdom, through their own "stiff necked" suffering at the hands of the nations, so the WHOLE WORLD could KNOW the WISDOM of Gods TRUTH PLAN which will SET US FREE from world bondage and SAVE THE WORLD (Deut. 4:8, Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17, Jer. 16:19). And as a last note before we get into the specifics, please note that there are MANY SABBATHS whose DAY of the Month upon which they fell, we KNOW FOR SURE; and NONE OF THEM are listed in the Qumran calendar below! Again, the BEST EXAMPLES we have are the DAYS on which the Sabbaths fell in the 1st three Months (Ex. 12, 16, and 19 respectively). That's MORE smoking gun evidence of the COMPLETELY SATANIC FRAUD of this Qumran "Sabbath" Calendar system. I post that TRUE CALENDAR which is ESTABLISHED in the WORD of TRUTH after this one BELOW, so you can COMPARE the two IN THE WORD!

The Qumran SOLAR "CORNERSTONE" count of perpetual "WEEKS" (Shavuot) to the 50th weekday a.k.a. Pentecost (in blue, sabbaths in red, festival sabbaths of Passover, Pentecost, Day of Atonements, and Tabernacles in bold red). Please Notice there is NOT a special sabbath on the 21st of the first month to END this sabbath WEEK of UNLEAVENED BREAD which BEGAN ON a SABBATH in the EVENING after the PASSOVER is SLAIN, as God commanded (Ex. 12:17-18), after which the 50 day count of WEEKS and their WEEKDAYS to Pentecost SHOULD begin (Lev. 23:15-16). No doubt they intended to scrub those verses too. The VERY PURPOSE these texts exist is to ESTABLISH the TWO WITNESSES of the Spirit of the FATHER as the CORNERSTONE TRUTH (symbolized by the invisible New Moon) and Jesus as His PERFECT IMAGE (symbolized by the FULL MOON PASSOVER SABBATH on which he "rested" when he "finished his work") as the TRUE SABBATH LORD and God of Time!

Weekly Course Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7  
Gamul       1 2 3 4  
5 6 7 8 9 10 11  
12 13 14 15 16 17 18  
Yoyarib 19 20 21 22 23 24 25  
Yedayah  1 2 3 4 5      
Weekly Course Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7  
Harim           6 7  
8 9 10 11 12 13 14  
15 16 17 18 19 20 21  
Miyamin 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  
 Hakoz 29 30 31 32 33 34 35  
Weekly Course Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7  
Abiyah 36 37 38 39 40 41 41  
43 44 45 46 47 48 49  
50 16 17 18 19 20 21  
Eliyashiv 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  
Yakim  29 30 31          

Notice above that the Qumran Jews, who created this FRAUD CALENDAR BEFORE JESUS WAS BORN, AND HE NEVER OBSERVED, begin the count of WEEK DAYS on the first day of the week after their FRAUD SABBATH which comes AFTER THEIR FRAUD PASSOVER WEEK (even as Christians do today using Caesar's fraud calendar) which BREAKS the pattern of CONTINUITY of these 8 WEEKS. Below is their 7th Solar Month with the Day of Atonements on the 10th, Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th and the last great day on the 22nd. Note that ALL MONTHS have 30 days EXCEPT the 3rd month (above) and 6th month (not shown) which have 31 days.

Weekly Course Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7  
Imer       1 2 3 4  
5 6 7 8 9 10 11  
12 13 14 15 16 17 18  
Pethiah 19 20 21 22 23 24 25  
 Yehezekel 26 27 28 29 30      

Note that ALL the days of EVERY month fall on the EXACT SAME DAYS of the SAME WEEKS of every year and evey quarter the pattern of months REPEAT (eg. the 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th begin on the 4th day of the week)! So ALL "SABBATHS" fell on the EXACT SAME DAY of the same months EVERY YEAR! It has some SIMILARITY to the SOLAR SABBATH FRAUD CALENDAR created by Caesar in 46 B.C.E., but they are COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE "sabbath calendars" because Caesar's Sabbaths "FLOAT AROUND" and are not ANCHORED to the MONTH DAYS as both the Qumran prototype for deception AND the TRUE LUNAR CALENDAR of Gods Kingdom!

Below is a sample of the actual Lunar Calendar observed by Jesus and the Disciples before the coming of the 7th Head/10th "little horn" of Rome (Vespasian) who destroyed the Temple and changed Israel's "times and laws" (and murdered all the Saints who refused) to conform to those created by the 1st head of the Dragon-Beast, Julius Caesar, in ANTICIPATION of usurping Jesus authority and taking the world captive to his "CORNERSTONE SABBATH FRAUD" (as alluded to by John in Rev. 12:4 & 17:10). You can click this link to find more detail on this calendar.

Shavuot is Hebrew which means "WEEKS" (7 WEEKS) and Pentecost is Greek which means "50"; a reference to counting 50 days (50 WEEK DAYS). This is going to be a new concept for you but: "New Moons" WERE NEVER, AND TO THIS DAY STILL ARE NOT, "WEEK DAYS" in God's SABBATH KINGDOM! That FACT can easily be seen in Is. 66:23 and even moreso in Ez. 46:1 where New Moons are SANCTIFIED apart from Sabbath AND the 6 working days of the weeks every month. The VERY PURPOSE of this CORNERSTONE SABBATH MATH EQUATION is to establish the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT of TRUTH which Jesus came to establish through his OBEDIENCE to the SPIRIT of TRUTH as the enfleshed WORD of TRUTH, as LORD of the SABBATH TRUTH by which we know God Sanctifies us (Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), to EXPOSE Cornerstone Spirit of DECEPTION and DESTROY the Sabbath week FRAUD upon which Mystery Babylon stands and which has ENSLAVED THE WORLD!

New Moons are SANCTIFIED or "SET APART" from the days of the WEEKS and their Sabbaths and therefore NEVER COUNTED in the COUNT of PERFECT WEEKS and their WEEKDAYS; even as clearly indicated in the chart below! For this reason God mentions them separately from the sanctified Sabbaths which ARE "week days", by saying "New Moons and Sabbaths" are SANCTIFIED DAYS of the MONTHS in places like Isaiah 66:23, because they are ANCHORED CAN NOT observe Sabbaths which ARE "week days", APART from SANCTIFYING the NEW MOONS which is NOT "week days"! But God's Kingdom TIMES and LAW were promised to be CHANGED by the SEED OF SATAN after the destruction of God's Temple (by Satan's "ANTI-CHRIST" and "Mystery Babylon" religious whore and her "Seed" in GREAT APOSTASY, Gen. 3:15, Lam. 2:6, Dan. 7:25, 2 Thes. 2:3). This would be the FULFILLMENT of Israel being taken into bondage to ALL NATIONS to the Anti-christs FRAUD SABBATH KINGDOM in Satanic REBELLION to God's SABBATH-CORNERSTONE KINGDOM, from which God will bring us out from bondage in GREATER EXODUS than from Egypt (as outlined in Deut. 30:1-6, Jer. 16:14-15 and elsewhere)!

Below are the Sabbath WEEKS which Moses codified and Jesus and the Apostles observed (as did the Pharisees and Priesthood until the Temple was destroyed) to the day of Shavuot exactly 7 weeks after Passover Week, the 50th WEEKDAY a.k.a. FULL MOON Pentecost Sabbath (weekdays are in blue, sabbaths in red, New Moon, and festival sabbaths of Passover, Pentecost, Day of Atonements, and Tabernacles in bold red). Notice the count of WEEKS and their WEEKDAYS begins following the SPECIAL SABBATH of the 21st which ENDS this sabbath WEEK of UNLEAVENED BREAD which BEGAN ON a SABBATH in the EVENING after the PASSOVER is SLAIN, as God commanded (Ex. 12:17-18), after which the 50 day count of WEEKS and their WEEKDAYS to Pentecost begins (Lev. 23:15-16). The VERY PURPOSE these texts exist is to ESTABLISH the TWO WITNESSES of the Spirit of the FATHER as the CORNERSTONE TRUTH (symbolized by the invisible New Moon) and Jesus as His PERFECT IMAGE (symbolized by the FULL MOON PASSOVER SABBATH on which he "rested" when he "finished his work") as the TRUE SABBATH LORD and God of Time!

1st Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end 1st 1/4
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 1 end 3rd 1/4
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end last 1/4
2nd Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st 1/4
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 1st half
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end 3rd 1/4
  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 end last 1/4
3rd Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1, 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 end 1st 1/4
  44 45 46 47 48 49 50 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 3rd 1/4
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end last 1/4

Note that there are EIGHT IDENTICAL "SABBATH WEEKS" (all of which BEGIN ON SABBATH) between the 15th Day Full Moon Passover Sabbath on which Israel left Egypt in the 1st Month, and the 15th Day Full Moon Pentecost Sabbath in the 3rd month when they arrived at Moon Mountain to PROMISE to be God's People (Ex. 19:1 & 7-8), the day of our marriage we were told to NEVER FORGET (Deut. 4:9-10)! I have posted the same calendar above again below, not highlighting the count of Pentecost this time but rather only the Sabbaths, so you can see the symmetry of the SABBATH WEEKS and how they REQUIRE the SANCTIFICATION of "New Moon Days" (setting apart as HOLY DAYS which are NOT "week days") to be OBSERVED in God's Kingdom.

So in the 1st month the following day after this SPECIALLY COMMANDED 7th Day (Ex. 12:18, Lev. 23:6-8) ending the Feast of Unleavened bread on the 21st (which begins on the Full Moon Sabbath of the 15th, which is "Passover Sabbath"), is the 22nd. This regular sabbath is in this case, a 1st Day Sabbath beginning a count of 7 more IDENTICAL WEEKS as the Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread week which began ON SABBATH! So the 1st Day to BEGIN the COUNT of WEEKS (7 festival weeks which each begin on what would be a regular weekly sabbath, like Passover did...and the purpose is to RESTORE the SABBATH WEEKS of the COUNT to PENTECOST for our MARRIAGE COVENANT) is the 'regular' third quarter moon Sabbath. You could say this "8th Day SABBATH" of Passover/Feast of Unleavened bread week, is the 1st day which BEGINS the count of 7 more SPECIAL ("Festival") WEEKS that are IDENTICAL to Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread week, which BEGAN ON SABBATH as its 1st day, and consisting of 49 week days/sabbaths (excluding New Moons as "SET APART" from LUNAR WEEKS/WEEK DAYS) to end on the 50th DAY SABBATH of the FULL MOON of the 3rd month; the DAY which begins SHAVUOT/PENTECOST "Marriage Week" (Ex. 19:1 & 7-8)! So from the very day of the full Moon Passover Sabbath to the the DAY we were told to NEVER FORGET (for which God made SACRIFICE knowing in advance IT WOULD BE "REJECTED" AND "FORGOTTEN" so that we would know that HE, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH has SANCTIFIED US by His "WORD of TRUTH" and SABBATH is the SIGN of our COVENANT with the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Lev. 2:6, Dan. 7:25, Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), are 8 IDENTICAL "Sabbath Weeks which BEGIN ON SABBATH! The Passover Sabbath and the Shavuot/Pentecost Sabbath are ANCHORED TIED through THIS MATH EQUATION which REQUIRES the "Sanctification of New Moon" as the "KEY" count REQUIRED to "TRUE" the equation and then RECOGNIZE the CORNERSTONE "SIGN" of the otherwise invisible "Spirit of Truth" as the CORNERSTONE of God's Kingdom for which those "Full Moon" Sabbaths are the PERFECT IMAGE of our Groom of our Covenant with the Spirit of TRUTH!

This 50th day of Shavuot/Pentecost is the EXACT SAME FULL MOON SABBATH DAY of the 3rd month which began Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st month, the DAY they came out of Egypt in the 1st month being the SAME DAY they arrived at Mt. Sinai and entered the COVENANT with God in PROMISE in the 3rd month (Ex. 19:1, 7-8 & Deut. 4:9-10) ANCHORING THEM TOGETHER in a PLAN; a SABBATH KINGDOM PLAN! Again, I go over this CORNERSTONE SABBATH in far more detail HERE, where I cover not only the Qumran tradition from 2000 years ago but the tradition of other sects who CLAIM to observe the "TRUTH" of this day with NO EVIDENCE to support their TRADITIONS (like the Orthodox, Karaite, Ethiopian Jews, Samaritians, and various Christian sects who EACH observe a DIFFERENT DAY which CAN NOT BE ESTABLISHED as TRUE because they REJECT the CORNERSTONE "SIGN" of the MESSIAH who ESTABLISHED IT as TRUE through His Sacrifice as the "GROOM" of our Shavuot/Pentecost COVENANT WITH HIM)!

They arrived in the wilderness of the Moon on the SAME DAY they left Egypt the previous month where God "reveals His Sabbath" in context of giving us "Bread from Heaven" in Exodus 16. The next morning being the first day of the week count, the next "sabbath" was clearly the 22nd which ends the sabbath week of that month as it does for EVERY MONTH of the YEAR (including the Feast of Tabernacles which begins on the 15 day full moon Sabbath of the 7th month and ends on the 22nd day exactly as this revelation of Sabbath begins and ends in Ex. 16! So again, just note the sanctified "SABBATHS" of EVERY "WEEK" for ALL THREE MONTHS of these months (like all months including Tabernacles month) fall on the EXACT SAME DAYS of the Lunar Months where New Moon MUST BE SANCTIFIED!

The Sabbaths for the first 3 Lunar Months of the first Lunar Year of God's Kingdom which God Revealed to Moses and he codified, beginning with 15th Day (Full Moon) Passover Sabbath of the first month of the year in Ex. 12, followed by the 15th Day (Full Moon) Sabbath on which God promised "Bread from Heaven" in the second month in Ex. 16:1, and finally with the 15th Day (Full Moon) Shavuot/Pentecost MARRIAGE Sabbath of third month revealed in Ex. 19:1 & 7-8 which finally culminates in the 15th Day (Full Moon) Sabbath of Tabernacles when we recognize the FULL MOON is the SIGN for the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD (symbolized by the invisible "New Moon") as the CORNERSTONE IMAGE of God's Righteousness in His Kingdom!

1st Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end 1st 1/4
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 3rd 1/4
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end last 1/4
2nd Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end 1st 1/4
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 3rd 1/4
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end last 1/4
3rd Sanctified New Moon Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end 1st 1/4
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 3rd 1/4
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end last 1/4

Month 7 beginning Fall Wheat, Vegetables and Fruits harvest (15th day Full Moon Succot/Tabernacles Sabbath Feast, Lev. 23:34-36 & 39, Num. 29:35)

7th Month (New Moon) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Moon Cycle
1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 end 1st 1/4
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 end 1st half
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 end 3rd 1/4
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 end last 1/4

The 2nd and 3rd months of the 4 months listed in the chart above, [the 1st month (Ex. 12:1), the 2nd month (Ex. 16:1), the 3rd month (Ex. 19:1) and the 7th month (Lev. 23:24-36 & 39, Num. 29:35)] provide the SABBATH PATTERN for all other months which are not listed in this chart. With exception of the Day of Atonements on the 10th day of the 7th month (which will not be observed as EITHER a fast day or "sabbath" in the future according to Ezekiel) and which is tied to the Judgement and removal of the fraud sabbath and its "Lord" (as I elaborate on here), you will not find a Sabbath falling on ANY OTHER DAY of the MONTH than those listed above; namely the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of every lunar month! The COUNT of WEEKS (Shavuot) to the Sabbath DAY of Pentecost (the 50th day), establishes the LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR of our Covenant with the GOD of TRUTH as the LORD of the SABBATH who SETS US FREE FROM BONDAGE!

You saw the distress of our ancestors in you REVEALED your HOLY SABBATH to them...through Your Servant Moses. Neh. 9:9 & 14

If it were NOT "CORNERSTONE TRUTH" to establish the SIGN of our COVENANT with the God of TRUTH by which we are to KNOW that it is HE who SANCTIFIES US according to HIS RIGHTLY INTERPRETED "WORD OF TRUTH" (which reveals His "Face" as His "Image of Righteousness") to SET US FREE from our BONDAGE in "Mystery Babylon" serving the Image of Pharaoh/Satan, as the very CORNERSTONE of HIS PLAN (Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), it would be incredibly easy to DISPROVE...even as I have already disproved both the prototype Solar Calendar created by Qumran AND that which was created from it by Julius Caesar before the Temple was destroyed (to include its modern day form observed by both Jews and Christians today since the 4th century). All one would have to do is demonstrate from the BIBLE TEXT which DESCRIBES both the REJECTED CORNERSTONE Spirit of Truth AND His Sabbath "Sign" by which we KNOW that it is God who has SANCTIFIED US by His Sabbath TRUTH as our "CORNERSTONE TRUTH" (Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), that a "sabbath" EVER fell on ANY OTHER DAY than those listed in the chart above (note that the Atonements Sabbath will NOT be observed after the coming 2nd half of JUDGEMENT occurs, of which the WORD of Truth and SPIRIT of TRUTH TESTIFY as TWO WITNESSES.). But since the Spirit of God IS TRUTH, He established His plan which CAN NOT BE DISPROVED but only DENIED by those SATANIC REBELS who REFUSE TO SERVE HIM and upon whom His WRATH shall be meted out in JUDGEMENT!

As symbolic of the GROOM of our Shavuot/Pentecost Covenant (a rejected New Moon "CORNERSTONE" Spirit of TRUTH as "Lord of Sabbath" to be "enfleshed" as the "Word of Truth" and slain as a Full Moon "Passover Sabbath Lamb" as the "Lion of Judah" as He TOLD US in ADVANCE would be HOW He would take us into bondage where on the morning of the 3rd Millennial Day we will LOOK ON the IMAGE of His Righteousness and live before His Face; Hos. 5:14-6:2!) for which Sabbath is the "SIGN" (especially the FULL MOON sabbath which is the SIGN of the "PERFECT IMAGE" of the otherwise Invisible SPIRIT of TRUTH for which New Moon MUST BE SANCTIFIED so the WITNESS of the SIGNS bear WITNESS TOGETHER of the ONE SPIRIT of the God of TRUTH, the God who sent His WORD OF TRUTH as His PERFECT IMAGE of obedience to the TRUTH as a SACRIFICE according to His Kingdom Plan for which He selected and CODIFIED the Moon as the CORNERSTONE SIGN). The Sabbath is the "SIGN" by which we know we are SANCTIFIED by a GOD OF TRUTH through His Word of Truth (Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17), and the Pentecost day of our marriage with the Groom of our covenant is the "day of ALL DAYS for us NOT to forget" (Deut. 4:9-10), and which we KNOW EXACTLY what day it was (Ex. 19:1 & 7-8), and is clearly anchored to a LUNAR WEEK CALENDAR from the Passover Week, it HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN! As I demonstrate in this link with all the details, there are a DOZEN DIFFERENT "days" on which this "CORNERSTONE DAY" of Shavuot/Pentecost is observed by various Jewish and Christian groups for whom this day has any significance. Since the destruction of the Temple and CHANGING of GODS SABBATHS, NONE of them are on the 15th day FULL MOON Sabbath of the 3rd Month, the very DAY they left Egypt in the 1st month! Yet the Qumran Jews, keeping the RIGHT DAY of the "15th" of the 3rd month according to the evidence of Ex. 19:1 which is anchored to the Passover Day of the 1st month, had every intention of erasing any and all references to the Lunar Cornerstone "SIGN" to which these SABBATH events are ANCHORED in Torah once they were in power!

So as WANDERING STARS who did NOT "walk orderly", and ferocious wolves deceiving the flock, the Qumran community (and related "Essenes") had some VERY HERETICALLY CORRUPT TRADITIONS upon which they based their "Sabbath Week" observances as their CLAIM to authority. They DID AWAY with GODS MANDATED CALENDAR (in preparation for rejection of the CORNERSTONE SPIRIT who would be ENFLESHED and SACRIFICED in order to ESTABLISH the Fathers CORNERSTONE KINGDOM according to His MORNINGSTAR PLAN to SAVE THE WORLD from Satan's kindom of DECEPTION), and they created their own calendar system in service to the DECEIVING SPIRIT of Satan as the very FIRST "Synagogue of Satan"! Though their Great Festival Sabbaths all maintained the correct DATE of the MONTH, for instance Passover to be slain in the 1st month on "Preparation Day" by the end of the 14th day at evening [which (with the rise of the full moon on Gods Calendar) begins the Passover Sabbath proper of the 15th, the 1st day of the Passover week a.k.a. the Feast of Unleavened Bread], Pentecost on the 15th of the 3rd month, Tabernacles on the 15th of the 7th month etc., they certainly did NOT observe the commands regarding the SANCTIFICATION of New Moon to KNOW WHEN those GREAT "FULL MOON Sabbaths" are according to the LUNAR MONTHS, as God CODIFIED through His revelation of the SABBATH by which we are to KNOW that it is HE who SANCTIFIES US through His own Word of Truth in His own Right Hand as our High Priest King so we may recognize the SIGN of the Messiah as His own IMAGE of Righteousness; a SABBATH He REVEALS to HIS "Kings and Priests" by the hand of Moses beginning in Exodus 12 as recorded in the Masoretic Text, the Greek Septuagint, and the Samaritan Pentateuch which OBVIOUSLY PREDATE THE POLEMICAL QUMRAN WRITINGS and their FRAUDULENT CLAIM that their "weekly sabbath" anchored to their "solar calendar" had been observed from the foundation of the world (and which no doubt they planned on scrubbing any reference of the TRUE SABBATH, like the one below, from history once in power with the Beast!)!

You saw the distress of our ancestors in you REVEALED your HOLY SABBATH to them...through Your Servant Moses. Neh. 9:9 & 14

In DENIAL of the above verse and the Lunar Calendar and its associated FULL MOON "Sabbath" anchored to the SANCTIFICATION of the New Moon as God revealed beginning in Exodus 12, they claimed that a PERPETUAL 7 DAY Sabbath had been revealed and observed from the foundation of the world anchored to the SOLAR CORNERSTONE CALENDAR SYSTEM they created and claimed Noah kept (with NO EVIDENCE to support ANY of these SATANIC CLAIMS which are still taught to support ANOTHER DIFFERENT and INCOMPATIBLE SOLAR CORNERSTONE-SABBATH CALENDAR SYSTEM of DECEPTION created by Julius Caesar in service to the Spirit of Deception as the "Cornerstone" they serve!). So NO DOUBT they recognized the COMING BEAST was going to come and anchor his "change of time", which WOULD BE GIVEN INTO HIS HAND (Dan. 7:25b), to that SOLAR CORNERSTONE and they had the INTENT of eventually ERASING THOSE LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR COMMANDS from Torah ONCE IN POWER [after "marriage" to the coming "prince" they were ASSISTING in anticipation of his coming, which the Pharisees wedded instead; adopting Caesars solar "weekly sabbaths" and later in the 4th century creating the concept of "high sabbaths" (as originally done by Quman to distinguish "weekly sabbaths" from the festival sabbaths, which were also weekly but were expressly anchored to specific days of the months!) anchored to the Lunar Cornerstone in a FEEBLE TWO SABBATH CALENDAR SYSTEM in an attempt to address the Bibles Lunar Calendar Sabbath Commandments which they had been forced to BETRAY].

The Qumran Jews had contrived a VERY ELABORATELY DESIGNED SOLAR CALENDAR of fixed months where the sabbaths (a Solar year of exactly 52 "weekly sabbaths" with 26 priestly courses for their 12 Month calendar which they completely divorced from Gods 12 month Lunar Calendar and its 48 Sabbath weeks and the 24 Priestly courses which God revealed and codified through Moses) ALWAYS fell on the EXACT SAME DAYS in their respective SOLAR MONTHS (for instance, Passover always began on their 3rd day of their WEEK equivalent to Tuesday today on our DIFFERENT and COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE "WEEKLY" SOLAR CALENDAR given to us by CAESAR over 100 years after they created theirs, which was created as the PROTOTYPE for WORLD ENSLAVEMENT to a BEAST KINGDOM founded on the CHANGE OF TIMES AND LAWS to what would later be called a "christian calendar"!). They devised a solar year consisting of EXACTLY 52 WEEKS EQUALING EXACTLY 364 DAYS for which they had 26 priestly courses (supplanting the 24 courses we see in 1 Chron. 24, which they intended to change once in power). So not only did they have a different Pentecost than those who were observing the LUNAR CALENDAR (like Jesus and the Disciples were the ACCUSATION would apply to JESUS HIMSELF...they would argue that he observed the WRONG CALENDAR and therefore COULD NOT BE the High Priest-King to God) by which the Temple was run by admittedly corrupt priests in Jerusalem, but also a different Passover Festival, Day of Atonements, and Tabernacles (and ALL OTHER LUNAR SABBATHS, which INCLUDED the weekly sabbath, which they taught were ALL heretical!)!

What's interesting is they devised a Solar Calendar where their "holy days" not only fell on the same days of their associated Solar Month, but that day was ALWAYS on the EXACT same WEEKDAY of EVERY YEAR as well. This was exactly how Gods Lunar calendar works they just anchored all their sabbaths to the SOLAR CORNERSTONE in REJECTION of Gods LUNAR CORNERSTONE to be used as an anchor for ANY "sabbath". As the creators of the 1st "PERPETUAL 7 DAY SOLAR WEEK CALENDAR" for which we have ANY ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to ESTABLISH that such a "weekly system" of sabbaths EVER EXISTED (dated to about 200 B.C.E.), they were CLEARLY observing a WEEKLY SOLAR CALENDAR "SABBATH" and the "Great Sabbath" festivals COMPLETELY DIVORCED FROM THE TORAH LUNAR CALENDAR! The "Great Sabbaths" of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles whose SIGN was the 15th Day FULL MOON SABBATH of their respective months as the perfect image of the INVISIBLE SPIRIT OF GOD, which is symbolized by the SANCTIFIED NEW MOON (when NO LIGHT is seen on the moon) in GODS CODIFIED and MANDATED SYSTEM, was TOTALLY REPLACED by their FRAUD SYSTEM and celebrated on the 15th day of their Solar calendar months COMPLETELY DIVORCED from the LUNAR MONTHS CODIFIED BY GOD. And men have been kept IGNORANT of this "kingdom warfare" of WITCHCRAFT at the foundation of Biblical faith which took place 2000 years ago. The weekly solar calendar YOU OBSERVE TODAY did NOT EVEN EXIST 2000 years ago and to assume your calendar observance is what the Bible is describing, is part of the CORNERSTONE LIE which was FOISTED ON THE WHOLE WORLD to serve by Satan's ANTI-CHRIST, as prophesied!

So the Roman Calendar that did exist (where Saturday was the 1st day of the week and Sunday was the 2nd day), which was created by Julius Caesar and used in the first 3 centuries, was NOT COMPATIBLE with EITHER of those calendars...nor with the one you use today! The Solar Week calendar created by Caesar differed by at least ONE DAY EVERY YEAR. So the two different solar "weekly" calendars (Caesars and Qumran) that did exist together 2000 years ago would DRIFT away from each other by one day every year. So for instance if they shared the same "1st day of the week" one year, the following year Caesar's 2nd day of the week would be the 1st day of the Qumran week, etc.

Since we know that the priesthood in Jerusalem did not create the Julian Solar Week/Month/Year Calendar system, either the Qumran solar week calendar is the TRUE sabbath calendar or BOTH theirs AND Caesars (which was ADOPTED by the corrupt leaders of Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple as God said would happen, and as proven here) ARE FRAUDS!

As we shall elaborate on in the next section, Caesar created and implemented a 365 1/4 day SOLAR CALENDAR YEAR in 46/45 B.C.E. which is NOT equally divided by weeks as was the Qumran calendar of 364 days devised AT LEAST 100 years earlier, which was exactly 52 weeks for which they devised a 26 priestly course system (each priest family serving a 2 weeks course each year, and that was to replace the 24 course system we see in 1 Chron. 24 being used for Gods 48 week lunar year system). Thus the SOLAR SABBATH WEEKS and their DAYS for the Qumran solar week calendar, and that created later by Caesar which the world observes today, would only synchronize to share the SAME weekdays NO MORE than once every 12 years! So for example they BOTH recognize the WINTER and SUMMER SOLSTICES and the VERNAL and AUTUMNAL EQUINOXES on the SAME WEEKDAY every 6th year but they would "drift" apart by ONE DAY each year and every 4th year (Julian "leap year") and by TWO days and by more than a week every 7 years apart from an "intercalation" to RE-ANCHOR THEM to these SOLAR "SIGNS" which MARKED THEM!

They made a CLAIM to "SECRET WISDOM" as the source of the AUTHORITY they had for their supposedly "PERFECT" God given "PRIESTLY SOLAR WEEK/MONTH/YEAR CALENDAR" system they devised [no doubt based on misunderstanding and deception regarding Noah's Solar Calendar (which I cover in detail in this page), and which had been incorporated into other non canonical books like Enoch and Jubilees (probably written by their "Teacher of Righteousness") which they held in greater esteem than Torah!) and by which they made the FALSE CLAIM that the Lunar Calendar [which Jesus observed and ESTABLISHED as the STONE of TRUTH in ZION through his OBEDIENCE as the "Passover Lamb" God would provide so that we would KNOW that it is He who SANCTIFIES US according to His Word of TRUTH (Jn. 4:23-24, Ex. 31:13, Jn. 17:17)] was a "Babylonian fraud" created by wicked priests serving Babylon rather than recognizing Babylon adopted SOLOMON'S KINGDOM CALENDAR, as we discussed in this page earlier!

They CLAIMED that their PERPETUAL solar week and its sabbath was established at creation and was not anchored to the lunar cornerstone perspective of observing time. Including the five months of EXACTLY 30 days each (as deduced from the text of Gen. 7:11 & 24 through 8:3-4 discussed earlier in this page) which Noah and his sons were observing which DISPROVES the Qumran claim (as well as that of the books of Jasher and Enoch) that their 364 day year of 26 PERPETUAL SOLAR SABBATH WEEKS divorced from the LUNAR CORNERSTONE God Commanded for His Calendar, was passed down from creation (because Noah CLEARLY DID NOT OBSERVE their quarterly 31 day months according to the TEXT they NEVER GOT TO CHANGE as they CLEARLY INTENDED TO DO!), we have already addressed that TEXTUAL and MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE perspective as a SATANIC LIE from many other different angles already in this link, so there's no need to belabor that point.

Despite all the evidence which demonstrates the weekly solar sabbath is a SATANIC FRAUD, let's just ASSUME for a minute that maybe it is true... EVEN IF their claim to a perpetual weekly sabbath day was TRUE (therefore requiring the Sanctification of New Moon for ANYTHING was fraudulent and therefore ALL SUCH REFERENCES in the BIBLE TEXT would have to be REMOVED as rabbinic perversions of the text, which they ALSO assert), it has LONG SINCE been completely REPLACED by CAESAR'S PERPETUAL 7 DAY WEEK "SABBATH" system which is COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with their perpetual sabbath week!...they were NOT THE SAME DAYS OF THE WEEKS 11 out of every 12 YEARS because of the difference of 1.25 days a year "leaping" between them, and after the Constantine and Gregorian "adjustments" to 1.24 days "leaping", can NEVER BE EASILY RECONCILED to the modern day solar calendar week, as some neo Qumran religious sorcerers are now trying to do in the wake of the discovery of this ancient solar week calendar! Even IF one could find a way to reconcile the DIFFERENT "LEAP" required for their INCOMPATIBLE LENGTH of Solar Days in a year, they are STILL COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE weeks 11 out of every 12 years! Either one would have to ADMIT that Caesar's is a FRAUD and observe the Qumran Sabbath Calendar as the TRUE SABBATH Calendar which PREDATES Caesar's, OR ADMIT BOTH ARE FRAUDS as I AM PROVING with the TRUE CORNERSTONE-SABBATH "SIGN" which identifies the "Cornerstone Spirit of Truth" in God's "Word of Truth" which was "REJECTED by the BUILDERS" of MYSTERY BABYLON pictorially represented in the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45!

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY of getting around the FACT that you were born as a Spiritual SLAVE in Satan's "SABBATH" Kingdom of DECEPTION (called "Mystery Babylon" and pictorially representing the "Times of the Gentiles" in the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 2:31-45) which adopted a CORNERSTONE-SABBATH LIE as the "SIGN" for the KINGDOM SPIRIT of DECEPTION which it was created to SERVE (as the "MARK" OF BEAST WORSHIP) in service to SATAN'S CORRUPT KINGDOM which is DESTROYING THE PLANET in IGNORANT REBELLION TO THE MORNINGSTAR TRUTH as the TRUE LORD over Heaven and Earth of GODS KINGDOM! Additionally the SORCERERS TODAY trying to DECEIVE PEOPLE into believing that the Qumran Sabbath week and Caesars "sabbath week" are compatible today, are using SLEIGHT OF HAND DECEPTION. They simply IGNORE the FACT that after Constantine changed the 1st and Holiest day of the Roman week created by Caesar from Saturnsday to Sunday (as demonstrated by tons of "calendars" found in the archeological record from the 1st three centuries), and the subsequent "leap year adjustment" and re-anchoring the 25th of December to the Winter Solstice REBIRTH of the SUN GOD (the Pharaonic DRAGON) which was done by Gregorian in the 16th century, the "sabbath" first became a DIFFERENT DAY OF THE ROMAN WEEK and THEN could NEVER be reconciled to their weekly system of intercalations afterwards...these "INTERCALATIONS" were no longer RECONCILABLE to their sabbath week system by any form of MATH! For that reason they IGNORE these FACTS when doing their sleight of hand shows!

Clearly the DESIRE they had as a "priesthood" claiming authority seemed to revolve around their likewise erroneous concept that the 24 PRIESTLY COURSES of 2 weeks for each family listed in 1 Chron. 24 and tied to Gods 48 LUNAR WEEK Calendar year, was a FRAUD. The Qumran community devised a 26 priestly course system in a "PERFECT" 52 week SOLAR calendar (of 12 months having either 30 or 31 days each totaling 91 each quarter; 2 months having 30 days and 1 having 31 days every quarter totaling a 364 day solar year) so that the SABBATHS and the PRIESTLY COURSES fell on the SAME DAYS of the SOLAR CALENDAR they devised, every year, completely independent of the Lunar cycle! In this way, the same priest family would, for example, preside over the SAME SABBATH WEEKS every single solar year, FOREVER! But God devised the Lunar calendar system so that the Feasts all fell on the same lunar calendar months and weeks of every year SO THAT the priestly course would DRIFT ONE LUNAR MONTH in relation to the sabbaths EVERY LEAP YEAR as HE MANDATED. In this way the same family of priests would NOT be presiding over the same course (like for the COVETED FESTIVALS) EVERY YEAR perpetually, they would ROTATE to SHARE!

It appears the ONLY PURPOSE the lunations had in the very intricately designed "weekly priestly course system" which they had devised, was only used for the SOLE PURPOSE of ASTROLOGY and HOROSCOPES (as indicated in many places, not the least of which are found in 4Q186 & 4Q561)! They had a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT set of SABBATHS and their related FESTIVALS than those being observed in Jerusalem [by Jesus and his disciples who were NOT UNAWARE of these CALENDAR CONTROVERSIES as evidenced in their writings, like the Book of Jude...the "Wandering Stars" of Jude represent the SONS OF DARKNESS who Paul tells us would have DIFFERENT GOSPELS that cause them to "not walk ORDERLY" and would CONDEMN US WHO DO...they would NOT observe the SABBATH "TRADITIONS" Paul taught which speak ALL ABOUT the TRUE JESUS as the "Passover Lamb" slain for us and raised as "Firstfruit", and the Unleavened Bread of the PASSOVER WEEK (also known as Feast of Unleavened Bread which begins with the Passover) after which the COUNT of 7 more IDENTICAL SABBATH WEEKS (which begin ON SABBATHS) and which begins the COUNT to the PENTECOST SABBATH DAY with the SPIRIT OF TRUTH as the GROOM of our Covenant who TABERNACLES WITH US...ALL CODIFIED by Moses in the LUNAR SABBATH CALENDAR SYSTEM of Gods Kingdom (1 Cor. 15:3-4 & vs. 20, 1 Cor. 11:23-29, 1 Cor. 5:7-8)]. The DISORDERLY STARS had a SOLAR SABBATH CALENDAR SYSTEM which was practically DIVORCED from any and ALL lunar calendar commands which God had MANDATED for HIS KINGDOM which was OPENLY OBSERVED BY MOST IN ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE OF THE "CORNERSTONE TRUTH" IT DEFINES AS GODS "IMAGE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" until the destruction of the Temple and the "Great falling away", as HE TOLD US IN ADVANCE!

Then the DISORDERLY STARS serving Satan's Spirit as Lord (in Jesus' Name) came in like ravening wolves and began PERSECUTING THE SAINTS who DID OBSERVE GODS RIGHTEOUSNESS and threw Gods Stars to the Ground and STOMPED THEM TO DEATH in order to BLIND the MINDS of the WHOLE WORLD to serve the REBELLION of the 4th Beast Kingdom (Dan. 7:7 & 8:10).

Both the LEADERSHIP of the Qumran Cult AND that of the Pharisee Cult (particularly Yochanan ben Zakkai) were LEGALISTIC CULT LEADERS claiming to be HOLIER than everyone else but were clearly serving the Spirit of Deception in REBELLION to the "SPIRIT" of TRUTH, and were ANTICIPATING the coming of the BEAST and COMPLETE BETRAYAL of the GOD of TRUTH and His TIMES and laws (even as Alexander the Great had been anticipated and greeted at his coming, as we discussed earlier)! But the Qumran Cult was a far more dangerous CULT than the Rabbis who at least maintained an appearance of submission to the Torah truth and DID NOT ERASE the LUNAR SABBATH TRUTH which speaks ALL ABOUT JESUS as the REJECTED CORNERSTONE Sacrifice which God made so we could KNOW THE TRUTH and be SET FREE from our WORLD BONDAGE!

The Rabbis eventually took control of the masses and (through Zakkai) DID "MARRY" the daughter of "Mystery Babylon", the Dragon-Beast of Rome, and assisted in the changing the Times and Laws which DEFINE the IMAGE of God's Righteousness; and took the WHOLE WORLD into BONDAGE with Israel as prophesied in advance of any of it taking place, then SEALED UP until judgement as prophesied. All I can say is God was OBVIOUSLY in ultimate control because IF the Qumran community had become more powerful than the Rabbinics and they married Rome instead, they would have eventually EXPUNGED ALL REFERENCES regarding Gods MANDATED Lunar Calendar in TORAH (which had changed the whole worlds paradigm under Solomon as a PATTERN for what is coming) and which speaks about the "rejected cornerstone" becoming the "chosen cornerstone" and RECOGNIZED as the MORNINGSTAR SPIRIT of Gods Kingdom of TRUTH, the JEWS WOULD HAVE CEASED TO EXIST in any recognizable form to be graffed back together with Israel to be REDEEMED in GREAT EXODUS and given the MESSIANIC NEW COVENANT KINGDOM to SAVE THE WORLD from SATANIC REBELLION! But none of it surprised God...he told us what to expect before any of it ever happened and he sealed up the indictment and evidences to be unsealed at just the right time FOR HIS PURPOSES to be ACCOMPLISHED by HIS SAINTS!

Just like the coming of Alexander the Great was anticipated because of Daniels prophecies, likewise in preparation for a Beast who would come and destroy the city and the sanctuary and change times and laws, as he prophesied, they were working on SYNCHRONIZING a NEW SYSTEM to ASSIST THE BEAST long before he ever came to power! It appears the Qumran community and the Essenes were PROTOTYPE 'SUITORS' anticipating their "MARRIAGE" to the WORLD POWER of the ROMAN EMPIRE (which itself had been founded on the rejection of the FORMER LUNAR calendar they had observed for HUNDREDS of years, and the ADOPTION of a NEW SOLAR 'cornerstone' calendar for the DRAGON-BEAST EMPIRE); the precursor to the PHARISAIC POLITICAL 'MARRIAGE' to Rome which indeed took place with the destruction of the Temple, as prophesied that one from the tribe of 'Judah' would do.

As just another 'SORCERER CULT', a religio-Political Suitor to the SYNCRETIC SPIRIT of WORLD POWER (Satan and his SHAPE SHIFTING religio-political BEAST GOVERNMENTS), they were merely trying to incorporate the CURRENT RELIGIOUS PRACTICE of observing the 15th day of the 3rd month being practiced by ALL the sects of Jews from all over the world WHILE THE TEMPLE STILL STOOD, into their own unique calendar system of perpetual weeks, and divorcing it from the commands to count lunar weeks/days. The leader of the Pharisees took a more sophisticated POST TEMPLE DESTRUCTION approach, using a DISTORTION of the equation (regarding WHEN to BEGIN the count) and COMPLETELY IGNORING the current cultural practice and significance of the textual evidence of the equation in order to accomplish this 'sabbath wedding' of calendars in political conspiracy, which REQUIRED the SACRIFICE of the SANCTIFICATION of the NEW MOON required to recognize the FULL MOON SABBATH "SIGN" of the "CORNERSTONE" of our COVENANT as our TRUE "BRIDE-GROOM","Lord of the Sabbath" and "Morningstar" as the IMAGE of the HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH it describes to the FAITHFUL. Clearly he saw that 'times and laws' would be given into their hands according to the prophecies (Lam. 2:6 & Dan. 7:25) so their CRAFT of POLITICAL DECEPTION to create Satan's last syncretic religio-political world empire of DECEPTION, could PROSPER! He recognized "the winner writes the history" as it were...and since God wrote the history regarding His ultimate victory over ALL REBELLION, all they could do is try to HIDE the TRUTH in plain view until judgment day.


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