Carvacrol: the active component of Oregano Oil, To jump to the section of this page where I discuss my personal experience and use of Oregano Oil, it begins about a 1/4 of the way down this page. The "Research Section" follows that nearly halfway down the page. Oregano Oil is One of the BIGGEST THREATS to the GREEDY, SELF- INTERESTED, PROFIT MOTIVATED, Pharmaceutical Industry, which is feeding itself off perpetuating your illness and disease like PARASITES on the BODY of MANKIND! Big PHARMA is a POWERFUL 'MILITARY TOOL' or 'ARM' of the INTERNATIONAL BANKSTERS who want to use 'PLANDEMIC' to HIDE THEIR STRATEGIC ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, out of the ASHES of which they intend to 'MORPH' and CONTROL our NEW WORLD ORDER! Wake UP and OBEY GODS PLAN for HIS GLORY! ***Update*** As of late 2019 the Pharmacia (Medical Sorcery) "Plandemic" I have been warning for so many years would be coming on the world to fulfill the following prophecies in scripture, has now arrived. It would behoove you to begin RE-DISCOVERING and USING the NATURAL REMEDIES which God gave us to OVERCOME the 'Terrors' she has devised to ENSLAVE YOU. Please see my research on the most powerful and safe wide spectrum PANACEA we have available. Please avoid the POTIONS of the PHARMACIA SORCERERS by which they desire to STRIKE FEAR in your heart to SERVE THE SATANIC SPIRIT they serve as 'god'! Both these things will befall you suddenly one day: Bereavement and widowhood. They will suddenly befall you in spite of all your witchcraft (Pharmakeia) and the potency of your potions....Keep to your potions then, and all your sorceries (Pharmakeia), at which you have worked so hard since you were young. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will strike terror! Isaiah 47:9 & 12 I am coming to put you on trial and I shall be a ready witness against sorcerers (Pharmakos), adulterers, perjurers, and against those who oppress the wage-earner, the widow and the orphan, and those who rob the foreigner of his rights and do not respect me, says YHWH of armies. Mal. 3:5 Before getting into the body of this page dealing with Carvacrol, in the midst of the 'PLANDEMIC' I have been PROPHESYING FOR YEARS would come and is NOW HERE, I want to encourage you to IMMEDIATELY SCROLL DOWN to the last part of this Page to READ the DAMNING STATEMENTS MADE UNDER OATH in COURT DEPOSITION of the BOLD SATANIST and 'founding Godfather' of VACCINES posing as a MEDICAL "HEALTH CARE" PROFESSIONAL, which is the VERY REASON the use of Carvacrol is a virtually UNKNOWN 'PANACEA', so that you will be SENSITIZED to the SPIRITUAL BATTLE to CONTROL YOU that is REALLY TAKING PLACE before your eyes! You need to RECOGNIZE the SATANIC CONTROL AGENDA to FORCE YOU TO RECEIVE 'vaccines' (despite having NATURAL CURES FROM GOD which you are KEPT IGNORANT OF) which are created through HUMAN CHILD SACRIFICE, and which now ALSO contain GENE EDITING (CRISPR) mRNA technology, and INVISIBLE 'TATOO' technologies! It's PURE SATANISM in your FACE! |
This documentation is to PROVE the EFFICACIOUS USE of a NATURAL REMEDY for some of the MOST COMMON and DEADLY of VIRAL and BACTERIAL strains, as an argument that this NATURAL REMEDY should not only be a FIRST 'go to' RESOURCE to be used IN PLACE OF PHARMACEUTICAL influenza VACCINES and ANTI-BIOTICS, but it should also be the focus of far more research than is currently being done! Despite the lack of research available to tell us EXACTLY ALL we could POSSIBLY know about it, we have enough data to establish that Oregano Oil (Origanum Vulgare) is a TRUE PANACEA. In fact it's already ESTABLISHED by anecdotal evidences over thousands of years use, as well as by a few recent laboratory studies posted below, to be the most natural, the most economical, the safest, and the most powerful wide spectrum antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic known to mankind! As you will see in the FEW studies that I have provided in the links below, it's effective against the following POTENTIALLY DEADLY bacterium: E-coli, Staph, MRSA, Salmonella, C-diff., Campylobacter, and Botulism just to name a few! Sadly, because the pharmaceutical industry PROFITS ALONE (excluding R & D costs, ADMINISTRATIVE costs, ADVERTISING, EDUCATION and EXECUTIVE SALARIES) are currently nearly 100 Billion dollars per year, you will NEVER HEAR about these POWERFUL TRUTHs as long as they have money to throw in the direction of SILENCING and or COUNTERING such information with PROPAGANDA in order to ENSURE the SUSTAINABILITY of their 'BUSINESS'; their EXPONENTIALLY GROWING DEATH INDUSTRY and related PROFITS which are DEPENDENT on YOUR IGNORANCE, SUFFERING, AND DEATH while at the same time requiring your TACIT APPROVAL and SUPPORT for THEIR GROWTH and POWER AGENDA over the BODY of mankind. Because of ignorance, my people perish...Hosea 4:6a My Personal use of Oregano Oil As a personal note, over the years I have collected both personal anecdotal experience and ANECDOTAL testimonies from friends who have used Oregano Oil, that demonstrate that NO FLU or COLD VIRUS or internal OR external BACTERIAL INFECTION (to INCLUDE MRSA) is able to resist its powerful 'DESTROYING' effects (provided it contains a minimum Carvacrol content of 70%)! As long as you have no medical contraindications to it like allergies or conlficts with any other medications you may be taking, etc. (it's in the same family as mint, thyme, basil and sage so check with your doctor or pharmacist), it's the SAFEST and MOST POWERFUL all natural wide spectrum antiviral and antibiotic known to mankind! My source is 86% (or higher) Carvacrol content (and less than 2% Thymol). I will usually dilute 8-12 drops (as often as every 6-8 hours dependent on stage/severity, and as needed) in a Tablespoon of carrier oil like Olive or Coconut Oil and take it internally (taken after a light snack and chased by a little water 'cause it BURNS). Often if I catch it early enough, like at the onset or first suspicion of a viral or bacterial infection like a little sniffle, a cough or scratchy throat, but before any more severe symptoms like body aches or bowel discomfort, diarrhea and/or fever and viola, one dose of 8 drops and I'm cured! But even if for some reason I catch it late and begin taking it only after more severe symptoms and have to use the maximum dose of 10-12 drops 3-4 times every 24 hours, within 72 hours I'm completely well again! So far I have NEVER had to use it more than 3 times a day (every 6 hours) for 3 days, and had nothing but GOOD RESULTS for even the MOST SEVERE and SUDDEN ONSET of illness (which I believe was an otherwise LETHAL case of food poisoning, likely salmonella but possibly botulism, which came on SUDDENLY and VIOLENTLY)! You will KNOW it's working by the second day when your condition IMPROVES SIGNIFICANTLY! I also take 4 drops any time I need a prophalactic boost to my immune system, like if I'm going to be visiting hospitals or nursing homes or go into the homes of people who are ill or I'm in densly populated places or events for extended periods. In such cases I have taken 2 drops a day for 2 months with no issues. I am VERY COMFORTABLE in using Oregano Oil but I suppose everyone's system is a bit different. My MAX DOSE works out to 1 drop per 20lbs of my body weight and I personally have NEVER TAKEN more than that in a single dose. As a prophylactic I use 1 drop per 50lbs of weight. You should also certainly EXPERIMENT until you FEEL COMFORTABLE with it's SAFETY and EFFICACY as a PANACEA for VIRUS' and BACTERIAL INFECTIONS as well! Now let's begin the more formal science aspect of this page with a couple of articles that sort of summarize all of the rest of the anecdotal evidences of various people's experience, and following that, all the lab studies I've compiled. This is an article discussing the 'Vaccine industries biggest threat', Oregano Oil Afer I requested it, WalMart used to carry a brand called 'Gurunanda' which wasn't bad, but after I linked it to this page they pulled it off the shelves. Another source which has been the BEST supplier I've found over the years, is a company called Zane HELLAS in GREECE which is available and shipped through Amazon here!); they offer a spectrolosis to GUARANTEE the CARVACROL content of each batch. If I were you, wanting to secure a supplier for Oregano Oil for my use and that of family and friends, I would find SEVERAL GOOD SOURCES which ship directly from the Mediterranean where ORIGANUM VULGARE is WILD HARVESTED and STEAM DISTILLED. There are plenty of good sources in France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey. You can also purchase seeds, cultivate, and steam distil your own! Now for some of the actual research studies: Oregano Oil cures BACTERIAL INFECTIONS: This study demonstrates the efficacy of Oregano Oil on E-coli This study demonstrates the efficacy of Oregano Oil against E-coli This study demonstrates the efficacy of Oregano Oil on E-coli This study demonstrates the efficacy of Oregano Oil on E-coli This is a study proving the efficacy of Oregano Oil on Staph infections (Staphylococcus bacterium) This study demonstrates that Oregano Oil kills C-diff This study demonstrates that Oregano Oil kills Campylobacter (food poisoning bacteria) This study discusses carvacrol inhibibiting growth of Botulism Oregano Oil DESTROYS VIRUS' and viral infections: Oregano Oil kills PARASITES This study proves Oregano Oil kills the intestinal parasite Giardia This study shows that Oregano Oil kills Tapeworm larvae Oregano oil kills FUNGI This study demonstrates Oregano Oil kills Candida Albicans This study shows that Oregano Oil kills Candida fungi
Pulling back the veil of the SATANIC AGENDA Finally, some of the most DAMNING of evidences of the GREED and CORRUPTION of the PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY come INADVERTENTLY right out of the mouth of Stanley Plotkin (A.K.A. the GODFATHER of VACCINES) during a videotaped court deposition done on Jan. 11, 2018 in the Circuit Court in Oakland County, Michigan. In this deposition he admits to the Billions of dollars the industry makes annually (and the unspecified Millions he himself has personally made). He also admits to the lack of any studies being done to assure there is no link between vaccinations (or their ingredients) and the apparent rise in Autism, or their possible association with other illness AND DEATH. While at the same time admitting that there are NO STUDIES being done to rule out vaccines as a link to the rise in autism and other related syndromes and death in a significant percentage of recipients, he also admits to his own part in creating PROPAGANDA ORGANIZATIONS (at least one) which he expressly stated were designed to counter (or OPPOSE, 'satan' in Hebrew) the 'anti-vaxers' by 'proving them wrong' (PROPAGANDA being the admitted 'proof')...this of course is aided by the fact that there is NO WILL ON THE PART OF THE INDUSTRY TO EVEN KNOW if they are wrong or not. The ONE company in question was also set up to APPEAR that there was no 'conflict of interest' by receiving any DIRECT funding from any Pharmaceutical company, and yet it WAS and CLEARLY HAD conflicts of interest...it was exposed in THIS DEPOSITION as a PAID PROPAGANDA MAGAZINE for BIG PHARMA posing as an UNBIASED third party rag! It's all PARLOR TRICKS and ILLUSION with these GREEDILY SATANIC DRUG SORCERERS! He also admits that despite the fact that "only 2" healthy Human Baby fetuses were SELFISHLY SACRIFICED (aborted) after the first trimester were used to create the MRC-5 and WI-38 diploid cell strains (during his initial research work as 'God Father' of the new and burgeoning Pharmacuetical Vaccine Industry in the 60's and 70s) and used in the creation of at least 4 vaccines being used today, and Human Albumin IS an INGREDIENT of these vaccines currently in use, there were obviously UNSPECIFIED hundreds, thousands, or POTENTIALLY EVEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of such healthy baby SACRIFICES (abortions) which he ADMITTED to having been one of the persons responsible for the decision to subsequently 'harvest' (CUT OUT) their internal organs and even their tongues (where he chuckles gleefully in the deposition) and have them "CHOPPED INTO TINY PIECES" in order to develop that line of 'only two' strains! RESEARCH USING HEALTHY SACRIFICIALLY MURDERED BABY FETUS' CONTINUES TO THIS VERY DAY (even for things like FLAVORING AGENTS for FOOD) and it's a common product for COSMETICS like LIPSTICK! The most DAMNING STATEMENT of all gives us INSIGHT into the SATANIC ORIGIN of the entire concept when he indicates the DECISION MAKING PROCESS of the industry THINK TANK he was involved in when he intimates that he is an atheist and has no fear of God or hell, but for those who do he's willing to 'go to hell' for them because that's the DEAL that was made with the CATHOLIC CHURCH to make it appear LEGAL for them to 'BENEFIT' from the 'NECESSARY VACCINES' produced from the SACRIFICIAL MURDER of BABY'S, and the INJECTION of their HUMAN REMAINS into their own bodies under the GUISE of 'medicine' because the Catholic Church says that it's Plotkin who's really the one 'responsible' (for the SACRIFICE of BABY'S and their INJECTING THEIR HUMAN REMAINS INTO THEIR OWN BODIES)...he goes on to state: 'The idea was to study the cell strains from fetuses TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THEY COULD BE USED TO MAKE VACCINES." One has to ask themselves: WHAT EVER GAVE HIM and the OTHER BOARD MEMBERS with whom he was DISCUSSING THIS 'BRILLIANT IDEA' as the "GODFATHER" of the SYSTEMIZED VACCINE INDUSTRY, to even CONSIDER supporting the SELFISH SACRIFICE of unborn baby's in order to PROCURE THEM and CHOP THEM INTO TINY PIECES just to see "WHETHER OR NOT" they could also INJECT THOSE SACRIFICED HUMAN REMAINS into other HUMAN BEINGS (particularly those with a MORAL CONSCIENCE unconvinced by the rhetoric of SATANIC PRIESTS giving them 'absolvtion from GUILT' for playing a CONSUMER PART in the SELFISHLY SATANIC SACRIFICE of BABY'S and the CONSUMPTION of their HUMAN REMAINS in the form of INJECTIONS under the GUISE of 'necessary medicine')...and WHY WOULD THEY? What would MOTIVATE such a DESIRE to THINK like that? Outside of a SINISTER SATANIC OCCULT MEETING, who would sit around thinking about how to incorporate these sorts of UNCONSCIONABLE PRACTICES into the CONSUMER PRODUCTS of a GOVERNMENT/KINGDOM SYSTEM? Who sits around thinking about how to incorporate the most HEINOUSLY UNCONSCIONABLE PRACTICES to sort of 'NORMALIZE' such DEVIANT BEHAVIOR? And WHY would anyone EVEN CONSIDER that one should NOT have a TRULY INFORMED CHOICE in the matter or that OBJECTIONS should be considered 'unconsionable'? If one becomes aware and they CHOOSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE in this SATANIC PRACTICE, why should they be 'DEMONIZED' through PROPAGANDA as the 'evil ones' for REFUSING TO SUPPORT A CODIFIED 'SYSTEM' OF BABY SACRIFICE and the CONSUMPTION of their HUMAN REMAINS...EVEN IF they believed it were "only TWO babies" who were SACRIFICED and CHOPPED UP and ONLY their REMAINS are what is 'regenerated' for use FOREVER???!!! The entire 9 part video taped court deposition (each segment about 1 hour long), can be found on youtube beginning with the 1st section here. Here's a link to the entire written transcript of the deposition. I just want to pull up one quote from that lengthy expose as an end note, here. On page 345 line 6 of the transcript the attorney for plaintiff asks: "Are you aware that one of the objections to vaccination by the Plaintiff in this case is the inclusion of aborted fetal tissue in the development of vaccines and the fact that it's actually a part of the ingredients of vaccines?" to which Plotkin responds in line 11: "Yea, I'm aware of those objections. The Catholic Church has actually issued a document on that which says that individuals who need the vaccine should receive the vaccines, regardless of the fact, and I think it implies that I am the individual who will go to hell because of the use of aborted tissues, which I am glad to do." Here's a short video clip of Plotkin answering this question at about minute 5:08 Again I would like to point out the inadvertant admission that there was NO REASON for believing that aborted fetal tissues COULD (let alone should) even be used for ANY REASON AT ALL! It was apparently some SATANISTS at a meeting one day that said: 'hey, let's not only get these women to elect to murder their own babies, but LET'S FIND A WAY TO MAKE MONEY ON IT AND INVOLVE THE WHOLE HUMAN POPULATION BY PUTTING IT IN THEIR VACCINES AS A 'NECESSARY' INGREDIENT (AND ALSO IN THEIR COSMETICS AND FOOD SUPPLY!). The following admission in that same section of the video tape, beginning at about 2:45 is: 'The idea was to study the cell strains from fetuses TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THEY COULD BE USED TO MAKE VACCINES." It seems to be quite a CONVENIENT RELATIONSHIP between those SATANIC 'TARES' who POSE AS PRIESTS OF GOD giving absolvtion from GUILT to those they DIRECT to SUPPORT creating a SUPPLY DEMAND FOR ABORTIONS (murder of babies) in order to continue 'RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT' for SATANIC ATHEISTS who are PLAYING GOD (and who don't mind 'going to hell' for it) and 'health care professionals' while KEEPING YOU IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH, and even USING PROPAGANDA TO DECEIVE YOU REGARDING TRUTH as CAUGHT ADMITTING in THIS DEPOSITION! May I suggest they're ALL probably HIGHLY INVESTED in MEDICAL and PHARMACEUTICAL 'R & D' frauds, administrative frauds, propaganda frauds, and even STOCK FRAUDS doled out to INVESTERS, which all exist and are competely DEPENDENT ON YOUR IGNORANCE of how things REALLY WORK in this GODLESSLY CORRUPT SYSTEM, to include THESE OPEN SACRIFICES TO SATAN, in order for them to LIVE LUXURIOUSLY in their current 'heaven on earth', which is a HELL ON EARTH they are creating for the rest of us! And FINALLY, please watch this EXPOSE of the LATEST FAST TRACKING of BIG PHARMA'S WORLD WIDE VACCINATION PROGRAM they are going to FORCE ON YOU despite the FACTS! It's PURE DEMONIC ACTIVITY at the HIGHEST LEVELS of WORLD POWER! THE GLOBAL VACCINE CONSPIRACY EXPOSED 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Back to 'Big Pharma' DRUG SORCERERS WAR on mankind page See God's ancient, now UNSEALED PLAN for WORLD SALVATION, here!
Legal Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor nor am I giving medical advice.